The 100- Part 7

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I woke up feeling more complete than I ever had before

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I woke up feeling more complete than I ever had before. 

My entire body felt like it was full of tingles and butterflies and I would kiss my worst enemy today if they came up to me. If this is what it's like when I complete a bond I am not making them wait at all anymore. 

"Well I see you two had a fun night" I heard Elijah say from the end of the bed.

 I sent him a beaming smile that turned his pout upside down. 

"Don't pout handsome, your next" I said with a smirk that made him get a shy little smile on his face.

 I practically melted inside as Klaus groaned at my show of affection to someone that wasn't him.

 I got up dragging the blanket with me and gave him a kiss before walking into the bathroom. 

"Why do you get the blanket love?" Klaus asked me with a raised eyebrow from where he was lying naked on the bed.

 I laughed "because if either of you see me naked I don't think you will be able to control yourselves, plus your brothers" I said with a shrug as I closed the door behind me.

(let's just agree that they have bathrooms since they never really explained the plumbing situation in the show soooo....I know they really don't but let's just pretend they do lol)

As I came out of the bathroom still in a blanket since Nik ripped my clothes and it's not like there are clothes stores in post-apocalypse land. 

"Eli, will you go ask Lexa for some clothes?" I ask as I lay back in the bed. 

He smirked at me "I quite like you in just this" he said.

 "I do agree love, you are fetching in absolutely nothing" Nik said with a matching smirk. 

I gave them both a deadpan look "and how do you feel about everyone else seeing me like this?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

Their smirks immediately fell as they growled at the idea of anyone else but them seeing me naked and I had to laugh.

 Eli left grumbling about clothes while Nik sat with a pout on his face and his arms crossed. 

I just shook my head with a giggle they are so cute.

After Eli got back with some clothes for me and Nik I gave him a kiss of thanks before going back in the bathroom to change. I know I just slept with Nik but I really don't want the first time Eli sees me Naked to be right after fucking his brother. I know where mates but there is just something weird about that.

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