Game of Thrones Part 6

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Shireen was rightfully suspicious of the woman standing in her room as she pulled out a small book and started studying it. She flipped through the pages faster than Shireen's eyes could see making the young girl's eyes widen.

Siena was flipping through her spell book, looking for healing spells. She didn't want to resort to Vampire blood if she didn't have to. She would, but it would never be her first option. At least not anymore.

She really did not need to add vampires to Game of Thrones, walking dead was funny but this shit would be a disaster. Well, more like everyone will die in Walking dead before they get the chance to fuck up anything too bad while here a vampire infestation could become a much bigger problem.

"I'm going to try a few things, see if they work. If they fail I'll resort to other methods. They are not painful, and as long as you don't miraculously die in the next day you should be fine but I prefer to try something else first. See if we can do this the easy way" she said as she continued searching her book for the strongest healing spell she had.

"If anything simple was going to work I would not still be scared today" Shireen said, a sarcastic edge to her tone which made Siena smirk.

"Well, I don't have the same limitations of the Measters. Now, hold still. I'm going to have to touch the scars but we will see if this works" She said as she stepped towards Shireen who looked at her nervously but didn't flinch as Siena's hand was gently placed on her cheek.

Siena closed her eyes and quietly recited the spell, it was the strongest healing spell in her arsenal. She felt as the power flowed through her and as the skin changed underneath her hand until it was no longer rough but just smooth skin.

Sienna pulled away with a small smile as she opened her eyes and looked at the unmarred face of Shireen Baratheon.

"Well look at that, I hope you live the life you want My lady. I truly hope you do. Now you will sleep and forget I was ever here and when you wake up a new life will await you" Siena said with a small smile as she compelled the girl to sleep and tucked her into her bed before speeding out of the room to find her last problem.


Siena came upon Selyse Baratheon standing over the morbid sight of a fetus in a preservation Jar.

Siena did not appreciate the ambiance of this damn room filled with dead babies but apparently, Selyse found it pleasant enough.

Siena quickly compelled the wretched woman to never harm her daughter and left her to her fate. She may have had a change of heart in the end but she had always been a shrew towards Shireen and Siena did not approve.

She compelled the memories of her encounter from the women and left to find Nik.

Siena used her hearing to find him only to predictably find him drinking from Mellesandra as her corpse lay in his arms.

Nik looked rather torn up so it seemed the red botch put up some type of fight before he killed her "Did you food fight back?" Siena asked sarcastically as she entered the room.

Klaus dropped the corpse with a grin "She was a feisty one but her lord of Light was no match for me. Did you finish everything you wanted love?" He asked as he pulled Siena into his arms and gave her a deep kiss, Siena could taste the blood on his lips.

As she pulled away from him she looked down at the body "I did what I could, at least her father won't be burning her at the stake. All that's left is somebody's disposal and then we can get back to the others" she said as she picked up the red women's body and casually chucked it out the window into the sea below.

Nik wrapped his arms around her from behind and started peppering her neck with kisses as they watched the body hit the water "Are you sure I can't change your mind love?" he asked lowly as he bit her neck before soothing the bite with his tongue.

Siena leaned back into him with a coy smile "Well, I did want to fuck on the painted table. Or the throne room would do" she said lowly as she moved her head, giving him more access to her neck.


"What took you so bloody long? Did you sleep together?! They slept together while we were bored out of our minds! Can you believe this?!" Kol screeched dramatically directly upon their return.

The problem with supernatural senses, there was no hiding anything.

Elijah rolled his eyes and smacked Kol on the back of the head making Kol look at him in betrayal "First this and now I'm being beaten?! What is happening?!" Kol said dramatically.

Murphy and Kai nodded in commiseration but didn't seem to have much pity for him.

Elijah just looked at them all, done with life "Can we please leave now and preferably go to somewhere calm with modern technology? Anywhere?" he asked, desperation in his voice.

Siena nodded with a look of pity, dealing with the troublesome trio must have really pushed him over the brink.

"Yes, we can leave now. Well come back and see what happened eventually. Now let's go vacation" she said as she took Elijah's hand.

She looked at the others making sure they were ready before they all ran back into the speed force to find themselves a calm place to spend a few weeks. 


Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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