The Umbrella Academy - Part 3

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Vanya left to go and deal with these new revelations.

I told her not to trust a guy who comes for violin lessons.

She nodded but I could tell she wasn't going to trust anyone for a minute.

I was talking with 5 when we heard yelling.

I and my mates followed the sound and found Luther yelling at pogo making me scowl.

"HEY, it's not his fault. Don't be mad at him for your father's mistakes, accept the reality and it will be much less painful. The man was literally incapable of love" I said loudly as I stepped between Pogo and Luther.

Luther raised his arm and looked like he was about to hit me making Elijah run forward and hit him across the room.

Elijah flashed his fangs at Luther warningly and stood in front of me defensively.

My other mates all stood in similar positions.

Luther looked at us shocked but I just focused on calming down Elijah.

I wrapped my arms around him making him hold me desperately while my other mates glared down the big idiot.

"Hey I'm fine, you know I could beat his ass any day of the week. I'm fine" I whispered into Elijah's shoulder as he took calming breaths.

He was the most outright defensive and violent of my mates.

Especially with the red door, he is extremely protective of me and even my other mates.


5 watched as his supposedly invincible brother was thrown across the room as if it was nothing.

At first, he was worried this would turn sour but the woman seemed to be calming down her mates and Luther definitely would think twice about challenging them again.

He had been watching them and he was smart enough to know he was outmatched.

They seemed to have multiple abilities that at the very least matched his siblings.

5 needed to be careful how he handles this.

For now, they seemed to want to help but this could turn bad quickly seeing as his siblings don't want to stay calm, and instead act like a bunch of stunted man-children.


Once Elijah was calm I turned around to look at 5 who seemed to be explaining things to Pogo who was very confused and defensive.

I sighed and shook my head "okay I'm going to make this quick because I don't think they can be mature for more than an hour" I said as I motioned to 5's siblings.

5 scowled but nodded making me smirk lightly.

"So be nice to Vanya and everything will be fine. Oh and Don't trust the handler for anything that bitch is crazy. She also has an adopted daughter that is like you guys but she can use any of your powers when she wants. The handler had her parents killed, they were flower merchants. She doesn't know this and it can be used to shift her loyalties" I told 5 with i slight raise eyebrows at 5.

When I saw his eyes widen at the flower merchant's comment I knew he understood.

I saw Pogo panic slightly when I told them about Vanya making me roll my eyes.

"Wait there are more of us?" Diago asked confused as he walked in.

I scoffed "I think it's like 48 or something. Shockingly most of them weren't willing to sell their babies to a psychopath" I told them with a sarcastic smile that screamed annoyance at their father.

While they processed that I gave my mates the look that said we were leaving soon.

They all nodded and prepared themselves.

I turned back to 5 with a polite smile.

"So to repeat, be good siblings. Stop looking towards your father for love as it's not there. Take care of the Handler. Remember Klaus can see Ben. Tracker in your arm. That is my wisdom, you are welcome we will be leaving now" I said politely before nodding to my mates to leave.

Right before we ran I turned towards five with a light smirk "oh and your dad was an alien by the way, if you ever get the chance might want to ask him about that" I said before running.

I was cackling with laughter as I ran into the tunnel.

Kol, Kai, and Murphy were also laughing and were overall amused.

Elijah just shook his head while Nik smirked in amusement.

We ran from the universe very amused and satisfied that at the very least we helped.

We started looking through universes when I thought I was Something from Harry potter.

I ran a little closer and smile before motioned to my mates to follow me.

I ran into the Harry Potter universe with a bright smile on my face.

Luckily I had made all my mates watch the movies so they understood the basics.

I looked around and saw we were in the Department of Mysteries.

I looked around at all the glass orbs and grimaced before I heard yelling.

Me and my mates all turned our heads suddenly before running towards the sound.



Just do it, it will decide something lol.

(it's in cap so people who don't read the authors note see it)


Okay I know this one is a little short but I don't want to go into Harry potter too much yet since we r still in the Umbrella academy part.

For the record we will be in the 5th movie so no Draco will not be her mate. Don't worry that is a plan but like Vampire diaries we can do multiple versions. So we can go back during the final battle and have Draco be her mate. But I wanted to smack some sense into Snape and Dumbles so I had to go back before they died. Plus of course we r saving Sirius.

I'm gonna be honest I really considered Sirius there for a second. But I can't take harry's godfather from him. Nope, not gonna do it. The kid needs Sirius more than they do.

It's instances like this that I regret putting in mates because I could have had her hook up with Sirius still, but no. sadly we can not anymore. Sorry guys I know some of you really wanted her to be with Sirius but it just won't work and I do have to kinda picky with powers and shit for her mate's cuz I really don't want her to have that many mates. I think my cutoff is like 10.

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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