The Walking Dead- Part 5

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"So who wants to be a vampire?" I asked the entire group.

 They blinked at me in shock "so now your vampire's?" Daryl asked in disbelief and slight anger. God he can be annoying. Now don't get me wrong I love him but he is fucking stubborn as hell and does NOT like being told what to do. 

I rolled my eyes but still kept an amused smirk on my face. 

"Long story short with each mate I find our powers combine. I was a speedster while Elijah was an original vampire and Klaus was the original hybrid. Once we found each other our power combined, making us all vampire-werewolf speedster hybrids. At first I was worried about the consequences of turning you but this would give you all a distinct advantage when it comes to this world. We have found it makes the walkers ignore you completely. Walker blood also makes a decent substitute, you won't crave it like you would human blood but it could definitely be used to sustain you" I explained.

"I'm still not over the fact that your vampires...and what does the original bit mean?" Herschel asked, getting straight to business.

 I gave a small laugh "my handsome mates are part of the family of the first vampires in their world. Unlike normal vampires we can not be killed by the sun or a stake to the heart...oh shit no daylight rings" I said turning to my mates with this new problem. 

Elijah looked concerned but Nik was quick too but in "don't worry love, I have many witches on call back home. We just need to make a quick trip then voila" he said with a jazz hands gesture. 

I smiled at him in thanks before turning back to the group.

"So what are you thinking?" I ask them. 

"How do you know all this? I'm sure you wouldn't test these theories on yourselves" Rick asked. 

I gave him a deadpan look "where do you think the governor is?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"You turned that sick freak into a vampire?" Glen asked, getting angry.

 I rolled my eyes "trust me he isn't a threat, originals can compel other vampires. Right now he is sitting still as a statue unable to move as we see what a walker bite does to him. If anything did happen we would simply kill him. Little vampire fact, the older the vampire the stronger they are and you have two of the oldest vampires to exist combined with werewolf and speedster. Worse comes to worst we bite his ass and he will be dead in a day" I said with a shrug.

"Fuck it I'll do it. How does this thing work" Merle said. 

Daryl immediately got all huffy "are you fucking crazy? You don't know anything about these people" he said, gesturing to us. 

I scoffed at him "well for your fucking information your brother dies in not even a month so I would shut up and let us save as much of you as possible. Do you understand what we are offering you? A chance to not worry about being bitten, to live forever, to be able to be shot and get right back up. You could literally compel all your enemies to not think the way they do anymore. No more fighting no more surviving you get to live. I'm not going to force any of you. We are offering you a gift, now don't get me wrong it can be a curse but in this world I'm pretty sure it's your best option" I ranted. Why is everyone so fucking difficult? Why can't they just get out of my way and let me save their dumbasses?

 Why is everyone so fucking difficult? Why can't they just get out of my way and let me save their dumbasses?

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I had shocked all of them into silence if the looks on their faces was anything to go by.

 "If you're interested come to us and we will explain everything if not, no hard feelings but we are leaving in a few days tops so I would decide fast" I said as I walked out of the room with my mates trailing behind me. 

I heard Merle follow us "wait up" he said as he ran to catch up with us. 

Before he could catch up I turned around and addressed everyone "ok new plan, in an hour we will tell anyone who is interested everything they need to know, you can just come even if you don't want to become one of us. Discuss amongst yourselves and I'll see you in an hour" I said as I grabbed my mate's hands and sped them back to our cuddle tower. I need some serious cuddles. This shit is stressing me out.

"Darling are you alright?" Eli asked me after we had laid down.

 I was in the middle of them both just surrounded by love and comfort.

 I smiled at him "yes, this just gets tiring after a while. At least it won't be forever, I was truly starting to hate this existence before you all came into my life. I know it will be hard to share but trust me I'm a lot for one person or even two and I think we will all need each other. It's this feeling in my chest that just tells me we are you feel it too?" I ask them.

 "Now that you mention it love, I have been feeling it. It almost feels like a calling to somewhere else. I thought it was homesickness but maybe it is calling us to the others?" Nik said while tilting his head like a puppy. Aawwww he is too fucking cute...I want to kiss him...should I kiss him? ...Eli is here...I could kiss him too....hmmm the possibilities are endless.

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With newfound confidence, I grabbed his face in my hands and pulled him into a sweet kiss.

 It wasn't some steamy tear your clothes off kisses I was used to.

 No, this felt nice, it felt right. I pulled away after a second and we both had goofy smiles on our faces.

 I heard a little pout/huff behind me so I turned around and gave Eli a sweet short kiss as well. God there kisses feel like home. I just want to kiss them forever.


Ok i know i have said it would be the last one but i really wanted to put in some nice coupley stuff in this one. I spend so much time trying to get her to do stuff. I forget to write out those small scenes so I'm trying to put in more of them. Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character and plot. 

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