Teen Wolf- Part 1

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While I was running through the tunnel I saw different universes, some I knew some I did not. 

I always found it so fascinating that almost all shows are alternate universes. 

My father explained that in most cases the writers of the shows actually have a sixth sense of some kind that lets them have dreams of other universes. I always thought that maybe all dreams are different universes, it would make sense why dreaming is such a weird thing and how sometimes you see things and then they happen or see alternate versions of yourself. Or it could all be bull shit and I'm just crazy but hey to each their own. 

My thoughts were cut off by a loud roaring sound coming from a certain universe. 

I looked and saw Scott from teen wolf roaring into the woods. Eh fuck it teen wolf it is I thought as I ran through the wormhole into that universe.

When I ran into this universe the first thing I saw was Jackson transforming from a kenama to a werewolf. 

"Good the end of season 2. I don't have to deal with Gerrard's creepy-ass" I said sarcastically to myself. 

When I spoke I immediately had everyone's attention, which would have been great if it wasn't coming off super hostile. 

"Who are you?" Dereck demanded. 

"God this is like my 5th universe and it's still weird to see u guys in real life" I said sending them a smile. 

My statement did nothing to help with their confusion.

 "To cut the story short I'm a speedster from another universe. I was erased from the timeline by my father and now I'm running so time doesn't catch up with me. Since I had to run anyway and it takes time longer to catch up with me if I change universes I decided to go see my favorite shows. You guys are one of those tv shows so do you want my help or not cuz I could just bop right out of here and let all the shitty things happen to you, you know if that's what you would prefer" I said with my signature smirk and cocky attitude.

They all seemed shocked so I decided to be a little kinder since I was a mysterious being from another universe who just popped up on probably one of the most stressful situations they have ever been in. 

"Ok I can see I have shocked you but trust me I'm offering you guys a lot of help here you really should pull on your big girl pants and roll with it, that's what I do" I said with a smile but still not losing the cocky attitude. 

"What kind of things are you helping us with?" Chris asked being the first to pull up his big girl pants. 

"Oh I don't know, let's start with the death of your daughter for one" I answered him. 

He immediately lost some of the color in his face "I don't care what they say. I will take your help" he said immediately. 

"I always liked you, you actually survived till the end" i said giving him a real smile.

They immediately took me to Scott's house to explain things. 

"Ok first things first don't trust Peter at all he will always try to kill you. The only thing that remotely makes him become trustworthy is if it involves Malia, his daughter. She is currently running around the woods as a coyote so I would get on that. There's gonna be this kid that comes his name is Theo, fucking kill him immediately he is a horrible person and is only trying to steal everything you care about" I said pointing my finger at Scott. 

He looked at me kinda shocked before trying to scold me "we don't-". I cut him off "Don't even start the we don't kill speech if you don't want to get your hands dirty either Derek or Chris can do it. Oh and your new teacher is the darach she's gonna come into class with a text to everyone so watch out for that one. If scary guys with samurai swords come there the oni, there not bad there just looking for the dark spirit. Which will be stiles by the way, sorry stiles. If they get under the wrong person's control silver arrows will kill them. What else?....oh Lydia's a banshee. When the beast comes he is Liam's best friend. I know you don't know who Liam is but you will. Scott is a true alpha and keeps Boyd and Erica close so they don't get taken by the alpha pack. If you get the Darach to give Duchalian back his eyes he actually turns back into a kinda good guy. The twins join your team so I definitely would try and get their allegiance if I were you. I think that's it but even if it's not that just saved you so much pain so your welcome" I said as I sat down. 

By the end of my little speech they were looking at me like I grew two heads, well at least the teenagers where Chris and Derek were paying attention to every word that left my mouth. "Someone should write this down. 

"OH YEA, in Lydia's lake house there are a bunch of machines behind the wall with the weird record player. I would knock down that wall and break that machine. I would also take Meredith Walker out of ikan house and kill that asshole guard because he kills innocent patients for his own sick power plays. Merideth is a banshee and she was placed next to Peter while they were both in the hospital, she heard his whole coma crazy rant and is going to enact a crazy-ass plan and he doesn't even know about it but i would deal with that sooner rather than later. Oh and Kate is alive, she was turned into a wear jaguar. I think the guaras still have her so I'm sure you can get them to actually kill her before she comes back and becomes a giant pain in your asses" I told them finally remembering at least everything super important so I decided to just chill for a few hours and get some rest. 

"So while you all figure that out I'm gonna go take a nap and a shower. You have no idea how exhausting this shit is, but hey it's better than dying so whatever" I said as I stood up and headed upstairs to go and take a nap in Scott's bed.


I'll probably do another teen wolf chapter after this as more of a fun joke chapter than a serious her doing all the fix-it stuff. I came up with all that universe stuff off the top of my brain so i hope you don't poke to many holes in it lol though i do think its a cool theory u know if are dreams are alternate universe tv? Not true but still a fun thought lol happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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