The Vampire Diaries.2 - Part 4

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It took a few minutes but eventually, everyone backed off.

My mates all kept a very close eye on Kol.2 as we sat in the living room.

"So what did you do with mother dearest?" I asked sarcastically.  

Klaus.2 smirked "she's happily resting in our dungeon. If one of you was feeling helpful it would be glorious for that dungeon to become magic proof" he said it like a command making all of us raise unimpressed eyebrows.

Nik stood up "you're forgetting who your talking to mate, we are more powerful versions of you. We are all siphon witches, werewolves, and vampires as well as a surprise mixed in that is none of your business" he said as he flashed his yellow eyes.

Klause.2 didn't seem happy but Elijah.2 gave him a look I am very familiar with and backed down.

I laughed lightly making Elija.2 raise an eyebrow.

I waved my hand dismissively "oh nothing just the amount of times I have seen that look before. Oh, and I have a solution to your mommy dearest problem" I said happily with a little smirk.

"Well pray tell what is it, we are all ears" Finn said from the corner.

I was slightly surprised he brought attention to himself but it seemed the thought of his love and his sister brought out the man he used to be, if only slightly.

I smiled "simple, turn her into a vampire. Let her make the choice, either die or become the same monster she condemned you to be. At least she will be given a choice while you all were not" I said casually as I looked at my nails as if board.

All the Mikealsons from either universe smirked at the idea.

Even Finn didn't seem to think it was a bad idea.

Kol.2 smirked darkly "well doesn't that sound like poetic justice" he said with a bloodthirsty glee in his eyes.

I smirked slightly "you might want to get control of your anger and blood lust there Kol" I said casually to Kol.2.

He raised an eyebrow with an unimpressed look on his face "and why is that?" he asked sarcastically.

I smiled lightly "because you find peace in a few years. You find a witch that would do anything for you, while that is not uncommon the difference is you will do anything for her. It will be easier later if you start working on it now. You have a few years before she's old enough for you" I said with honesty in my tone.

Kol.2 looks doubtful but I could see the small bit of hope in his eyes.

"Why are you helping us?" Klaus.2 asked suspiciously.

Elijah scoffed "isn't it obvious? She loves us and we help people all over the multiverse. Why wouldn't she want to help you?" he said as he gave Klaus.2 the signature brotherly scolding look that he usually gives Nik.

I guess it works on any version of Nik because Klaus.2 almost immediately caved.

I snorted when I saw the little look of wonderment on Elijah.2's face.

I clapped "okay back to topic because I really don't want to be here longer than we have to, this is giving me a fucking headache. Now, Make sure you get some of Esther's blood because it is the main ingredient to kill Dahlia. Also people on the kill on sight list. Lucian castle, Tristane, and Aurora Martell, honestly any enemy from your past kill on fucking sight" I said as if scolding children.

Elijah.2 looked like he was about to get up on his high horse so pointed my finger at him making him shut his mouth "NO, you all are letting a bunch of fucking teenagers get the better of you! Are you fucking kidding me? You could kill them all without a thought, and the next time they fucking step a toe out of line kill them then compell the doppelganger and get the hell out of this one-horse town. You all make threats and then never hold yourselves to them and then wonder why they keep thinking they can do whatever they want!" I said angrily while losing my temper.

I sighed and took a deep breath "you all need to stop leaving enemies alive to seek revenge, it is the stupidest shit I have ever heard about and is asking for trouble. And you need to start with the Scooby gang" I said with a pleading look in my eyes.

Elijah.2 sighed "we can not just slaughter everyone that crosses our path" he said with a look of superiority in his eyes.

I looked at him with a glare "do you know what happens if you don't? You lose two of your brothers, the Scooby gang will kill Finn and Kol they almost kill Klaus as well but Bonnie barely saves his ass. If you want fewer enemies start leaving less of them. Maybe if you weren't backed into a corner every five seconds you wouldn't have to make so many bad decisions and horrible acts in the name of protecting your family. Take it from someone who has seen the originals fall, because let me tell you without my intervention the only originals left standing in 20 years would have been Rebekah, Freya, and a resurrected Kol" I said with no room for argument in my voice.

I can tell all of them were shaken, especially Kol.2 and Klaus.2.

Finn didn't care too much about his death but he did look slightly unsettled.

Elijah.2 went to speak in denial but Kol.2 cut him off "oh shut it, Elijah, I will not die for your perceived notion of not killing innocents. She's right! Your way only ends in the guilty left alive and even more innocent blood spilled. It hasn't worked for a 1000 years. It's time to move on and find a better way" Kol said angrily as he glared at his brother.

For the first time in their lives the Mikealson siblings saw Elijah back down from what he perceived as the right course of actions.

Kol.2 turned to me with a bit of shock in his eyes "so what do we change? Because I refuse to be killed by a bunch of teenagers" he asked quietly.


Damn I didn't know I needed that rant so damn bad lol. I'm re-watching the originals and sometimes you just want to hit their heads against each other. Like wtf! Tho I guess stupid choices make good plots for tv shows.

I'm gonna wrap things up with one more chapter and then go to Harry Potter, tho I am considering making a one-chapter stop in game of thrones since that's what I'm currently reading. Speaking of if u guys like Game of thrones fic's I really recommend you check out this book called "what if" in my favorite and darker books reading lists. It's an amazing read and I seriously recommend it. Tho it is not for the faint of heart so please and take this seriously no kids.

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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