The Vampire Diaries- Part 2

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I was running through the tunnel trying to find somewhere quick to drop in, get some supplies and then drop out. You never realize how precious toilet paper is until you live without it. 

As I looked through my options I saw what looked like Nik making hybrids and went straight there knowing he would totally buy me anything I wanted. 

When I finally found him he had just snapped the neck of some poor unsuspecting werewolf. 

"So did you listen to me or did you decide to do something stupid?" I ask casually leaning up against a tree.

He immediately turned to me and smirked "hello love, I decided for once to listen to someone else. You should be proud, it was very hard not to play with the idiot Salvatore's" he said before leaning against his own tree. 

I laughed lightly "well it will give you fewer problems in the long run, trust me. Now, I need a shit ton of toilet paper and about 10 thousand tacos. I thought the ancient rich hybrid who I helped out very much would be kind enough to buy these things for me seeing as I was stranded on an island" I said giving him my best puppy dog eyes to date.

Of course he caved and now I'm carrying a box of industrial rolls of toilet paper. I would have just gotten a bag but I have a lot of people to share this with and more is always better, plus I need to be able to carry it. I also bought a big ass box of tampons and pads for the ladies. God there are things you don't realize when you only see it on tv. It got straight mid-evil there for some of those bitches so I was being very nice. I even found some of those period panties in case I have to leave for a while and they got no other options.

After I got everything I needed I pigged out on a shit ton of taco's that Klaus's hybrids got me while we chatted about what happened so far. 

"So I'm assuming you found the white oak wood from the Wickery bridge?" I asked him with my mouth full. I haven't had good food for what feels like years!! Don't judge me. 

He looked at me like I grew a second head. 

I gave him a blank stare "you did read the book I gave you right? I know I told you not to go too far into it but you were supposed to skim it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

He immediately started getting pissy.

I saw his mood and immediately snapped at him "don't you dare throw a temper tantrum! Go burn that fucking bridge down after you get some to kill Mikel. Then that little knight you carved for Rebekah is also made out of white oak" I said while giving him a death glare. 

He actually backed down and nodded at me, though his eyes bugged out when I talked about the knight. 

After that, I snatched his phone and started googling Lost recaps and shit that would help me so I didn't get the details.

I saw Nik looking at me in interest "what? do you like Lost?" I ask him, tilting my head. 

He tried to brush me off but I was instantly on his ass. "You do don't you? You are a lost fanboy? Hey, I cant judge you...what do you think the toilet paper is for?" I ask, sending him a teasing smile. 

He immediately perked up "you were at Lost? What was it like?" he asked eagerly like a fanboy. 

"You really are kinda dorky, you know that?" I ask while giggling. 

He nodded at me with a smile "I know. I know" he said jokingly.

 I know" he said jokingly

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After that, we had a bit of a fangirl session where I told him all about the shit I had fixed and we actually had a really great night. 

I could see me and him being friends, I'll definitely be coming back to this universe to come hang out with my favorite original hybrid. 

He told me all about what had been happening and how the Scooby gang was still calling him evil but they definitely weren't as big of a pain in the ass as they were originally. 

When I told him the shit they did originally he actually thanked me for changing what happened. 

He told me that he had figured out where Mikael was so he can kill him before he even wakes up and then he can bring back his siblings.

I told him about a few things that will probably help smooth things over. 

I told him things like Sage, where the cure was, about Davina, I even mentioned the red door and how they all should really work with Elijah with that. 

I also told him in greater detail about Freya as she will go a long way to help Finn, Nik actually felt horrible when I described what it was like for Finn since he left him daggered so long. 

He wanted to take the dagger out but I told him he should get these things first so that it's easier for him when he comes out. 

He ultimately agreed and actually had his hybrids go to get sage and Freya immediately. Awww he can be a sweetheart. 

After that, I decided to pass out on the couch in his apartment for a nap before heading back to the island.


I thought this was a good way to give u guys kinda a refresher since i've been doing alot of lost and that was an older show so here you go. Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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