Word count: 1002
-Taeyong's POV
"Taeyong? Why are you here already? Don't you have work?" Y/n asks as I walked back into the apartment. "I got send back home." I tell her. "Why?" She asks concerned. "Taeyong talk to me please." I just walk to our room and sit on our bed. "Don't worry too much about me." I say. "But I am worried." She stares at me, waiting for me to tell her. "I have pain, I'm exhausted, I can't do it any longer." I hug her, burying my head in her neck. "Rest, a lot. Sleep and I'll make food."
"Don't leave me. Please stay here next to me." I hold her hand tightly. "Okay, just sleep okay. I'm here with you." I got changed in sweats and a shirt before laying in bed. I soon fell asleep. I was really tired from working 24/7. But I feel so sorry for the guys and the fans that I can't be with them. I need to get better and go back. I can't let them down, I'm the leader. I feel y/n getting up from the bed. "Where are you going?" I ask. "Make food, when it's ready I'll wake you."
I get to the kitchen and get all ingredients for soup. I cut all the veggies. I put it all in one cooking pot and let it boil in the water together with some spices. In the meantime I took some painkillers and a glass of water. I brought it to Taeyong and placed it on his nightstand for when he wakes up. I know how much pain he actually has but he never wants to admit it. "Is the food ready?" I sigh. "Are you still not sleeping? Here take some painkillers."
"Are you mad because I don't sleep?" He asks. "No but you do need some sleep." I tell him. "But I can't fall asleep." He said. "Why not?" I ask as I go with my hand through his hair. "Is it because of the pain?" I questioned. "What pain, I don't have pain." He lied. "I know you do, here take these and then sleep because I know it'll help." I tell him but he shook his head. "Why are you so scared of taking them?" I ask. "They don't help." He tells me. "Because you don't take them." I sigh.
"Just take them please, I'm in the kitchen if you need me." I tell him before going back to the kitchen. I hear the doorbell and go to open it. "Taeil, Johnny, hi." I smile. "How is he?" Johnny asks. "Stubborn as ever. Come in." They walk in. "He doesn't wanna take his medicine, denies his pain, doesn't sleep. He better be eating his soup, oh the soup!" I rush to the kitchen and took the soup off the stove. "It's overcooked." I sigh. "It must be fine, let me taste." Taeil takes a spoon and tastes it.
"It's fine, just a little more salt." He tells me. "You want to cook instead?" I ask. "No, it's your kitchen, your food." He chuckles. "Babe who's there?" I hear Taeyong from our room. "Johnny and Taeil. Checking on how you're doing." I say. He suddenly stood with us in the kitchen. "You should Rest and stay in bed." I try but he didn't listen. "You took your medicine already?" Johnny asks him. "Your room now, and take them it'll help." Taeyong walks back into the room. "How did you do that?" I ask. "Just be strict, sometimes it's needed. Really if it's about Taeyong and his health."
"I feel like I'm taking care of a kid." I sigh as I sit down. "Why can't he just listen when I ask him to sleep or take the damn pills." I say. "So you are mad at me?" I look up to see Taeyong. "No I'm not." He slammed the bedroom door shut. "I'll talk with him." Taeil gets up. "I'm so stupid. I should be helping him and taking care so he can get healthy again. Not this." Johnny pats my back. "It's okay. You're doing your best for him. See that during the time he's home, you also have time for each other. He missed you as well."
I get up and got some soup in a bowl. "Thanks Johnny." I smile before going to our room. "You're welcome?" He wasn't quite sure about what, but I knew exactly. "Am I disturbing?" I ask Taeil. "No. We just finished talking. Take care, bye you 2." He left the room. "I'm sorry." I apologise. "I'm also sorry. I'll take my medicine and sleep when you tell me to." He says. "And I will be spending time with you. I was so busy taking care of you that I didn't realise that you missed me."
He smiles. "Can you now just lay with me in bed?" He asks me. "But the soup will get cold. Never mind." I lay down with him, we cuddled together. "I took the medicines you wanted me to take." Taeyong tells me. "That's good." I smile. "And the pain is a bit less now. I guess it does work a little after all." He chuckles. "That's great." I exclaimed.
"Can we now watch something together?" He asks me. "You don't need to sleep?" I ask. "I'll probably fall asleep when watching." He laughs. "Sure. I'll take the pc, so we can stay in bed. Cozy and warm." He smiled. I took the pc and got back next to Taeyong. I turn on the pc, Taeyong's arms wrapping around me. "I missed you." He mumbles. "I missed you too." I give him a kiss. "And I love you." He says. "I love you too." I give him another kiss. He smiles in between. "Charlie and the chocolate factory?" He asks with a big sweet smile. "You really are like a kid sometimes." He chuckles. "Maybe I am yeah."
A/N: I really hope Taeyong's okay and he'll get better, and that he takes enough time for his recovery. We'll always support and love him, he can't forget that.

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FanfictionNCT OT23 {requests: closed} Taeil Johnny Taeyong Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Shotaro Sungchan Chenle Jisung