- 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟶 : 𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚎 -

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"princess haneul? it's time to wake up now" the caretaker woke up the tired princess up because it was finally time for her to go and visit the children at the orphanage. however, waking up was harder than haneul though which was unusual as she was never a heavy sleep. but she wasn't a light sleeper either.

after the caretaker left the females room so she could get ready privately, haneul finally had gotten out of her bed and went into her bathroom to do her buisness. with the help of ms seo and other caretakers she was done getting dressed to go and meet the kids. every month, the princess has the chance to visit the kids at the orphanage and become their big sister for a day. haneul wished she could visit them more often as they make her feel so free and normal. but it was hard enough to convince the king to let her go once a month so she knew the chances of her seeing them more was slim to none. it's not that the king was embarrassed or disgusted by the children, it's just that he was worried if haneul does get too attached to them, it could hurt them both in the future.

"now where are you going this time?" just when she was about to close her door and make her way towards the front gate where a carriage was prepared to take her, niki had appeared and questioned the female in a sassy manner. "i'm going to visit the kids today" haneul explained "oh! okay i'll see you later then, make sure you say hi to them for me...wait who's coming with you?" the older questioned "mr yoo will be coming with me today as ms seo can't because she had to help with the preparations" "oh okay bye then i'll get going" and with that the princess was off to the village. during the entire ride she could stop smiling as she was really excited to spend some time with the children.

when the princess has arrived, the owner of the orphanage came out and greeted the princess with a deep bow. "princess haneul it's a pleasure to see you again the kids are waiting inside" and with that the owner led her to the kids.

"haneul unnie/ haneul noona" the kids screamed as soon as the princess was in their view. they quickly ran and embraced her tightly. "hey guys! how have you been?" the older cheerfully questioned. "we are doing good oh! i almost forgot we have something for you! close your eyes please!!" the youngest one who was six years old exclaimed. listening to the youngers request the princess followed. she could hear the little footsteps of the kids as they get the thing they have made for haneul. having her hands infront of her in a bowl form, the kids places something in it.

when haneul opened her eyes, she could feel a stinging sensation in them. in her hand was a necklace made from grass, twigs and also flowers. to other people, it was nothing compared to what the princess has worn before, but to her it was the most heartwarming thing the princess has gotten in a while. moments later, she could feel warm tears go down her face, this alarmed the kids who were watching the princess every move.

"why are you crying unnie?!" a little girl questioned. "do you not like it?" asked another. "no no no it's not that...it's just...i love it so much thank you guys" and she gave each of them a big bear hug. then after the small crying session, the kids hung out with haneul as usual. taking her on the walk behind the orphanage, playing football with her, eating a meal that the princess brought for them and even drawing pictures of things around them. unfortunately, time goes by faster when you're having fun. "princess haneul? it's time to go now" mr yoo informed. with that haneul said her goodbyes, gave each of them a hug and a present.

when the princess was about to enter the carriage, a group of people greeted the princess and a majority of them gave her small gifts. some gave her flowers and some gave her art pieces that they have made. this made her heart even warmer and she thanked each villiager individually. finally entering the carriage, haneul waved everyone present goodbye as she moved further and further away from them.

after a while, the female and mr yoo finally reached the castle but as the male was helping haneul off the carriage, a panicked and distressed sunoo came running up to her.

"haneul! haneul! i need help"

Author - sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger :( but we're so close to 200 reads!! stay safe and thank you for reading❤️

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟕 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 | enhypen Where stories live. Discover now