Game of Thrones - Part 2

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I kept passing universes until I saw a familiar tree with blood-red leaves.

I smirked and motioned for my mates to follow me straight to the seven kingdoms.

We were sent directly into the godswood.  Before anyone could see us I ran deeper into the woods with my mates following behind me.

"Okay where bloody are we?!" Kol said as soon as we had stopped.

Murphy nodded with him while motioning back towards the wierwood tree "yeah, and why the hell is there a face on that tree....that's crying blood? I know we go to some weird places but what the fuck!?" He said as he threw up his arms in exasperation.

Kai turned towards Murphy with a chaotic gleam in his eyes "did you say they have trees that cry blood here?! Oh I gotta see this? Do all their trees bleed?" Kai said as he immediately pulled out a knife and stabbed it straight into a nearby tree.

When nothing happened he pouted and turned to me with puppy dog eyes "why didn't the tree bleed for me pumpkin?" He asked in a despondent tone. Oh my fucking god I am surrounded by crazy psychopaths! Eh, they're hot...

I rolled my eyes before shaking my head with a fond exasperated smile on my face "no, the trees don't bleed, it's just red sap and it only happens to the trees with faces on them. This is game of thrones, it's an old-timey universe with dragons and ice zombies" I told them casually as I looked around.

Elijah rolled his eyes and proceeded to explain the basics of game of thrones since I had made Nik and him watch it on one of our breaks.

It took about 5 minutes but they seemed to get the basics once he was done.

It's not like they ever really know what's going on, they just let me run the show while they fuck with people.


We all used an invisibility spell to check out Winterfell and get an idea of when in the timeline we are.

I was hoping this was the same Game of Thrones universe I visited before but I can't be sure till I get a closer look.

While Kol, Kai, and Murphy look around the woods and surrounding areas me, Nik and Eli were going to check out Winterfell.

Basically, I sent the troublemakers to go do busy work while Nik, Eli, And I handled the delicate situations.

Once we were cloaked I quietly walked through the gates of Winterfell and looked around.

I could see people doing chores and training around the courtyard.

The castle walls looked much more reinforced than the last time I saw them. That bodes well...

I silently walk around observing people.

I smiled brightly when I came across Ayra and Sansa practicing archery while Jon, Rob, Bran, and, itty bitty Rickon practiced with swords. They're all so Small! Oh damn, this world is gonna fucking ruin them.

My smile turned sad as I remembered all the challenges they have yet to face.

I stood back and observed how they interacted with each other. I wasn't surprised to see the siblings bicker but I was happy to see Jon having much more confidence. 

He held himself taller, with much more assurances about his place in the world.

I also noticed how Ayra and Sansa didn't seem to be at each other's throats. I watched as Arya helped her sister with her bow without a single snide comment.

I sat back and listened for a few more minutes until they started talking about the king's visit.

My entire body froze as I heard them say the king's retinue should be here within the day. Shit! I sent them straight towards the damn Lanasters. It's gonna be a blood bath!

I looked at Nik and Elijah in panic before all three of us were running towards the traveling party before we find a bunch of dead lions.


I had to leave this here, it was just too damn perfect. Sorry for the long wait guys, the second I started writing for harry potter I got out of my harry potter kick and started a game of thrones kick and then as soon as I teased going to game of thrones I got back into harry potter. But I had this idea and it just came to me so here you go lol.

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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