Game Of Thrones - Part 4

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Once they were back at the Godswood Siena crossed my arms and scowled at the trio of troublemakers "Really? We left you alone for maybe an hour" Siena said with an unimpressed look on her face.

Kol looked back with no remorse "An hour feels like a long time to us, and we got bored. You can really only blame yourselves" he said, no remorse in his voice as Kai nodded in agreement.

Elijah scowled as Siena rolled her eyes and just looked away. There was no talking sense into those three.

When Siena and Elijah weren't looking Klaus gave them a thumbs up which Siena saw and narrowed her eyes at making Nik smile sheepishly.

Elijah pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at the sky "Am I the only responsible one here?" he asked.

Murphy laughed and nodded "Yes" was all he said as he watched Kai and Kol smack each other as Klaus made a bet on who would win and Siena cheered them both on.

Elijah chuckled as he shook his head "Do you have anything else on the bucket list? Or can we get off of this universe and back to somewhere with modern plumbing?" He asked Siena who was still watching the epic slap fight going on between Kol and Kai.

Siena pouted at him "but I have so much more to do! We have to check up on Daenerys!" she said dramatically.

Elijah shook his head "Not happening, we are not crossing the Narrow sea. It would take too long to cross an ocean, we would be here for weeks!" he said, not willing to budge on this.

Kol gasped dramatically "Weeks! Not Bloody happening! I've crossed an ocean beautiful and even as vampires the trip is exhausting!" he said pleadingly to Siena, hoping she would see sense.

Siena pouted but sighed, her shoulders dropping "Fine, but if we aren't checking on Daenerys I want to see Dragonstone!" she said stubbornly, she wasn't going to budge on this.

Elijah nodded and raised his hands in surrender "Fine, we can go to Dragonstone, but nowhere else. Please!" he asked, his voice coming out exhausted.

Siena nodded "Okay, how about after this we go to a calm universe? Maybe take a vacation for a few weeks?" she asked as she looked at how tired Elijah was, even though it shouldn't be physically possible.

Nik nodded "I could use a vacation" he said with a shrug as he eyed Elijah derisively. They weren't that hard to put up with, thank you.


"This castle is rather bleak isn't it?" Kol asked as he stared at the castle derisively

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"This castle is rather bleak isn't it?" Kol asked as he stared at the castle derisively.

Siena nodded "Yep, a horrible place to be raised in. Don't you think?" she said with a scowl.

She was on a mission to help a little girl and make sure her fucked up father never burns her. Ever.

Klaus scoffs "there are worse places to be raised in than a castle love. I had wondered why you wanted to come here of all places but I think I figured it out. I admit, I am a sucker for children burdened with horrible fathers" he said as he looked up at the castle with narrowed eyes.

Elijah nodded while Siena turned to the three bringers of chaos "Okay, I need a few hours where you three don't kill anyone. There are some cool caves over there that you can explore, there made of dragon glass. There are some paintings that are important but otherwise go nuts" she said as she motioned towards the cave she had seen in passing.

Kol and Kai pouted "Are you trying to get rid of us pumpkin?" Kai asked as he looked at the cave with a scowl.

Siena laughed and shook her head "Not get rid of you, keep you distracted long enough to get what I need to done and then get back here without you three making some kind of macabre play to entertain your whims" she said pointedly.

Kai just rolled his eyes but Murphy pulled both him and Kol towards the cave.

Siena looked towards Elijah who rolled his eyes and followed behind them.

She then turned to Kalus "So are you coming with me or do you want to go kill the red witch?" she asked as she walked towards the castle.

Nik smirked "Well I could always go for some murder, you know that Love" he said with a charismatic smile growing on his face.

Siena smirked "I figured as much, I'll deal with the Baratheons, you deal with that red-headed bitch. I would go for the necklace if I was you" Siena said before speeding up to the castle.

Klaus rolled his eyes "I don't need to be reminded how to kill someone!" he said with a scowl as he followed behind her. 


I know what you're thinking, holy shit she finally updated. I know, I'm kinda shocked too! But I've gotten back into game of thrones and I am nowhere near capable enough to write a full on Game of thrones book so here we are. I have no idea when I will update again but hey, I actually updated for the first time in like a year so, progress. lol

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my now original characters and plot. 

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