- 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷 : 𝚠𝚊𝚕𝚔 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 -

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"HEY! stop! NIKIII!" shouted haneul, the only female excluding the caretakers of the castle.

"HAHAHAHAHA! COME CATCH ME FIRST" the wanted prince yelled back. it seems that niki has stolen one of haneul's favorite stuffed animal and now is being chased around by the desperate owner.

"NIKI! it's not funny anymore!" haneul panted out, tired from all the running she did. disappointed about not getting back her beloved toy, she sadly walked back to her grand room in the middle of the glamorous castle.

however, getting back was going to be harder than she thought. while chasing niki, she forgot about the injury in her leg which she got from reasons which she can't let her brothers know.

"ow...ouch...ow...ouch" haneul quietly whimpered. thankfully a trusted caretaker, ms. seo, saw the pain the royal was in and assisted her to her room.

"if your trying to cover up your injury, you are doing a horrible job" commented ms seo. "how did get you hurt your leg this time?"

"from training again" sighed haneul. "i was practicing jumping from one rocky part of the river to another, slipped because of the wet rocks and my leg got caught in between these two rocks." further explained the beauty.

"does the princes know? or the king?" "no, well not yet anyways. none of them have noticed yet thankfully. i plan to keep quiet so none of them notice" haneul said, earning a nod from the helpful female.

"too late" said a stern and disapproving voice, one that clearly belonged to the eldest of the siblings, prince heeseung.

alarmed, haneul lifted her head up and was nearly as surprised as she was scared to see all her brothers standing there with unreadable facial expressions on.

"o-oh! y-your all here! i thought you guys were in the game room" haneul nervously stuttered , knowing what was coming. subconsciously, she tightened  her grip on ms seo's arm.

"we were but niki came in with one of those dolls and told us he felt bad for making you run all the way to the other side of the castle and dragged all of us to you so he could apologize because apperently he needs support you know he also said he was nerv-" prince sunoo, the sunshine, ranted but was unfortunately silenced by sunghoon who hadn't taken his deep eyes off his beloved sister.

"what injury are you talking about? why haven't you told any of us? is it bad? does it hurt? how did you get it? do you fe-" this time, prince jay was silenced by jungwon, the best fighter in the kingdom despite his young age. even if jay was quite disappointed that haneul had hid something, he couldn't help but worry about her.

"haneul? anything you want to tell us?" heeseung sternly said while looking at haneul who was trying to stand without ms seo' s help, but ultimately failed.

haneul looked down, not knowing what to say and to be honest she was quite intimidated having all her brothers eyes on her.

"ms seo, you can leave now we will take her" jake said and right after ms seo bowed and gave a silent apology to haneul  as she left her.

"how many times have we told you to not go to the river or at least go alone?" heeseung scolded haneul, who was being carried by jake to her room everyone following.

"a lot" haneul quietly said. "exactly and you decide to ignore us and still go. now look at you! your hurt and i don't know how bad but if it's really bad i swear haneul you are not allowed out of the castle for a year" heeseung continued "i'm sorry i was bored and i couldn't find any of you so i decided to go ou-"  "but you shouldn't have! even if you were bored you should have told us you were HURT!" heeseung shouted causing haneul to flinch and hide deeper in jakes arms. sensing her discomfort jake decided to stop his hyung.

"hyung that's enough. i think she gets it now. she's shaking a bit, let her off easy this time" "but we let her-" heeseung tried to argue back but was stopped when he heard a sniffle from jake, no from haneul. at this point they have reached her room and jake had placed the princess on her bed before she quickly hid under the blanket.

surprised jay ran to her. "does it hurt? should i get the doctor? or is it heeseung? should i scold him?" "can you call doctor park please?" haneul asked. "of course! i'll tell him to come as fast as possible!" and right after jay bolted out of the room with niki, Sunoo and jungwon following him, equally as worried as him.

meanwhile heeseung was in the corner, a sad aura surrounding him. unfortunately for him, haneul sensed his sadness.

"heeseung? can you come here?" haneul quietly questioned. as if he teleported heeseung was next to her, but before she could say anything - heeseung attacked her with apologies and it seemed as if they were not going to stop soon.

"i'm sorry haneul i'm really sorry i didn't mean to make you cry i'm really sorry please forgive me i was just worried an-" but before he could say anything else, haneul cut him off with a tight hug, heeseung hugged back just as tight.

"thank you for caring for me. but you don't need to worry anymore i've grown up" haneul explained. "next time i'm going out i'll tell one of you, i promise" when haneul was talking she felt 2 extra pairs of arms wrapping her in a tender and warm embrace.

"princess haneul?" the royal familys trusted doctor, doctor moon, said while he came into the room. "what did you hurt this time?" "my leg but it wasn't as bad as when i cut it open" answered the questioned beauty. chuckling, dr moon replied "haah you should stop hurting yourself" "i'll try...do you know when dad comes back?" "i believe the king comes back in a week, so you're lucky this time princess"

with that, the doctor asked everyone to leave the room so he could examine the princesss' injury. luckily for her, it was only a sprained ankle that would heal in a week.

but little did she know, it would be the time in her life where she would feel the most protected, by the guards outside of the castle but also by her brothers, inside of the castle.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟕 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 | enhypen Where stories live. Discover now