- 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼 : 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚎 -

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as much as sunghoon didn't want to, he had to wake the princess who was in dreamland up. as they were nearing the castle the prince shook the princess up.

"haneul-ah, love? it's time to wake up we are home" one thing haneul is good at is waking up which was unusual. as soon as sunghoon spoke she was awake. they both got off and haneul went up to go get dressed as it was nearing the time of their dinner. the family don't usually have dinners with the king as he was understandably busy, he is always taking care of all the problems that was happening in the kingdom. however, the past few days he was extra busy as a kingdom situated south of the kingdom of enha was showing signs of wanting to start a war. this land hasn't been involved in a war in almost 38 years so the king was quite worried, especially since he had 8 children to look out for. the reason why the king was stressing out about a possible war this much even if they had the strongest fleet of men in the area, was because of his kids. they were excellent fighters all of them, even haneul. but as a dad he would want to keep them out of any sort of danger.

finally when haneul was done dressing up in the gown with the help of her caretakers she was escorted towards the dining room by the family's trusted butler, mr yoo. mr yoo has been working under this royal family way before heeseung was born so the siblings really saw him as their uncle. he is a thoughtful man that is always looking out for them and always made it clear to everyone that he was there if they needed him. he was the man that had saved haneul from a lot of confrontations with her brothers about where she went so she was especially thankful for him.

"you look beautiful as always, princess haneul" mr yoo complimented the female, to which she replied with a bright smile. as they passed the other caretakers and guards that were roaming the castle, mr yoo noticed how each of them were in awe as they stared at the beauty walking past them. but mr yoo found this understandable as the princess's beauty was no joke. whenever he was checking up on the rooms and making sure everything's in place inside the castle walls, he would always hear them complimenting either the youngers beauty, her kind actions towards them or her cute and embarrassing moments. overall, everyone really loved the caring princess. not just the people within the castle but also the outside.

as they stopped outside the grand door of the fancy dining room, haneul asked the guards standing outside to not open it just yet as she had to check something important before going in.

"mr yoo? did i walk normally coming here?" haneul asked the man who was infront of her reading to open it. "well no not really. there were times where you walked slower than usual but the king won't notice, hopefully" mr yoo confirmed to the beauty. with that mr yoo opened the door to the dining room and she immediately noticed how everyone was there except for her. but the first person she made eye contact with was her father, the person who supported her through everything.

"my king, princess haneul has arrived" mr yoo introduced the female as he bowed to the powerful individual. with that, the male left while the princess bowed to the king who was looking at her adoringly. "ahhh my daughter how have you been?" the king kindly welcomed his only daughter while motioning to her to approach him. "i've been good dad how was your visit to the kingdom of engenee?" haneul asked as she walked into the warm fatherly embrace of the king. "it was good. our alliances are still strong, but you wanna know something?" the king asked the princess who was now sitting in her seat between jake and sunoo, right now the caretakers were putting the plates of food infront of the family as some of them started to eat with the 'go ahead' signal from the king.

"what is it?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟕 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 | enhypen Where stories live. Discover now