Game Of Thrones - Part 5

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Klaus searched the entire bloody castle with a large scowl on his face.

He was happy to get some of his frustrations out on the red witch. It would be better than murdering his brothers which he was very tempted to do but Siena had made him leave his Daggers at home.

Having no Daggers was burdensome on his nerves. He had no way to make his siblings stop annoying the crap out of him and he couldn't go on a rampage without his mate becoming angry with him which is the last thing he wanted.

At least she seemed to understand so she kept them busy but it didn't stop the constant headache that they liked to cause, especially with the addition of Kai and Murphy. Those two feed off Kol's chaos like nothing else he had ever seen, gods help them if Siena happens to have another mate that thrives on Chaos! They would be unstoppable!

He finally comes upon the red witch as she stood in front of a roaring hearth. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. Of course, she's standing by a fire...


Siena cast an invisibility spell as she ran through the castle searching for stags.

She came upon the painted table and had to stop and gawk at the thing. She may or may not have considered getting Nik to come and fuck her on this table but she didn't have time for that, right now at least.

As she stood admiring the table where wars are planned by kings the Stag decided to come to her.

She remained cloaked as she watched Stannis march into the room, flaming stag printed across his chest. Who she assumed was Sr.Davos walked in behind him. They never looked exactly like the show actors but normally they were close.

Siena couldn't lose the opportunity and sealed the door with a spell, anyone who tried to disturb the room would suddenly remember a task they had forgotten and steer clear. Kol had shown it to her and it was currently one of her favorites.

Once the room was sealed and made to be soundproof Siena revealed herself making both men jump back.

Siena ran up to Davos and quickly compelled him to be still and not to panic before turning to Stannis.

"You know, at one point I actually liked you. But I refuse to let you burn your daughter" Siena said as she approached him.

Stanis shook his head confused but before he could speak Siena was compelling him "You will never be able to harm your daughter. You would rather die yourself before putting her in harm's way. You will love her deeply, more than anything else in this world. You will not question the disappearance of the red Witch and if anyone asks you say you sent her away. She was trying to infect you with evil magics, she is no longer welcome" She said in a calm tone as she glared into his eyes.

"When you get word of a Son born from Rhaegar you will join his cause in exchange for Storms End and the safety of Shireen. You have no ambitions for Kingship, only to be Lord of the Stormlands. You will Never reach for a crown" As Siena said this she could hear Davos make a sound of discontent from behind her but she paid it no mind as she finished off the compulsion.

"When I leave this room you will forget ever seeing me and everything I have spoken of. You will not be able to remember my orders but you will still follow them. Now, sit down where you normally would calmly and silently" she said as she watched him.

She hoped she was doing the right thing, she really did. Though at the end of the day she still wanted to see how it all played out in a few years.

Stanis stiffy followed her orders while she turned to Davos.

She smirked at him as his eyes widened "Oh don't panic too much, I like you, you were always a very grounded character" Siena said sarcastically as she approached him.

He was confused but she didn't care "You will forget ever seeing me or anything that was said the moment I leave the room. Now go stand where you normally would" she said simply.

She trusted him to have enough competence to make his own damn decisions, so once they were both in place she ran from the room and continued looking for Shireen.

She found the little girl in a dark room reading a book.

She sighed as she saw the sad state the room was in, it was no place for a child to grow up.

Siena lightly knocked on the door, alerting the girl she was there. She didn't flinch as Shireen turned towards her and she got her first look at Greyscale. The lack of reaction seemed to make the girl both relax and become more curios.

"What are you doing in here? Who are you?" Shireen asked as she stood up and took a step back.

Siena smiled "You would not understand if I tried to explain it. But I am here to help. Tell me, if you could get rid of those scars would you?" Siena asked calmly, keeping her distance.

Shireen looked at her indigently "That is none of your business! Who are you?" she asked as she gripped a candle stick that had been set on the table.

Siena sighed before speeding to the girl and quickly compelling her to calm down and answer honestly before she retreated.

Shireen looked at her in mild alarm, the compulsion not allowing her to get too worked up.

"How did you do that? What are you?" Shireen asked as she slowly sat down, watching Siena like a hawk.

Siena smiled calmly "As I said, you would not understand. It is not that I doubt your intelligence it is just a fact. No one in this world would be able to understand. Now, I will ask again, would you heal your scars if you could?" she asked in a soothing tone.

Shireen nodded, the compulsion pushing for honesty "Yes" was all she said.

Siena nodded "I can do that, but are you truly sure? Your scars protect you more than you understand. Women are sold to the highest bidder here and you're scars protect you from men that would otherwise wish to harm you or own you" Siena said, laying it out flat.

She wasn't ignorant to how much those scars could protect Shireen from the dangers of being a woman in this universe and a part of her did want to spare her that but mostly she wanted this to be her decision and Siena believed in letting people make informed decisions with all the fact on the table.

Shireen looked away "I know that, I may be young but I'm not ignorant of how hateful people can be. I have never let it get to me and I won't now, someone did this to me. It wasn't something I was born with or that the gods bestowed it was an evil man who decided to play an evil trick and it has cost me much. If I could get rid of it I would, but that is not an option and I have had to accept that" Shireen said.

Siena was surprised by her maturity, it wasn't often you found one so young that had such a view of the world but then she had always had a unique perspective. It was why Siena had liked her so much.

Siena nodded "Well, then I'll see what I can do" she said with a small smile. 


Anyone else lose their comfort content with this whole Try Guys scandal? No? Just me? Well here's some game of thrones shit cuz I wanted to write something and I have been watching house fo the dragon. One more game of thrones chapter then we going to House of the dragon. Yes a small time skip in between so Elijah gets his peace. lol

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and plot. 

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