- 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟽 : 𝚏𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚛 -

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when haneul woke up, she felt really weird. she felt warmer than usual and when she tried to sit up, the princess got a huge headache causing her to lie back down. thinking she was just tired because of yesterday, the female decided to go back to sleep and wait for someone to wake her up. after a while, she heard someone open the door to her room causing her to open her eyes and when she did, ms seo was coming towards her. the older was quite confused to why the princess was still in bed because usually haneul has good self control over going back to bed, but that changed today.

"princess haneul? are you okay?" the care taker said while opening the curtains on the other side of the room. "i'm feeling a bit weird today ms seo" the younger replied but was surprised by how raspy her voice sounded. ms seo quickly walked over to haneul and touched her forehead and immediately felt how the temperature was higher than normal. "oh my princess, your temperature is really high. let me go get medicine and your breakfast for you" and with that, the caretaker quickly went out of the room. this was very unusual as the princess rarely got sick.

a few moments passed and suddenly the door slammed open and all her brothers rushed inside, panick visible on their faces. "haneul!" "omg how do you feel?" "does your head hurt?" everyone started bombarding her with questions, making her headache even bigger. "guys stop please your making my head hurt even more" the female said, causing them to shut up in an instant. the door opened again and ms seo came in with a few more caretakers with food, medicine, a bowl with water and a small towel. before approaching the princess, all of them bowed to the princes present before helping up the tired girl into a sitting position so she could eat her breakfast.

while she was doing that, jake suddenly spoke up in a sad tone. "i'm sorry haneul, this is all my fault. if i had stopped you from playing in the water you would've never gotten sick, i'm really sorry" "you let her play in the water?!!" everybody except jake yelled, startling the female and she knew jake was going to get a scolding any moment now. however, haneul decided to speak up before her brothers could start. "it's not your fault, it was my choice to play in the water and if you did tell me to stop, i wouldn't have so it's okay" the female said while smiling, shortly continuing eating to eat her breakfast.

the princes decided to have their breakfast with their sister as they thought not having her in the dining table with them was not right so they got their food brought tot he princess's room. while they were chatting with each other, mr yoo came in. "princes the king has asked you to train today so please get ready as soon as possible. also, princess haneul, the king wanted to tell you to rest up as much as possible. he wasn't able to tell himself as he is busy" hearing this, the young males were hesitant on leaving their sister in the condition she was in. "mr yoo one of us has to stay with haneul" heeseung said which earned him a nod from the said individual. "oh of course. however, prince jungwon cannot stay with the princess as he was requested by the king to help with training" mr yoo informed them which caused jungwon to frown.

after a while, heeseung was chosen to stay with haneul and before the rest left, they all bid their sister a warm goodbye.

for the rest of the day, heeseung was next to haneul making sure she had everything she needed while keeping her entertained. the night was starting to come so heeseung decided to tell the female some of his stories and that started a deep talk between the two. "heeseung, what if i was hiding something from you? like what if i was doing something that you wouldn't like?" the girl asked suddenly which caused the olders eyebrows to crash. "why are you asking?" "i'm just curious" haneul said as casually as she could. "well i guess i would be angry at first and hurt but i'll support you. always" hearing this from heeseung reassured the princess about the fact that she would have to let them know about her training sooner or later.

it was getting later and the females eyes were getting heavier and heavier as she listens to the angelic voice of her brother, singing her into dreamland. finally, her eyes shut. noticing this, heeseung smiled warmly and made sure she was comfortable with her blankets properly covering her and before he left he kissed her forehead and whispered quietly.

"i hope you're not hiding anything from me haneul. please don't hide anything"

Author - hello everyone! here's a heeseung x haneul moment!! i've decided that i'm not gonna have set days to upload  because i can't stick to schedules hehehe so the upadates are going to be random - stay safe and thank you for reading❤️

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