House Of The Dragon - Part 1

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It took a total of three weeks for Elijah to be willing to get back in the thick of things.

They had stopped at a rather mundane-looking universe that didn't seem to even have a supernatural element meaning they had a very calm few weeks as they traveled through the universe.

They were finally back into the thick of things and Siena was on a damn mission. She wanted to find House of the Dragon, she had watched it while they were on vacation and she had some damn notes.

She could have sworn they had passed it on the way to this universe. She had made note of it at the time since the throne was quite distinctive. So she curiously had checked the media of the world they had vacationed on.

The closer the universes the more likely to find bleed-throughs in the media and storytelling. She had eaten up the show like candy, at first she had been cautious with the train wreck that was Game of Thrones but in the end she couldn't resist.

So when they left to look for the next universe to travel to she sneakily, not so sneakily as it turns out, lead them all to the universe they had passed.

When they had finally slowed down after entering the new universe Elijah had looked at her with a pointed look making her smile sheepishly "What, can't it just be a coincidence?" she asked coyly.

Elijah shook his head "With you? Never" he said teasingly.

Siena rolled her eyes but a smile couldn't be kept from her face as she looked away.

Murphy rolled his eyes "This explains why you forced us all to watch that show. I'm sure you have a hit list. Why don't you give that to us? The sooner we finish the sooner we can leave" Murphy said casually as he leaned against a tree.

Both Kol and Kai nodded in agreement making Siena smirk "You three just want to murder people, but fine. Just don't kill anyone that's not on the list, okay? Since we're in King Landing it would be best to get rid of Criston Cole and Larys Strong. Those two need to go. First things first we have to figure out when in the show we are. Let's split up and meet back here in an hour. Try and see what you can find out, I'll check up on Rhaenyra and her children. One of us needs to see about Viserys and Alicent and their children. They will be the biggest indicator for what episode we are on" Siena said as she looked back at the Red Keep.

Nik nodded in agreement "Let's hope for our sakes we arrived during the events of the show. It was only a single season in, after all. We could be in season 4 for all we know" he said sarcastically.

Siena shrugged "if that's the case we kill who we need and leave, we can't work without any information. It would suck but it is what it is" she said reluctantly.

Elijah nodded in agreement before saying he would take the king and Alicent.

Kol, Murphy, and Kai would work on finding Criston Cole and Larys Strong and killing them and Nik would check out the castle in general and see if he could figure out when they were.


Siena ran through the castle cloaked in a spell that made her undetectable. She went room to room until finally, she came upon the room she was looking for.

Rhaenyra Targaryen sat in a small room watching two young boys play. They were obviously her sons as handmaidens stood around helping with the two young boys.

They seemed to be about 5 and 3 and Rhaenyra didn't seem to be pregnant so they must be in the time jump between episodes 5 and 6.

When Siena figured this out she crept away from the castle and went back to the spot she had agreed to meet her mates at. None of them were there yet so she waited.


Kol rolled his eyes at the pathetic knight as he unsheathed his sword "that might work on others but it is a measly weapon against me. Now Criston, I'm no stranger to holding a grudge but did you really expect a girl to fall so in love with your cock she is willing to Marry you and give up everything she has fought for? Seems unreasonable to me" Kol said sarcastically as Criston Cole looked between the three of them cautiously.

He went to swing his sword but Kai tiscked and sent it flying across the room with a wave of his hand "Naughty naughty. That pesky thing won't be a problem for us. See, I never understood you, you simp for a woman for years, willingly fuck her. Then get upset when she won't marry you, if you hate her so much how did you think that marriage would have gone?" Kai asked mockingly as Criston looked between them uncomprehendingly.

Kai shrugged "Well, guess we will never get the answer, my pumpkin wants you dead and anything pumpkin wants pumpkin gets" he said with a manic grin.

Murphy rolled his eyes and quickly snapped the knight's neck and was done with it "Do you have to make a scene out of everything? Come on. We still have a cripple to kill" he said casually as he started walking the other direction.

Kol rolled his eyes "You're no fun" he said with a pout as he followed behind him.

Kai looked down at the body of the knight sadly, Murphy was such a dick for taking his Kill. He would need to take something in recompense. With that in mind he summoned the big ass sword Cristan Cole had been wielding and brought it with him as he caught up with the other two. He wasn't going to let Kol steal another kill from him, no way in hell.


No shame to the disabled community. I just fucking hate Larys Strong and I feel like Murphy would absolutely say that. He always liked to say things as insultingly as possible.

(adding this part later) I do not regret my decision after the newest episode Larys Strong has got to go. That shit with him and Allicent was so creepy, he did always give of them pervy vibes. 

Hope you guys like my self-indulgence here cuz this show is all one big miscommunication. If they would have just talked to one another everything would have been fucking fine. Buuuttt Noooo, gotta keep secrets that destroy the realm. It's all fun and games till everyone dies.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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