The Umbrella Academy - Part 2

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Luther looked like he was about to attack me but my mates all took a step forward and 5 transported in front of him and held a hand on his chest "she may have a crappy bedside manner but she isn't wrong and she's trying to help us. How about you don't fuck that up and go cool off" 5 said calmingly as he took a slow step back away from Luther.

Luther glared at me and 5 for a few seconds before leaving in a huff.

We all watched him go but the moment was interrupted by Klaus looking at me confused "wait what?" I laughed before sighing.

We all watched him go but the moment was interrupted by Klaus looking at me confused "wait what?" I laughed before sighing

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"You sir need to sober up, also stop lying about Ben. It's not cool, other than that I have no critiques" I said with a shrug.

Klaus blinked at me in shock before glancing at his siblings who were glaring at him.

"What did she mean Ben?" Diago asked carefully.

Klaus grasped for words for a moment before sighing "ugh fine, He's been here the whole time" he said as he crossed his arms in a pout.

I snickered while Allison and Diago yelled at him.

Vanya walked towards me slowly "what did you mean by they need to be good siblings to me?" she asked hesitantly.

I sighed "I mean, they are fucking horrible to you. But the reason it is so important is that you have powers, they are way stronger than your siblings and instead of teaching you control, your dick of a father repressed them with your pills and erased the memories of ever having powers" I told her gently.

It wasn't like she could blow up on the pills so we were fine for now.

She shook her head in denial "no, I can't have powers" she whispered as she took a step back.

I sighed "I would have loved to be gentle about this but we are on a time crunch, yes you do have powers. Your powers are incredibly dangerous and will take a lot to control but you do find control as long as your dick of a brother doesn't decide to go all I'm number 1 and lock you up. If your siblings actually support you, you should be fine. Not to mention you now know what the pills do and can take them if it ever gets too bad but it should be your choice whether to take them or not" I told her gently.

I could tell 5 was listening while the others were still bickering.

I sighed and pulled away to let her process it and called out "Klaus" to get his attention.

Both Klaus and Nik turned their heads towards me immediately making me smile fondly at Nik before turning back to Klaus "do you still have the box of shit from your father's office? We need what's inside" I asked casually.

Allison hit his shoulder and rolled her eyes while Klaus sheepishly pulled out the box from inside his coat.

I just smiled and said thank you and I broke open the box and took the journal from it.

I handed Klaus back the box making him smile before turning to Allison "why don't you rumor him not to do drugs for the next 5 days. If you wanted to be nice you could also take away his fear of his power" I said with a shrug as I flipped through the journal and sped read it before handing it to Vanya who was still obviously in denial.

"This should be proof enough, sorry hun, he was a dick" I told her with a small kind smile before turning back to Allison.

She shook her head "I don't do that anymore" she said.

I sighed but just shook my head and walked up to Klaus I looked him in the eyes and compelled him "you will not become intoxicated for the next five days. You will no longer fear your powers or the dark. You have nothing to fear, you control them not the other way around" I compelled him simply before turning back to my mates and walking towards them casually.

"What the hell was that?" Allison asked shocked.

I turned around with a smirk "that was compulsion, why do you insist on this whole I feel bad for myself and my power is a curse thing. If you feel so bad about your powers why don't you use them for good, what's the point in not using them? It's just a waste honestly, you can solve half the problems in a day, yet you don't" I said with an unimpressed look on my face.

She looked like she wanted to argue but 5 stepped forward "so what caused the apocalypse?" he asked when he saw Allison about to blow.

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow "You all treating your sister like shit caused the apocalypse, and Harold Jenkins. He manipulates Vanya and gets her to trigger her powers but he is a psycho who is obsessed with you guys, like a creepy attic with a shit ton of pictures with your eyes scratched out obsessed" I said as I shuddered at that dude, he gave me the creeps from the first second. He gave off big-time secret psycho Bengimen Linus vibes "oh I look all meek and harmless but really I could kill you without a thought and then laugh over your body".

Vanya looks super disturbed when I said that and had a grimace while 5 looked thoughtful.

I sighed before saying "Harold Jenkins was the fuse and then when she came to you all for help Luther was a dick and locked her up, none of you agreed with it but he just bulldozed over you. So don't let him do that shit anymore, his plans usually end up in shit. He can lead combat missions well but he can't do the thinking parts of the mission and he definitely can't handle moral dilemmas. Your father didn't train him for that" I said in a slightly scolding tone.

They actually all looked appropriately pissed and seemed to be mad that he did that to Vanya. There might be hope for them yet.


hey guys hope you are having a good night. I think Sundays might become my regular update day for this book. tho I won't make it official cuz this really is a funs ide book for me so I can go to whatever I am watching at the moment. it helps me decide if I want to write full-blown books about something or if I just wanted to say my peace and call everyone dumbasses lol. 

happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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