The Vampire Diaries.2 - Part 3

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(I try and make it clear which one is her mate's version of the Mikealsons and which ones are this universe. The biggest difference is her mate is Nik and this universe is Klaus. The others I usually say it but even my brain hurts a bit lol)


Kol smirked as he walked out of the woods and looked at the alternate version of his mother "well because of us mother, well other version of mother" he said sarcastically.

Everyone in the clearing froze as suddenly there were two separate sets of Mikealson brothers, excluding Finn of course.

I smirked at Esther.

"See these are my mates and we thought this was their universe but imagine our surprise when it wasn't. I figured since we are here already we mide as well fix some shit before it happens" I said with a shrug as I watched Esther try and grasp the situation.

My mates spread out to surround Esther while I took the dialog portion.

I looked at this universes Mikealson brothers "I always thought you guys got the shit end of the stick so I fix it whenever I come across you guys. Now Finn, you have Sage and in a few years you can also have Freya" I said sweetly.

Esther's eyes widened in horror while Finn blinked in shock.

Esther shook her head in denial "no... she and Dahlia are long dead" She said franticly with her voice shaking slightly in fear.

Klaus took a step forward in interest "who is this woman to bring my great and powerful mother to shake in her boots? He asked me as he looked at His mother with a dark gleam in his eyes.

I giggled lightly "oh only her big sister, she betrayed that woman for your brute of a father. Sold her firstborn to have the rest of you and sold your future firstborns as well. It's probably why Vampires can't have children, she wanted it that way" I said casually as I watched Esther panic and try and run but hit the barrier.

I laughed sarcastically "did you think it would be that easy? I placed a boundary spell the second everyone was here. Unlike the original timeline, you aren't escaping. You are going to let your children be happy for the first time in their lives and stop punishing them for your bloody mistakes" I said with anger bleeding into my tone.

I turned towards this universe's Mikealson brothers "do what you want with her. Kill her or trap her but remember she is a crafty bitch. If you want one of us could siphon her magic. It wouldn't be permanent but it should last at least 24 hours" I said sarcastically before walking into Nik's arms.

I could tell Klaus was intrigued by this and slightly hesitant of his alternate self.

Elijah nodded "that would be much appreciated" he said curtly while eyeing the alternate version of himself.

Kai nodded and walk straight to Esther.

Esther tried to run but he just put a hand on her and siphoned every drop of magic from her blood before she could even move.

She screamed and fell to the ground in shock.

I could tell she tried to use her magic but it wasn't working.

I smirked "well we will meet you back at the mansion, I think we should discuss a few more things before we leave" I said happily before pulling Nik behind me.

My other mates followed casually.


When we got away from prying ears I looked at the rest of my mates "why don't you go to the Mansion, I have something I want to talk about with Nik" I told them.

Kai, Murphy, and Kol all ooowed like when a kid gets called to the principal while Elijah just shook his head and lead them away.

When we were alone I turned towards Nik who looked so confused.

I didn't even wait a moment before jumping on him and bringing him into a steamy kiss.

Before he could take control I pushed him against the tree and pushed my body against his.

I pulled away from the kiss slowly before saying "mine" lowly with my eyes turning gold quickly.

Nik smirked "while I enjoyed that immensely love could you enlighten me on why exactly you wanted to make out with me in the middle of the woods?" he asked cheekily with a cocky smirk on his face.

I pulled away with a huff and crossed my arms "I may have seen other you flirting with Caroline and as much as he isn't you, he looks just like you and I needed to make it clear" I said quietly as a blush grew on my face.

Before I knew what was happening I was pushed up against the tree and Nik was kissing me with a low growl.

He held me tightly as he took full control of the kiss.

I moaned lightly making him smirk before he pulled away "you're mine Love, no matter what I would never even look at someone else" he said in a gravely tone.

I smiled lightly and gave him a small kiss filled with emotion.


As much as it would have been fun to fuck in the woods we were on a time crunch so it wasn't long before we were walking into the Mikealson mansion.

Suddenly Kol was in front of me "ah there you are darling, what took you so long" he said sweetly before trying to hold me and give me a kiss.

The second he touched me I pulled away and right back into Nik's arms.

I glared at this universe's version of Kol as he gave me a cheeky smirk.

Before Nik could go after him my Kol was throwing him across the room with full Hybrid features on display "you try and touch what is mine again and this universe won't have a version of us" he said angrily.

Kol.2 as I am now calling him looked like he wanted to fight until he saw a room full of angry original hybrids and quickly backed off "how are you all bloody Hybrids?!" he asked in shock.

They all smirk as one "what is one becomes all" all my mates said together in a cool but creepy kind of way.


So I actually got two chapters done for this book tonight. I think my head kinda wants to do a practice run with Esther. U know cuz this book has fewer consequences as my other book since they can just pop out and be done with it. From this point on this universes, Mikealson brothers will have the .2 after so it's easier to know who the hell I'm talking about.

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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