Lost- Part 12

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I had fixed almost everything so far.

 I got Jack and Richard to meet and have a chat and they actually came to an understanding all on their own. They need to be able to handle shit when I'm gone. I can't do everything for them. 

Richard even got the looking glass problem solved and they were about to start shipping people off the island. 

They were going to start with the others. 

Jack threw a bit of a hissy fit but as soon as I explained some of them have been here for years when Ben had promised they could go home he actually seemed to realize that they weren't the only ones stuck on this island. 

I did make sure Juliet would stay but also had assured her she would be able to go home and see her sister on occasion but she was one of the people who needed to stay.

She wasn't thrilled but I told her exactly what would happen if I didn't interfere and she seemed to put things in perspective. It's not perfect but at least she can see her sister again.

Surprisingly there were actually a lot of people who wanted to stay.  

They knew things were changing and if they stayed they would be allowed to actually see Jacob if nothing else and a lot of these people have based their entire lives on him. 

Enough people wanted to stay so that some of the oceanic survivors would be able to get on the sub. 

What really shocked me was how many people from flight 815 wanted to stay. Well fuck they get to escape whatever crappy lives they had and just stay on a beautiful island the rest of there lives....fuck I would stay if I could...but sadly daddy dearest didn't give me that choice.

The biggest problem was the monster and I had basically spelled out to Jacob how to handle that problem. Smokey gets a bullet to the head then bam everyone's fine.

I had run back in time and told them to bury the bomb just in case they never time traveled themselves. They Might still need to do that if Charles wants to keep being a dick. 

I left the job of finding out how to explain the people from the plane suddenly being alive to Richard, he had much more experience than me for these things. I was actually almost done here. I would come back obviously but not for a while. It's always fun to see how much shit I changed.

I decided to be nice and help a couple people with building their houses. Super speed can do wonders. 

By the end I actually had about 5 little huts built. 

I reserved one for Rose and Bernard and another for Jin and Sun. 

The others can go to whoever else decides to stay. When I showed them their little cabins they were all so grateful. Ok I might be a bitch but I'm the sweetest bitch you will ever meet. I love helping people, it comes with having the father I did but I also am not just going to let people walk all over me either. There is such a thing as being too nice and I have learned that lesson the hard way.

I spent the day saying my goodbyes and spending time with a few of the people I liked.

 It was nice since everyone had chilled the hell out since I basically came in here like a goddamn fairy godmother and helped them all. Bipidy boppity boo motherfuckers.

Overall it was a nice last day here. 

I even went and visited Jacob and had another chat with him about everything so he could be prepared. I had tied up all loose ends. 

They didn't need me anymore and as such it's time for me to go. Oh my fucking god I'm not the fairy godmother I'm god damn Nany McPhee. Well if she was smoking hot but you absolutely get what the hell I'm talking about.

Eventually at the end of the night I dragged myself away from this island. I ran around until the tunnel opened and went straight in. off to the next adventure.


Ok... i have an idea... and i need your guys input. Should I give her mates? I've read a bunch of fics like this lately where they give her mates and i really like them and i feel like i kinda fucked over my main character so what would you think if i made her have mates? Like I would find a way to write it in, I already have a few ideas. But would you guys like that? I was genuinely just gonna make her alone but i realized how suckky that is so im thinking this would be a good way to make her not be so alone and miserable. If no one ses shit im probably gonna do it anyways lol happy reading

Disclaimer: i own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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