Harry Potter - Part 1

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I looked around at all the glass orbs and grimaced before I heard yelling.

Me and my mates all turned our heads suddenly before running towards the sound.

When we saw the kids fighting the Deatheaters in smoke form so I stopped.

My mates all stopped with me and we stayed towards the back of the room to stay hidden "when they all go to the archway we need to stay back until Voldemort gets here. When Sirius is about to fall into the veil I will run and grab him so it looked like he disappeared into it. Harry still needs to run and chase Bellatrix So that Voldemort reveals himself. Stay back until then, no one dies during this fight but Sirius. We don't need to intervene, it could cause more harm than good" I told them quietly while speed talking.

They all could understand me and I could plan without everything falling to shit around us.

They all nodded and immediately we cloaked ourselves before watching from a safe distance as they had their confrontation.

I made a fist pump when I saw Sirius punch Lucius in the face.

Me and my mates waited on the sidelines until I heard Sirius call Harry James.

When I saw Bellatrix appear and throw an Avcada Kadavra at Sirius I ran and grabbed him right before the spell hit him and put him under a cloaking spell and knocked him out.

I quickly ran back to where my mates were with an unconscious Sirius Black.

I watched as Harry assumed the worst and everything went as it had before.

When I nodded to my mates and we started doing small things to help the order and lessen the injuries.

After that, we followed Harry as he chased Bellatrix through the halls as she cackled and taunted him.

"I killed Sirius Black. I killed Sirius Black, oh look at him he's coming to get me" she said excitedly as she ran through the Ministry.

(am I the only one who heard the exact line from the movie in my head? No? Okay then)

I shook my head.

I wished I could intervene but Fudge needed to see Voldemort and us interfering could change that.

It was too crucial of a point.


Finally I saw Voldemort arrive and I watched as Bellatrix slipped away through the Floo.

Me and my mates watched silently as Dumbledore and Voldemort threw spells at each other left and right.

Kai put a shield around us as all the glass broke, not that it would have really done any damage.

I had to admit, Dumbledore was a badass.

He may also be a manipulative douchebag but the sheer power being thrown around was impressive.

The fact they were both using nonverbal spells was amazing. I wish I had fucking popcorn!

I almost snorted when I saw the bit where Voldemort talks through Harry.

I had always thought he just looked constipated.

We waited for a few more minutes until we saw Fudge arrive.

We quickly went back to the archway seeing the Order was regrouping and rounding up the Deathearters.

I didn't want to reveal ourselves here so I motioned for us to follow Remus.

My mates all nodded so we spent the next hour following the Werewolf around.

I was about to get tired of it when he left to go to 12 Grimmauld place.

At First I was worried he would aperate but he walked outside instead and called the Nightbus after giving his statement.

With super speed we followed the bus all the way to 12 Grimmauld place. Damn that thing is fast. We almost lost it a few times.

I watched sadly as Remus stepped out of the bus and looked at the house with sadness.

I couldn't see the house so I took that time to uncloak myself while my mates stayed cloaked.

He immediately turned towards me while pointing his wand at me aggressively "who are you!?" he asked accusingly.

I smiled lightly "Don't worry we aren't with Tommy no nose. We just couldn't risk revealing ourselves early and jeopardizing the timeline. If Voldemort had not revealed himself tonight I had no idea what would actually happen" I explained casually.

Remus blinked a few times before glaring lightly "that didn't answer the question" he growled out.

I didn't feel intimidated one bit and just smiled sympathetically. Poor guy thinks he lost his last friend.

"My name is Siena, I am not from this universe. My mates and I travel the multiverse searching for our other mates and we help people along the way. So I am here to help" I answered simply and straight to the point.

He sighed and lowered his wand a bit but didn't fully take it away "even if I did believe you, your too late" He said with anger in his eyes but sadness in his voice.

I smirked slightly "I don't think we were" I said casually and motioned for whoever was holding Sirius to reveal themselves.

Suddenly Kol was standing in front of us with Sirius over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"So are you going to let us in, mate? Your friend isn't exactly light" Kol said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes fondly knowing it wasn't at all straining with vampire strength. He just wanted to make that stupid joke, he's adorable.

Remus stares for a second before surging forward and taking Sirius from Kol.

When he realized he was unconscious he looked at us alarmed "what's wrong with him?!" he asked frantically.

Kol rolled his eyes "well we put him to sleep of course, Don't get your knickers in a knot. It's a simple spell" Kol said sarcastically before reversing the spell on Sirius with a wave of his hand and a few mumbled words that Remus couldn't hear.

It only took Sirius a few seconds to shoot up in alarm looking around franticly.


So this wasn't what I pictured but I realized if I fucked up Voldemort's reveal it would have gone so damn bad so quick. Cuz u know Fudge would have just kept blaming Dumbles.

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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