The Vampire Diaries.2 - Part 5

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Kol.2 turned to me with a bit of shock in his eyes "so what do we change?" he asked quietly.

I smiled "like I said no more enemies left alive, start thinking things through the long term" I said casually.

I suddenly turned to Klaus "and no more daggers" I told him scoldingly.

He was about to get huffy but Nik just shook his head "just give it up, it's always done more harm than good and only ever driven them away. Let them live their own lives, it's not normal to be up your sibling's asses forever" he said sarcastically.

Klaus pouted but none of us were fazed "keeping the ash around is just dangerous, you need to get rid of that shit. Witch reminds me" I said before speeding to the hotel grabbing the ash and running back within a few seconds.

I dropped the bag of ash on the coffee table before sitting down.

"What is that?" Klaus asked with an unimpressed look on his face.

I smirked "the remains of a shit ton of White oak, your welcome by the way" I said sweetly.

All the .2 originals looked at the bag in shock "Where?" Elijah.2 asked quietly.

I chuckled "Wickery bridge was made with Whiteoak. Now the reason the ash is harmful is that it basically could work as a poison for you guys. Get that shit into your bloodstream and it goes straight to your heart. Bamn, dead original! Then a shit ton of dead Vampires because when an original dies their sireline dies with them. Something you should mention to the Scooby gang the next time they try and Kill Klaus. Though hopefully, you listen and every time they try you at the very least kill one of them if not all of them. I would start with one of the Salvatore Brothers" I said sarcastically as I sat down on Murphy's lap who was just sitting and watching the chaos with a small amused smile.

I could see them all panic at my statement which just amused me and my mates as we watched Klaus immediately run off with the ashes to go and dispose of them.

Before Finn could leave I called him over.

"What can I do for you, mam?" He asked politely.

I smiled "let Kai see if he can help with any of the damage, I know about your nightmares and I think I can at least soothe them but you should truly tell your siblings. They need to understand your pain, especially Klaus" I told him quietly.

Finn blinked in shock before nodding hesitantly.

Kai immediately walked up to him and put his hands to Finn's temples.


Kai was able to fix the damage caused by the dagger but it couldn't erase everything since it was still a heavily traumatic event.

He did go in and erase as much as he could with Finn's permission.

We sent him away with what information on Sage and Freya I had.

After that, we pulled Elijah.2 aside and addressed the Red door issue.

He was pretty shocked and didn't truly believe us but my Elijah confirmed it all and after I did the spell I did on my Elijah on Elijah.2 he was able to handle the memories in an organized way.

They would slowly come back over the next few years and in a way that won't break his fucking brain. Esther is such a bitch.

He would still have to deal with what he did but he should have been dealing with it as it happened not all at once 1000 years later.

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