Haven- Part 2

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After they lost their shit for about 30 minutes we eventually broke out the scotch. 

We each take a glass and try to calm our nerves, well there nerves.

 Eli takes a sip and gives them an impressed look "you have good taste in scotch" he says to Vince and Dave. 

"Well thank you young man, and how do you know so much about good scotch?" Vince asked, he was obviously probing for information but the fact he called Eli young had me losing my shit laughing.

 After laughing for a minute I got back control of myself "dude you have nothing on these two. They are a thousand years old, I'm pretty sure they're older than scotch" I said while still giggling slightly.

"Yes I did love when scotch was invented but bourbon by far is my favorite, now that was genius" Elijah said casually as he smirked at me. 

I laughed a little more but their faces were hilarious. "I did say my mates were from the Vampire diaries" I said with a devilish smirk. 

They blinked in shock for a minute trying to adjust to all the information being given them.

 "So when exactly are we? Is the Chief still alive?" I asked them. 

"The chief die's?" Dave asked, his eyes getting big. 

I nodded "ok so we're still in season 1, it's always nice to get here before shit really hits the fan. I'm assuming Audrey has come though, right?" I ask. 

They nodded "ok that's good, I'm going to warn you boys. If you sit back and let it happen the troubles end by the end of this but a lot of people end up dying in the meantime" I looked at Dave specifically and they seemed to get what I meant if the looks on their faces were anything to go by.

We let them digest the fact Dave would die for a minute before the chief came in and paused when he saw us.

 "What up earthquake?" I ask while nodding my head at him in greeting.

 He blinked at us in shock before sitting in the open chair "what do they know?" he asks Vince and Dave. 

I laugh "more than you" I say with a smirk. 

After that, they fill in the chief about the shit I have said while I sit and have a quiet discussion with my mates how neither of them get to pick anymore if this was the place they take us.

 They both grumbled but actually agreed that I should probably be the one to choose from now on, at least until they get used to this. If you cant tell there my little bitches....yea that's right I fucking said it. I wear the pants in this relationship....though hopefully not in the bedroom if you get what I'm saying.wink.wink


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Once the Chief was given a stiff drink and a good few minutes to adjust he seemed to get his bearings. 

"So if she kills someone she loves it works?" he asked.

 I snort "no, if she kills someone she loves there is no hope for her so everyone with troubles will die. The troubles end when her mom comes back and makes a new barn, after she sleeps with sasquatch. Oh I am so meeting Duke and playing poker with him before we leave" I say to my mates who immediately growl at me possessively. 

I shake my head in exasperation "loves, you do realize that meant with you right?" I ask with a raised eyebrow while they look away and avoid my stare in embarrassment.

 I just shake my head before paying attention to the freaked-out people in the room who just saw two grown men growl. 

Well Vince and Dave know their vampires but the Chief was looking at us like we're crazy.

 We told him they were vampires but he didn't believe us so Elijah showed his fangs and the guy almost fell out of his chair before downing his drink.

 We told him they were vampires but he didn't believe us so Elijah showed his fangs and the guy almost fell out of his chair before downing his drink

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After giving him a few minutes to adjust I kept going "so the whole time missing thing is Croatoan, also known as Amara's father. He comes through and can possess a halfling to do what he needs for a certain amount of time if a thinie is opened. You, Dave, are one of those halflings and there is another, a girl named Jennifer Mason, her and Duke get it on. Before you ask, yes that is what happened that day with the Colorado Kid. now I'm going to be honest you guys might need to destroy the Barn, that's what happened originally and I'm pretty sure that's why Amara's mother comes to help. Nathen shot Howard and then Duke goes in after Audrey and gets plopped out a few month later and Jenifer finds him and then the get Audrey out of the barn and Yay everyone's happy until the asshole Amarah was dating also comes through and he brings Amara back out of Audrey then Duh Dun Duh big bad bitch is in town and she ruins Audrey's name but Audrey isn't Audrey she is Amara and I honestly felt like Amara should have been helped but that wouldn't have made a good ending so Amara's mom picks Audrey instead of her own daughter, yay. Seriously if you tell Amara that Croatian is her dad I guarantee she will chill the hell out, she just has major daddy issues" I said in a huff because I really didn't love how they ended that show.

Seriously, they gave them a happy ending but this bitch is basically imprisoned in her own body for five hundred years and then her own MOTHER chooses an overlay personality that still exists in the world as an actual woman instead of her?.....WHAT!?...and they even killed Duke, Duke was fucking awesome. You finally give him a great girl and then you have her die for absolutely no reason? That one was probably cuz of the actress or something like that but fucking still. 

I was so focused on my mental rant I didn't notice how they basically freaked out again.

 I only came back to reality when the place started shaking. "HEY, YOU NEED TO CHILL OUT. YOU HAVE CONTROL NOW...YOU CAN FIX IT" I screamed as the room shook.

After another minute he calmed down and the fucking room stopped shaking. 

"Here, this is a book of all the shit I know, if something happened look through it and if you see that situation look at the solution. The more you change the less relevant it all is, so don't just change everything" I said as I handed them a fuck up book. I think we have almost killed the old guys enough for one day. 

With that we were off to the tunnel trying to pick a new universe.


I debated doing another one but I figured we can put some fun chapters in the 100. Sooo any thought to Bellamy being one of her mates? Or jasper? I think Jasper might just be too sweet but I could totally see Bellamy fitting in well with the guys I'm picturing. Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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