Once Upon a Time - Part 5

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Before we could continue talking I heard Snow scream from behind me.

I immediately turned and saw Cora holding Charming's heart in her hand.

She looked at me and my mates in confusion.

When she saw Gold standing completely fine I saw her eyes widen in shock and slight horror.

I smiled casually "honey just let them go. You're not going to win I know all your dirty little secrets" I said as I inspected my nails.

I saw her glare at me and try and use magic on me but it seems their brand of magic doesn't do anything to us.

I saw her eyes widen in disbelief and I looked at my mates with a sarcastic smirk "well it looks like theirs doesn't work on us, should we test if our works on them?" I asked.

Kai grinned a psychotic grin that for some reason turned me on slightly but I would file that away for later.

"Gladly pumpkin" Kai said as most of my mates nodded with smirks as well.

I turned towards Cora with a psychotic grin to match my mates and tilted my head as if in thought "well I think a test is in order don't you?" I said before choking her with my magic making her panic.

I smiled "oh well it looks like it works" I said condescending sweet.

She let go of Charmings heart and Snow caught it before it could fall on the concrete.

"What are you?" Cora asked as she scratched at her throat.

I could tell she was trying to use her magic on me and my mates but it wasn't working.

I laughed "me? I'm a traveler but that's not important. Now I'm going to shove your heart back into your damn body so you won't be such a damn bitch anymore. Maybe actually work on being a good mother instead of trying to ruin people's lives every five seconds. Not to mention you might want to try and reconnect with Zelena, that girls mother issues are massive" I sad as if scolding a child.

I watched as she tried desperately to get away but I had her in a strong hold.

I decided to stop playing around and just put her asleep with a quick spell.

I looked at the fairytale gang who were all looking at me cautiously besides Gold who was smiling.

I just rolled my eyes and told them to call Regina.

They immediately protested so I just looked at Gold expectantly and he pulled out his phone.

"Make sure to tell her to bring mommy dearest's heart. I think it is time she actually gets a real mother in her life" I said casually as I levitated Cora into the back of David's truck and put a protective bubble around her so that nothing could hurt her on the drive. I may be a bitch but I'm not cruel.


Once we all made it to Gold's shop he immediately froze.

"Someone's been in here" Gold said in a growl.

I raised a hand "yea that was us. I figured I would go to the most competent person here so we waited for you until I realized what episode we were on" I explained casually as I walked in.

"So what did Regina say?" I asked as I hopped onto one of the counters.

"Well I told her if she wanted her mother back she would need to bring her heart. She didn't seem too pleased but said she would be here" Gold said as he walked behind the counter.

My mates took various places around the room.

Elijah put Cora in the backroom.

Charming went with him for some reason but I wasn't going to question it since it's not like he could hurt Elijah.

After a minute Regina decided to do her smoke trick and transport in.

I clapped "impressive, I wish we could travel like that" I said excitedly to Kol and Kai who were next to me.

Murphy was standing against one of the counters just watching the show.

"I want my mother.NOW" Regina said angrily.

I smiled "as long as you shove her heart inside her first. I think we will all be better for it. Don't you want to actually have a mother for once instead of an emotionless bitch?" I asked sarcastically.

She glared at me but I could see the emotions in her eyes.

She looked me up and down "and who are you? I've never seen you here before and seeing how this town has a magic barrier I find that very strange" Regina said as she took a step towards me.

I smiled brightly "just a traveler from a different universe, me and my mates pop in and out of universes and try and fix what we can. So are you going to let me fix shit or are we going to have a problem?" I asked sweetly.

"Before you answer you should know our magic doesn't work on them" Gold said with a smirk as he watched the interaction.

Regina's eyes widened but she nodded with a sigh before pulling out Cora's heart.

I smiled and took the heart "just for that let me give you some free advice. Robin hood is the one with the lion tattoo" I told her in a whisper.

She looked at me with wide eyes before nodding.

I casually walked towards Cora and was about to shove her heart back into her chest when Gold stopped me.

"Why don't I do that. Our magic doesn't work on you so it might not work" he said as he walked towards me.

I nodded but glared at him warningly "don't even think about it" I told him.

He gave me a mock innocent look "I don't know what you're talking about" he said sounding offended.

I would have bought it if I didn't know him so I turned to Regina "why don't you do it" I told her suggestively.

She smiled and took back the heart before shoving it into Cora's chest.


Sorry it's been a minute. I don't know how much longer we will stick around Once upon a time but at least one more chapter.

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and plot. 

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