- 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟼 : 𝚏𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 -

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"but what if she ends up like mom? mom is gone because of the thing haneul wants to do..."

"jungwons right hyung, i can't loose haneul like how we lost mom. i can't go through the pain again" sunghoon pleaded desperately, something that he rarely does.

- flashback -

"mom you're going to win right?!" all her beloved children stared up at her with questioning eyes. "i'll try my best for you guys, i love you" she chuckled while as her kids all hugged her tight. the assistants were double checking all her safety gear is on properly before the queen could go on the royal horse riding competition that happens every 10 years.

"everyone, please be ready on your horses so the competition may begin" the commentator announced through the speakers and with that cheers from everyone in the crowd filled the air. "go mom! go mom!" the siblings of the kingdom of enha cheered which caused the queen to smile. "i want to be like mom one day!" the youngest of the siblings said excitedly which caused reactions from everyone as she was quite loud. "yes haneul! when you do become like mom i'll cheer you on super loud" sunoo shouted.

"get ready majesties! ready...set...go!" and with that the signal to go went of and the cheers from the crowds grew louder. the queen of enha and the queen of the south kingdom was way ahead of the other royals as they battle it out to win first place. all of a sudden, one of the two horses collapsed and it brought the queen of enha flying as the south kingdom raced towards the finish line. gasps were heard from the crowd as the queen was lying on the ground, looking lifeless. "mom?! mom?!" all of the siblings started screaming. the supporters of the south kingdom cheered as their queen won, completely ignoring how the other royal was on the floor nearly unconscious. thankfully, the other royals competing stopped to assist the fallen royal and was equally as worried as everyone else as some of them were good friends with her. the medics escorted the queen out as the rest of her family quickly followed after her.

at this point, the south kingdom was getting their award for winning but no one was paying attention as their mind was too occupied with the queen of the beloved kingdom was injured.
honestly, the south kingdom had a bad reputation with the other kingdoms unlike the kingdom of enha, who was loved by everybody because of their support towards their surrounding kingdoms.

the competition ended with everyone being worried instead of them being happy or excited about the results. every kingdom, except the south kingdoms, asked for the condition of the queen as soon possible, as they were genuinely worried for her.

as the doctors was trying their best to save the queen, they knew that the impact she had with the ground was too hard for it to only be a minor injury. after a while, they had done everything they can to try to keep her heart beating, but they were unfortunately unsuccessful. as the doctors tried to break the news to the rest of the royal family, haneul bursted into the room where her mother's body lay.

"mom! wake up!" she shouted as the guards came to try and stop her from going over to the body "please mom be okay! please you can't leave us! you can't leave me please!" the little girl said while being dragged out. "haneul..." the king started "will mom be okay?" the female asked quietly
"i asked if mom will be okay!? answer me!"

shock was evident on all the 8 faces in the room. never in her life haneul has ever raised her voice.

"sorry i didn't mean too" she apologized while bowing deeply to the special person, her father, and before anyone can say anything else, she ran out of the room.

breaking the news to the other kingdoms, everyone was devastated and unconsciously their dislike for the south kingdom increased, as everyone knew that they had something to do with this. the kingdom of enha was filled with sorrow with the loss for the rest of the year and everyone had noticed how the princes were now more protective over the princess, understandably.

- end of flashback -

snapping out of the painful memory, heeseung explained his point "i know, we all were in too much pain but us not letting haneul do what she wants will push her away from us even more than if she were to be with mom."

Author - i'm kinda sad :( i did my tests today and i think i messed up on my french one AHHHH im scared but my maths one was okay? idk but i'm hoping for the best second i know that the last chapters were really short but i thought that if i put them together they were going to be wayyyyyyy too long so i separated them i hope that okay? - stay safe and thank you for reading ❤️

i noticed that all of my notes at the end of the chapters are always about me so how about we do qotd?

- ↱ QOTD ↲ -
who's your bias and bias wrecker in enhypen?
☻︎ mine is jungwon but the other 6 are my bias wreckers (hehehe i can't choose) ☻︎

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