The Umbrella Academy - Part 1

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After the Scooby gang was handled me and my mates decided to move onto the next universe.

We left them with a fuck up book and then we're running into the tunnel.

Kai pointed to a universe with flashing blue lights coming from it "that one looks interesting" he yelled to us.

I shrugged and motioned for everyone to follow me there.

When we got into the universe I was able to tell where we were.

We're in the Umbrella Acadamy during the first episode when 5 travels back.

They didn't even notice us with the giant blue vortex above them and I decided to wait until 5 was back. He would be the easiest to work with.

I watched as 5 age regressed and then fell to the ground.

The rest of them stepped forward and Klaus asked "am I the only one seeing a little number 5 right now?"

(I'm just gonna call Klaus from umbrella academy Klaus and then Original hybrid Klaus will be referred to as Nik.)

Then 5 looked at himself and said shit.

This is where they cut the scene so I decided to clap "very dramatic of, I give it a 7"

Immediately they all turned to us and glared "who the hell are you?" Diago asked as he reached for his knives.

I laughed and waved my hand dismissively "don't bother, you wouldn't be able to throw those knives quick enough" I said dismissively.

Diego pulled one of his knives out "wanna bet?" he asked with a bit of a smirk.

I just raised an eyebrow before speeding up to him and taking all of his knives before running back to my mates and dropping them at my feet.

I held his little harness thing he wears and smirked "yeah, I'll take that bet" I said sarcastically with a triumphant smirk on my face.

I could tell I made them more hostile but also more apprehensive.

I just turned to 5 getting serious "we are from another universe, we travel the multiverse fixing shit and finding our mates. Your lucky to be one of the ones we want to help, so do you want to take my help or will we be on our merry way?" I asked with a dead serious look on my face.

5 put his hand out motioning for his siblings to stand down.

They didn't really listen but they didn't look like they were suddenly going to attack us so whatever.

"And how would you know how to help us?" 5 asked as he took a step towards us in front of his siblings.

I smirked sarcastically "well because this is all a TV show to me. Now I will admit it only got to season 2 when I had to leave my universe but I know plenty of shit that will help you. Like exactly what causes it and how to stop it. But, you of all people know we will be getting problems if I meddle too much and try and stick around so that needs to be one of the last things I tell you before we get out of here" I said casually as I threw him back his brothers knifes.

He caught them effortlessly and nodded "come in then" he said before walking back into the house.

I chuckled before following him with my mates past a very passive-aggressive group.

I rolled my eyes and followed 5 to the kitchen.

"How long do I have to stop it?" he asked as he pulled out the stuff for his sandwich.

I shrugged "seven days, Don't worry though, the only real thing you're going to have to do is keep the Comision off of our backs. Speaking of you have a tracker in your arm. I would remove it if I were you. Maybe set up an ambush or something? I'll leave it up to you" I said with a shrug as I walked around looking at everything.

"What the hell are you talking about" Luther said angrily as he came walking in with all of his siblings following behind with apprehensive and slightly hostile looks on their faces.

I could hear Kol, Kai, and Murphy all making jokes to each other behind us but it was too quiet for any of them to pick up without super hearing.

I sighed "okay, he has come back to end the apocalypse that will happen in 7 days. You all can stop it easily, by doing one simple thing" I said as if talking to school children.

Allison rolled her eyes "and what is that?" she asked doubtfully.

I smirked "be good fucking siblings, that's it. Stop being petty bitches with your raging daddy issues and be a good fucking siblings to your sister" I said as I motioned to Vanya who looked around super confused and slightly like a deer caught in headlights.

They all glanced at her before looking at me like I was an idiot.

I rubbed my forehead and turned to 5 "the Eye will get you nowhere, it was just a pointless plot device. It holds some relevance but not enough" I told him simply.

I turned back to Luther as he processed that "your father was not murdered, he killed himself to get you all back here. If you don't believe me, ask Pogo. He sent you up to the moon for nothing you will find all of your unopened letters somewhere. I don't really remember where. He was a horrible abusive prick that was literally incapable of loving you all as you deserved. And it is impossible to get love from someone incapable of giving it. I know it is hard to hear but it's something you all need to accept, he cared for you but he was incapable of loving you" I said seriously but with a sympathetic smile on my face.


Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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