Once Upon a Time - part 4

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My mates and I sped down to the Docs to meet the dark one.

When we got there I stopped and looked around.

"I don't see a giant pirate ship but if you can see something I can't please enlighten me" Kai said sarcastically from beside me.

I glared at him teasingly but after a second rolled my eyes and turned back to looking "it's cloaked so you wouldn't see it, look for disturbances. Birds that disappear or ripples in the water that shouldn't be there" I told them.

Before we could look much I saw Emma suddenly appear with Niel carrying an injured Mr.Gold.

I smiled and walked up to them.

Emma gave me a confused look and had a guarded expression on her face and she glanced nervously behind her at Henry.

I smiled brightly "I'm here to save the day. Hello dark one, let's see if this heals you" I said happily as I motioned to a bench where they could sit him down.

Emma and Niel looked confused before Mr.Gold snapped "listen to her. Now" he said as he motioned to the bench as well.

They nodded and sat him down at the bench.

Emma stood up straight and pulled Henry behind her protectively "are you the one I talked on the phone with?" she asked as she looked at me and my mates with critical eyes.

I nodded "yes I am, you can calm down I'm not Cora in disguise or anything" I said as I waved my hand dismissively at them.

She nodded but still watched me carefully as Niel looked over his father worriedly.

I smiled at the dark one "so do you want it from the tap or in a cup or something?" I asked casually as I pulled my sleeve up.

They all looked at me confused so I just raise an eyebrow expectantly.

"A cup would be preferable" Gold ground out as he groaned in pain.

I nodded and looked at Emma and Niel expectantly.

They both shook their heads making me groan "where is hook when you need him? That flask would come in handy right now" I whined dramatically.

Everyone gave me incredulous looks besides my mates who ranged from mild amusement to acceptance.

Suddenly a small voice is heard from behind Emma "I have a water bottle" Henry said happily as he stuck his head out from behind his mother.

I smile "that will work" I said happily as I stuck out my hand expectantly.

He pulled the bottle out of his bag and handed it to me.

I thanked him and turned away from him so I wouldn't scare him.

I was still facing Gold and Niel so they got a full view of my vampire fangs as I bit into my wrist and poured the blood into the half-full bottle.

Niel flinched back with wide eyes as Gold looked at me with curiosity.

After I poured some blood into the bottle I casually put the cap back on shook it up and handed it to Gold.

I smirked at him "take a couple of sips and you should be fine. Sorry if I scared you but better you than the kid" I said with a shrug but everyone could tell I wasn't sorry at all from the amused smirk on my face.

Gold looked at the bottle hesitantly but then took a few sips.

I watched with a smirk as his wound started healing.

Everyone looked at the wound in shock and then at us in awe.

I could see the greed enter Gold's eyes so I smirked devilishly "you can keep the whole bottle for assistance with anything I need while we are here. If it helps I do actually want to help you in the first place" I said casually.

I leaned towards him and whispered "you were always my favorite" with a joking smile but I was completely serious.

Gold looked at his completely healed chest and smirked devilishly "you have a deal Deary" he said.

I clapped my hands excitedly and turned to my mates with a bright smile "I just checked something off my bucket list" I squealed to them happily.

They all smiled at me indulgently as they shook their heads.

Kol shook his head and pulled me into his arms.

He lifted me up and twirled around causing me to grab onto him and laugh happily.

When he stopped I gave him a quick kiss before turning back to the group of people to see them staring at us with their mouths hanging open.

Gold simply lifted an eyebrow but kept his composure.

Before I could say anything we heard a car pulling up.

Once the pick-up truck had reached us it parked and Charming and Snow hopped out.

Emma immediately went up and hugged her parents with Henry.

While they had their little reunion I turned to Gold and Niel.

I pointed a finger at Niel and glared "now you listen here, I like you so I will give you some free information to save your life. If you ever bring back the dark one make sure someone else uses the key not you. If the time comes you will know what I'm talking about. Make sure you listen" I said with no room for argument.

Niel nodded with a confused look on his face while Gold looked at me with a knowing gleam in his eye.

Before we could continue talking I heard Snow scream from behind me.

I immediately turned and saw Cora holding Charming's heart in her hand.


I'm just gonna be honest and say I just woke up and don't feel like putting GIFs on this so here you go lol. Hope you all liked it tho. Happy reading

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original character. 

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