The Vampire Diaries- Part 10

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This chapter has a smut scene. It is marked.

Once Bonnie left with the blood and the book with the Salvatore's trailing behind her I closed the door and walked back to the living room "ok boys, we leave tomorrow morning. If there's anything you want to do while where here get it done tonight" I said as I walked to the couch and plopped myself between Eli and Nik. 

Bellamy went straight back to watching The 100 again. 

I could tell he was trying to make note of everything. I hope it's just to tell Octavia.

I snuggled more into Nik and Eli which made me receive two kisses on the crown of my head. 

Nik sent me a questioning look. 

I just put my head down but motioned my head towards Bellamy before putting my head into his chest for comfort. God I hope I'm wrong and he just wants to tell Octavia. I feels off...not like the others and....(sigh) you can just tell when a guy isn't interested anymore.

After that, I just snuggled with Nik and Eli before going to pig out with Murphy who hadn't left the kitchen since he discovered ice cream.

I smiled as I saw him yet again stuffing his face and shook my head at him "how are you doing over there cookie monster?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

He just smiled at me and stuffed another cookie in his mouth.

I just shook my head and made myself five B.L.T's what? Speedsters have fast fucking metabolisms. Plus he will definitely steel one. 


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Murphy had been eyeing the bacon since I sat it down on the counter and I had to glare hard at him to stay away. 

I would give him one but not before I made my own. The second that motherfucker tries bacon he is going to go nuts.

Safe to say I was right and he tried to steal mine the second he tasted it which I promptly told him to fuck off and make his own. 

After I ate I left him to continue to destroy the kitchen and eat to his heart content. Let him indulge, we are leaving tomorrow anyway. 

I saw Bellamy watching The 100 again so I walked up to him and touched his shoulder "you going to watch it a 3rd time before we leave?" I asked jokingly but I could see him subtly leaning away from my touch and I cringed on the inside but on the outside I kept my composure. 

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