The Vampire Diaries.2 - Part 1

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I was running through the tunnel with my mates trying to find Harry Potter.

After 30 minutes we still couldn't find it but we did see the Vampire Diaries Universe so we decided to go there for a pick me up. 

I motioned towards that universe before starting to run into it.

When we came through I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

It looked like Mystic falls but something felt different.

I looked at my mate confused "do you feel it to?" I asked confused.

Nik scrunched up his eyebrows and nodded "it feels different, wrong somehow" He said hesitantly as he looked around.

Kai took a step closer to me "the magic feels off. We should leave" he said quietly as he looked around nervously.

"We are not leaving, if something has happened we need to check on our siblings" Elijah said concerned.

Nik nodded while Kol rolled his eyes but nodded reluctantly "we should figure out what's going on. Worse comes to worst we can make a quick exit" I said with a shrug.

Kai sighed "fine but we should be quick. I don't like the feeling this place is giving me" he said as he looked around nervously.

We all sped to the Mikealson Mansion.

When we got there we all stopped short when we saw there was a giant party going on.

It looked like a ball making me stop in my tracks.

I immediately hid behind a few cares and my mates followed my lead.

"Why are we hiding. It looks like Rebekah is throwing a party in my home" Nik said with a scowl directed towards the house.

I shook my head "I don't think she did. That particular ball looks familiar. You three need to stay here while me, Kai, and Murphy check this out. I have a feeling we might not be in your universe" I rushed out as I looked around nervously.

They all blinked in shock but eventually came to terms.

None of the Mikealson brothers were happy but we couldn't risk them changing something unexpected.

Kai, Murphy, and I did a quick invisibility spell before quietly walking into the mansion.

We stayed in the shadows as we observed.

Well, I observed while the boys watched my back.

When I saw Rebekah in her green dress I winced but when I saw an alternate version of Nik, Elijah, Kol, and Finn I grimaced.

Murphy sputtered "wow you weren't kidding. Will we run into alternate versions of all of us?" he asked in a low whisper.

I shrugged and watched as they had their little welcome speech and Esther came down the stairs.

We slipped out right as everyone was walking towards the dance floor and sped back to the rest of my mates who were waiting not so patiently.


When we got back to the brothers I immediately started dragging them towards the woods.

"What's happening love?" Nik asked concerned.

I sighed "we aren't in your universe. Now unlike time travel, you won't screw too much up by meeting your alternate selves but I don't feel like causing that level of drama in the middle of the Ball" I said in a rushed tone as I continued to Drag Nik while kai dragged Kol and Murphy just directed Elijah.

As much as Nik likes to brag about being the Alpha Elijah was definitely the one who took the most control in situations.

Honestly, the man is the only mature one here.

Nik lets more of his immature side out around so many other like-minded individuals.

(seriously tho guys, it's why I can't put the twins as her mates as much as I want to, the chaos that would rain would be ridiculous. It's why I am so tempted to make snape one other mates because he could balance out the chaotic energy this group is getting)

Elijah stopped immediately where he was standing "so will we be intervening?" he asked with scrunched eyebrows.

I shrugged "we can decide that when we find a safe place for the night. I'm hungry and want to sleep for a few hours and if this is by the show tomorrow your mother is gonna try and kill all of this universe mikealson siblings and I figured it would be dramatic to come in and make a dramatic ass entrance. Oh I am so excited for your mom's face" I said with a bit of an evil smirk on my face.

Kol matched my smirk while Nik shrugged "I suppose I could be convinced to kill my mother again, it might be fun" he said sarcastically.

Murphy looked at them shocked "you guys are gonna kill your mom?" He asked with wide eyes filled with horror.

Nik shrugged "wouldn't be the first and probably won't be the last time" he said casually.

Elijah grimaced "our parents are the worst sort of people alive. They deserve far more than death" he said with conviction.

Murphy looked doubtful making me give him a hug "trust me the bitch deserves it. She is fucking horrible and will just keep trying to kill her own children" I told him reasuringly.

Murphy sighed and nodded but the moment was ruined By kai who made a booing sound.

"Boooo, killing your parents is the best, I killed almost my whole family and it was amazing" Kai said with a sadistic grin.

I just shook my head while Kol smirked and started walking again "that's child play, Nik has put a dagger in each of us over a dozen times and killed both of our parents. Not to mention the centuries of mindless slaughter" Kol said teasingly to Kai with a smirk.

Ii sighed and Elijah glared at them "we will not be debating who is the bigger monster. Now let's compel a hotel room a few towns over and plan for tomorrow" he said scoldingly before speeding away with the rest of us following.

Kol, Kai, and Nik were all snickering making me roll my eyes with a fond smile.


Okay guys I was gonna go straight to Harry Potter but I realized a problem and I wanted your opinions. What movie should we go into? Cuz I want Draco as her mate but that means we would have to go in the last 2 movies where she can't fix a lot. I wanted to save Serius but then we can't have Draco be her mate and I'm big time debating. So any ideas?

Happy reading

Disclaimer; I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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