- 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟹 : 𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 -

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"prince niki? it's your turn to go out, please follow me" and with that haneul was left alone in the throne room waiting for it to be her turn to enter. she was nervous. it has been about 3 years since she has attended these annual balls as the past few years she was either sick or she was out of the kingdom. minutes felt like hours as the princess was trying to stop her self from freaking out. she wanted to walk into the room with a poker face on.

finally, mr yoo came into the throne room ready to escort the princess towards the ball room where the event was being held. while walking, the male noticed the nervousness on haneuls face. "princess haneul? are you okay?" mr yoo asked caringly. "yeah i'm just nervous it's been a while since i've attended these balls" the female explained which earned an understanding nod from him. "don't worry, the past few years the kingdoms were always asking about you so they'll be happy to see you attend this year" and with that they've arrived infront of the huge ballroom door. the princess greeted the guards and she heard a faint introduction of her from the inside. then moments later the doors opened.

as if everything was happening slow motion, the princess walked on the path that led to stairs which had a platform at the top. everything was silent. everyone didn't know what to say, they didn't know what to do except giving the princess a bow when she passed by. everyone was frozen - as if they were enchanted.

when haneul finally reached the platform, the room was still silent and the only thing that could be heard was the faint music in the background. the princes were clearly annoyed at everyone because how can you not be when everyone is staring at your sister with wide eyes and have their jaws dropped on the floor? wanting something to happen, heeseung cleared his throat almost aggressively which cause the majority to come back from their trance. although there was still individuals that still haven't moved, for example the princes of the kingdom in the south. the king gave a general greeting and told them to enjoy the night. with that the party had started.

a few of the royal family's came and greeted the siblings and kings, but other than that the first hour of the party nothing interesting really happened. until, the princess locked eyes with someone. immediately she looked towards the king and asked if she could go down. looking at the desperate but excited expression on the princess's face, he approved and with that she quickly climbed down the stairs and almost ran to the area where she saw her best friends. princess areum from the kingdom of belift and princess chae from the kingdom of iand.

the princess noticed that their friend was coming their way and immediately started to jog towards her. when they met her they were in a huge group hug which caused a lot of smile to be seen on the faces in the grand room. for the next few hours they caught up with each other and greeted more royals, until each of them had to go back as requested form their fathers. during this time, the dance floor was full as the main dance was starting. because of this, haneul also decided to go back on the platform but before she could a figure stopped her.

"princess haneul? greetings, i'm prince changmin from the kingdom of the south - may i have this dance?" the prince introduced. haneul wanted to decline but that would be rude and she didn't want to have more beef with their kingdom than they already do. but she didn't want to accept it either as she was uncomfortable with them for the exact same reason, the beef and tension. fortunately, before the female could say anything, jungwon came and saved her, telling the south prince that he needed to discuss things with her. the prince nodded and left but before he did that he took haneuls hand and kissed the back of it which angered jungwon. luckily, haneul pulled him towards the platform before he could do anything that he would regret.

when they were nearly there, someone purposely bumped haneuls shoulder, hard, but luckily jungwon was infront of her so he didn't see the rude action. looking at the person, the princess slightly rolled her eyes but didn't make it obvious as it was princess sojung from the south kingdom. deciding to ignore it, haneul proceeded to go on the platform and stayed there till the party ended.

Author - we reached 500 reads!! here's an extra chapter as a thank you <33 stay safe and thank you for reading❤️

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