Lost- Part 4

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I had decided last night to just wait around and not change anything until we have caught Ben. 

I need to get that asshole out of the way. 

He is a god damn cockroach and just a horrible man. 

I would tell them the basics but I wasn't gonna fuck with the others until I had their leader. 

I needed everything to go a certain way so that everything didn't fuck up horribly. Honestly getting Ben out of power won't be that hard. He has never even seen Jacob and that's the whole reason they followed them in the first place. I just have to have Ben prisoner then all I need to do is talk to Richard and everything else should be fine. My biggest problems are Charles Whitmore and the goddamn smoke monster.

After thinking through my options I finally left Jack's tent thing and went over to their water trough thing and got myself a drink. 

While I looked around for someone chill to hang with I saw Sun sitting there alone worrying about Jin so I thought I would be nice and help a bitch out. 

I walked over to her and sat down next to her "he's okay by the way" I said simply while taking a sip of water from my half-cut water bottle cup thing. god I'm gonna have to get used to this type of food huh?

She turned to me so fast I thought she would get whiplash "really? Are you sure? What happened to him?" Sun rushed out as fast as she could. 

I just smiled at her trying to be reassuring but it was too early for this shit. 

"The raft did sink after the others took Walt but the guys are all with the first-class passengers coming here as we speak. I don't know exactly how long but he should be here soon and then we can start fixing things" I explained to her before just watching the ocean, it was actually relaxing.

After chatting with Sun for a bit I decided to go find the A team and tell them my plan. 

After searching for him I told him to get the rest of the team together and meet at the hatch. 

I took the time to run around the island a bit and scope the place out. 

I needed to see where everything is so I can come up with shit. 

I only went through about half the island before I decided to wait at the hatch for the A team. 

I had found the plane and the medical station.

 As well as mapping out just basic locations of things nearby. 

I made myself by phasing the whole time so that I didn't trip any of Russo's traps. 

Once I made it back to the hatch I saw the A team had actually beaten me there so I just sat at the dinette booth and acted like nothing happened. 

For them, it seemed like I popped up out of nowhere but to me it was just fucking hilarious, you should have seen their faces.

Once everyone had calmed down from the shock they immediately all asked me what I planned to do. 

"Okay, for right now we're not going to do much. We need the first-class passengers to get here and to have Ben with us. I don't really know if it happens before or after they come back but the French woman will catch an other and she will come to Sayid for help. This man is their leader, he is horrible and trust me do not feel an ounce of pity for him. When she brings you to him, bring her and him to me. Do not try anything stupid, knock him out and bring him straight here. He is very dangerous and an excellent liar, he will do anything to survive" I said before getting up and walking to the food area and grabbing some food while I let them discuss all the new information I have given them.

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