Lost- Part 1

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As I was running through the tunnel I was again faced with different options. 

I passed what looked like Avengers fuck no, don't need those problems today. Something small, not end of the world consequences. 

I passed what looked like maybe the magicians but I wanted to save that one for when I needed another party break. 

Damn was I excited to party with wizards. I can't wait to find Harry Potter. That's gonna be a fun fucking day and I am totally staying there for a while....well if it's not all dark timey...eh fuck it even then...I am absolutely a Slytherin. 

As I was lost in my Harry Potter thoughts I didn't notice a few of the universes I passed but when I did get my attention back on track I saw what looked like Jack and lock looking down in the hatch from Lost. I could totally do Lost....Hell I still don't understand the fucking ending of that show.

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Fuck it let's go and with that, I was off to the weirdest island on at least this planet. 

When I got through the tunnel for once I was actually at the moment that I saw from the tunnel. Now here is the thing, they are not gonna be cool with me at first. This is like season one or two there just gonna think I'm an island person. Eh fuck it, head first like everything else. 

With that thought, I decided to just get into it. 

"Why don't you let me handle that?" I said while putting my hand on my hip and getting in my bossy bitch stance. 

I immediately had a gun pointed at me "who the hell are you? Are you an other?" Jake said being his whole good doctor leader man voice. 

"No I'm not an other Jack. Now put the gun down it wont work on me. Before you even start Locke I am not the smoke monster, though he is probably around somewhere, you need to chill the hell out baldie. Do you know how much shit you have caused by your psycho fanatic thinking? Seriously, you have scared poor Desmond to death down there" I said in a huff pointing at Locke. That man just frustrates me. He started kinda cool but fuck does he just make fuck up after fuck up.

They look at me like I'm crazy so I just speed around them and take the gun out of Jack's hands and take the knives off of Locke. 

When I sped back in front of them and dropped their stuff on the ground in front of me they looked at me like they were insane instead of me and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. 

"Ok calm down. I'm going to be brutally honest with you guys as I have found that's the best way to go. I'm not from this universe. In my universe this is a tv show. Now I'm not going to explain the whole reason I'm jumping universes. Just know I go to my favorite shows and fix shit. Count yourself very lucky to be on that list" I said with a straight tone so they don't think I'm fucking with them.

"Wha...what do you mean other universe? What the hell are you!?" Jack said, starting to get kinda freaked out. 

"Hey don't get all squarely on me. I'm here to help you. I'm not going to hurt anyone. Ok long story short my dad was a superhero named the flash he erased me from the timeline now I gotta keep running so I don't die and I figured let's have some fun while we are doing it. I know everything that happened, including how almost all of you die. Don't get me started on the others, that shit just gets straight weird. Hell this whole island is one big mind fuck so get ready for some unbelievable shit" I said sarcastically.

Once I finally had them calm enough I decided I would go down into the hatch and talk to Desmond. 

Once I cleared some shit up with him and got him to chill the hell out so we could use the hatch and all the food then we work on the others. I might actually stick around here for a bit. As much as it's dramatic as fuck it's at least simpler than post apocalyptic political slaughters or 1000-year-old children throwing hissy fits. Don't get me wrong I love those shows but let's be fucking honest here. 

Jack insisted on coming down with me so I had a couple things to go over with them first. 

"Ok if you are coming down with me you should know he is that guy you ran into running in the stadium when you hurt your ankle...or he hurt his ankle I can't really remember. He has been down there alone for a while so let me do the talking. Now Baldee you stay right fucking here and don't do anything stupid. If any of the other survivors come just tell them the situation is completely handled and if Kate comes tell her all the shit I have said and if she wants to come even more tell her if she doesn't stay up here I won't tell her where the case is. That will at least get her attention long enough for me to actually get some shit done" I said, basically scolding him like a child. Hey you act like one, you get treated like one. 

Once they both agreed I took Jack and ran us down into the hatch. Well, let the shit show begin.


Ok I did lost. I sat here trying to figure out what I wanted to do next and I said fuck it lets go to our favorite island. Now I gotta say does anyone understand the fucking ending? like seriously I have watched that show a million times it was one of the first shows i binged and I still don't fucking get the ending. Like I know they're dead but how the hell did they die? Was the whole time travel season fake? Just wtf...I still want answers!!! Hope u guys liked it tho. Happy Reading

Disclaimer: i own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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