House of the Dragon - Part 5

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"You spoke of my children's deaths. How do they die?" Rhaenyra asked hesitantly.

Siena looked at her remorsefully "Lucerys is killed by Aemon, Jaceareys foolishly went after your youngest son when he was kidnaped by ship, his older brother returning to you on his dragon. He was pulled under by the triarchy ships. Your third-born son is killed during the storming of the Dragon pit where all the dragons chained that day was killed by the people. Your third-born son tried to fly your dragon to save the others and fell from her. All you had left was your second youngest son, Aegon the younger, your son with Daemon. Your son Viserys was thought to be dead but was truly smugged to Esoos and would not return for many years. Upon watching his mother be burned and devoured on the order of his uncle Aegon the Second he was so scared that when he became king he had all the rest of the eggs destroyed and any living dragon killed. Diminishing the power of the Targaryen family until their eventual fall during the rebellion in the year 282ac. And when the dead come from the frozen north there is no Dragon on the iron throne, there is a lion" she said, watching as the horror grew on both Rhaenrya and Viserys's faces.

Rhaenyra was crying, her hand on her mouth as it shook, Viserys on the other hand looked like death personified.

Siena knew her words had the desired effect, they would change the course of history. She walked over to a nearby pitcher and smirked at the sight of the wine before pouring a glass.

She walked back over to the glass and met Rhaenyra's eyes as she took out a dagger and let a few drops of blood fall into the goblet before handing it over.

"If he drinks it he should heal, but make sure he doesn't die within the next few days otherwise it's not going to be pretty" she said pointedly as she handed the cup to Rhaenrya who took it hesitantly.

She looked at it with doubt before handing it to her father, Viserys looked at the goblet with speculation before drinking the entire thing in one drink.

He looked unaffected for a few moments before he began groaning in pain he staggered over to a large mirror and lifted up his nightshirt to watch the many wounds on his back slowly close and heal within a matter of minutes.

Both he and Rhaenyra watched the scene in awe while Nik and Elijah were just amused.

While they were distracted she took this time to compel Allicent "You will never allow Aegon to take the throne, it is not his right, your father is wrong and going against the will of the gods by plotting against the king. From this day forward you shall never raise a hand against your children and you will not fight Rhaenyra any longer, you will know in your heart that your anger against her is not justified, that she has every right to mistrust you after what you have done to her" Siena said, her voice hard as she glared into the eyes of Alicent Hightower.

But she was not done "You shall see your father for the manipulative evil that he is and realize that he is the reason for your misery. Now, you will go to your rooms calmly and go to your bed and sleep. Once you sleep you will wake with no memory of this night" Siena said with her eyes narrowed as she watched Alicent calmly leave the room, her eyes still glazed.

Siena turns back to Viserys to see him looking almost healthy "We can do many things but returning long gone limbs is not one. But I would recommend finding a different healer if this is the job he had been doing. It's never a good idea to trust the Maesters" Siena said casually as she sat down.

"I see" Viserys said hesitantly as he also took a seat. Rhaenyra moved to stand behind him, her hands resting on the back of his chair.

"You spoke of my children...with Daemon" she said reluctantly, her eyes going to her father for a moment before turning back to Siena.

Siena smirked "Ah, so you want to go straight to the fun stuff, fine. Viserys, you need to stop hating your brother, especially when he's right. Now, I'm not saying he's not a pain in the ass but he is not Maegor reborn. He just isn't easily manipulated so your former hand hated him. Oh, and Daemon never screwed Rhaenyra. Oh no, instead a king's guard took her maidenhead and then tried to get her to flee to Essos with him. When she wouldn't he threw a hissyfit and revealed the situation to your wife, and then killed a man at her wedding" she said casually.

Rhaenyra's eyes had gone wide with horror as her secrets were laid bare "Oh don't give me that look, half of your problems would be solved if you all fucking talked to each other!" Siena said in annoyance.

Nik snorted "At least the Kingsgaurd is no longer a problem, we took care of Ser Sensitive" he said mockingly, enjoying stirring shit up like always.

Siena rolled her eyes "While Nik is not delicate he is correct. We have killed Ser Cristand and Larys Strong tonight as thor risk was too high. Larys Strong is insane, he would kill both his brother and father for the Lordship. He also had eyes for your wife, or more accurately her feet" Siena said with a grimace, that fucker really had to go.

Viserys nodded, probably realizing there was nothing to be done about it now.

"Look, we aren't staying all night so listen up. Daemon and Rhaenyra need to be married, Leanor will never give you children, we all know it. Though I recommend leaning on your Arryn and Baratheon blood to explain your son's coloring. Oh and start looking out for the fucking small folk, their loyalty is just as important as the Lords and ladies of the realm to secure your reign. And for fuck sake get some ladies in waiting and start getting into politics! The threat from the North is the White Walkers, you know the tales of the long night and all that. It's true and that is the threat. The dead are killed by fire, Dragon Glass, and Valyrian Steele" Siena said in a huff.

She could see this has gone to hell and to just hit the eject button "With all this information I think you'll be fine, oh and keep an eye on House Lannister and Baratheon, they aren't as loyal as they like to seem, at least not to a woman. Honestly, my best recommendation for the security of your line would be to wed Jacerys to Helaena and one of Daemon and Laena's girls to Lucerys. It would fix a hell of a lot of problems. With that I wish you ado because this shit has lost its wonder and I want a nap" Siena said, her voice tired before she snapped her fingers, putting both Rhaenyra and Viserys to sleep.

With a nod Elijah put Viserys back in his bed whole Siena took Rhaenyra back to her rooms before they all left to collect the menaces and go on the next adventure. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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