Supernatural- Part 2

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It was a few hours later when I had the idea to just let Cas see inside my mind so he knows everything. We will do that when we are about to leave. I don't need chuck on my ass but I want these boys to finally be happy. 

My phone was finally done charging and my clothes were all clean so I decided to just hurry this up. 

"Ok boys I'm gonna universe hop in a bit but before that, I wanted to talk to you. I was thinking and you are going to need to kill Kane, death's scythe will do the job, or you could kill death. You are going to want Amara's help with the big bad, well and she brings your mom back from the dead so there's that'' I said with a shrug.

They looked at me in shock before becoming eager children again. Aww look at these boys they just want a mom I thought sending them a reassuring smile. 

"Talk to Amara I don't see why she wouldn't when you help her. I'm going to let Cas see in my brain before I leave so he knows literally everything that I know" I said. 

They nodded at me knowing I was trying to help them so they trusted my judgment. "Oh and by the way don't trust the British men of letters for anything. Their dicks and Catch will betray you like 7 times before he actually joins your side. Yes, I know you have no idea what I'm talking about but you will and you will thank me" I said in a huff. 

They immediately nodded at me while I ate some tacos I had Cas fly and get me.

After eating my food and getting another nap in I decided it was time to go. 

I grabbed my phone and brought up supernatural to the exact moment I wanted to show them. 

"Ok I'm gonna show you this and let Cas in my mind then I gotta go, I mean right away. Chuck is not going to be happy I showed you this'' I said to them. 

They looked confused so I told them Chuck is god and before they could react I gave them each a hug and then pressed play and let Cas into my mind. 

I could tell they were pissed and Castiel was hurt. 

I wanted to comfort them but I had to get the hell out of here before God gets pissed. 

I immediately grabbed my stuff and booked it out of this universe.

As I was running through the universes I was checking out my options. 

I passed the 100 and saw they were all still alive so that was good. 

I saw Eddard Stark and thought fuck it I can just pop in fix how he treats Jon then pop out. I don't wanna go to Dany till she has the dragons but I can at least have Eddard start grooming Jon to become an actual good king. There is no way I can tell them the truth, gonna have to be a god...damnit I don't like disrespecting their religion but they're not gonna understand fucking science. Hopefully the fact I'm there to help them makes it a little better... you know karmically. 

When I was thinking that I ran straight into Game Of Thrones to end up in front of the heart tree and Eddard Stark himself.


There it is guys hope you like it. I was really debating what universe I make it next and so I did one of those google pick a number thing and it picked got. So I'll do maybe one or two of got then go to a new one.

Disclaimer: i own nothing but my own original character and plot

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