The Vampire Diaries.2 - Part 2

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We rested that night in a fancy hotel while Nik went out to get some blood bags.

We all decided that we would intervene tomorrow and make a big dramatic reveal right after this universe's version of the mikealson brothers arrive to stop their mother.

I couldn't wait to fuck with Esther's head.

Me and Kai would watch and maybe help with small things throughout the day and the rest of my mates would join us for their dramatic entrance.

This way if we get caught it won't be too big of a deal since they can't kill us.


I was watching from the shadows as Elijah got Elena from her house and trapped her in the underground caves with Rebekah.

Right as we were watching Elijah leave I had a realization.

Kai was about to speed after Elijah but I held him back "No, we have another detour today. How do you feel about burning down a bridge?" I asked with a cheeky smirk.

Kai rolled his eyes with a fond smile "well pumpkin you know I'm always down for a little arson" He said with a maniacal smile on his face.

I gave him a quick kiss "that's what I thought. Come on handsome let's go save some lives" I said excitedly before speeding towards Wickery Bridge.


Once we got to the bridge I put up a quick cloaking spell and turned to Kai "I want it all turned to ash, but we need to collect the ash too" I said with no room for argument.

He smirked "of course Pumpkin, your so cute when your bossy" he said with a smirk before turning towards the bridge and setting it on fire with his magic.

While he did that I walked over to the sign and pulled it out of the ground before throwing it onto the bridge so it would burn as well.


Once we had all the ash collected we sped down to Mystic Grill to wait for the Scooby gang to make their move.

When I saw Klause walkout following Caroline I had to hold in a growl. Not your Nik. Not your Nik. Not your Nik.

I kept repeating it in my head to not claw the bitches eyes out.

Don't get me wrong I love Caroline but I still wanted to kill her in this moment.

Kai ran a hand down my back "it's not Nik pumpkin calm down. Come on channel your anger at the idiots about to try and dagger an original" he whispered lightly.

I sighed and nodded before turning to glare at the door that I knew would open in a sec with the Scooby gang carrying out a daggered Kol.


We only had to wait a few minutes before Alaric dragged out a daggered Kol to Stefan and Damon.

Me and Kai were only watching since Klause had this handled.

I smirked when I watched Klaus undagger Kol and throw Stefan and Alaric against the wall.

I wanted to groan when Elijah stopped him from killing Damon.

I would be having a serious conversation with them about killing their enemies.

The fact the fucking originals were bested by a group of teenagers and two baby vamps is fucking ridiculous and just sad.

They had the worst habit of leaving enemies alive to plot revenge for no fucking reason.


I followed Elijah, Kol, and Klause to the clearing while Kai went to get the rest of my mates.

I watched as they waited for the Salvatore brothers to Kill Bonnie's mother.

when my mates all arrived we waited in the shadows as Esther sent Bonnie and her mother into the house and Kol, Elijah and Klause walked into the clearing.

When the Mikealson brothers version two walked up the circle and Esther and Finn stood inside it I took the time to set up a boundary spell with Kai to keep everyone who is inside the clearing trapped here until I lift it.

This way Esther couldn't make a run for it even if she wanted to.

When the brothers tried to enter the circle and it repelled them Esther smiled "you can not enter" she said with superiority in her voice.

I smirked and walked forward "but we can" I said with a cheeky smile as me and my mates stepped forward.

Kol, Elijah, and Nik were staying in the shadows for now so it was just me, Kai, and Murphy.

"Who are you?" Klause asked angrily while Esther and Finn stared at us in shock and confusion.

Elijah glared at us "you are intruding on family business" he said as he motioned for us to leave.

"Better be off before you become collateral, darling. Wouldn't want a pretty face like yours to go to waste" Kol said sarcastically but he didn't take his eyes away from his mother and brother.

I laughed sarcastically "well it might not be my business, you should really take my help here boys. I have invested interest in seeing you alive and vast knowledge on how to kill original witches" I said sweetly as I smiled at Esther.

I turned to Finn "do you know Sage is alive? She has waited for you for 900 years. Are you really going to kill her now Finn?" I asked him gently.

I watched as his eyes widened and he took a step backward.

"What do you mean?" Kol asked curiously.

I smirked at Esther "oh only that she is trying to kill all vampires. When an original dies there entire sire line dies with them. It's one of her oldest spells, isn't that right Esther?" I asked her sweetly while all the brothers turned to her in shock.

"How can you know all this?" She asked shocked as she looked around like a cornered animal.

I smirked "well that's the thing sweety, I'm not from this universe. My mates and I are from all over the multiverse. And unlucky for you I know exactly how to kill you because I have seen it been done before" I said with a vindictive smirk on my face.

Esther shook her head frantically "why would you care about them? What could killing me possibly do for you? Why would you want to protect my children?!" she asked frantically.

I heard three distinct footsteps from behind me.

Kol smirked as he walked out of the woods and looked at the alternate version of his mother "well because of us mother, well other version of mother" he said sarcastically.


It was such a mind fuck writing this. I know it's a bit weird but it's the best I could get from my brain so here you go lol

Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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