Word count: 1004
An enemy to lovers story/magic au
—Y/N's POV
There he was, too late as usual. I chuckle as the teacher scolds him and gives him detention. "Go to your seat now." Sungchan walks to the back. I laugh some more making him glare at me. "You'll regret what you did y/n." He groans. I might be the reason why he was late. I barricaded his room and his his robe, which is very important for the dress code at this school. I enjoyed to pull pranks on him everyday.
Class continued but soon something hit the back of my head I get up and turn around. "Who did that?" I look at the students behind me with a frown. "Y/l/n y/n, is something wrong? Please sit down." I sit with a deep sigh. Not much later I see my book flying up, I try to grab it but failed. I see how it slowly flies to the professor who's back was facing us. Don't do this please. The book hit her back and fell on the floor after. The professor turns around and picks up the book. "Who did that?" She asks.
"It was Sungchan ma'am!" I say. She opens the book and reads my name on the first page. "Throwing books and lying? Y/n detention for you after class." I groan frustrated. "I hate him." I mumbled. I look at Sungchan who was smiling widely. "Ever thought about stopping the pranks? I mean it just gets you 2 in trouble." My friend said. "I won't stop until he does." I tell her. "Oh god. Anyway see you once you finished detention." Class ended and everyone left except for me and Sungchan. "It's always you 2, how is it possible."
"We're really sorry professor, please forgive us." Sungchan says. "You 2 can clean the classroom, without using magic. Your wands please." She holds her hand out fur us to give our wands. We then each take a broom and start cleaning the classroom. "I'll be in my office when you're done." She says and walks away. "This is all your fault!" I say. "Excuse me? This is your fault. You shouldn't have barricaded my room and hid my robe." He points at me. "Because you made me fall from my broom during practice yesterday!" He rolls his eyes.
"Hey! Don't roll your eyes at me." I turn him around to face me again. "Why? Does it bother you? Don't you like it when I..." He rolls his eyes again. "You're so annoying." I scoff. "You would be just bored if I didn't annoy you all the time." He laughs. "Not true. I can perfectly live without you." I start cleaning the classroom. "No you don't. You love me too much!" He laughs. "I don't, I hate you." I tell him. "Lies y/n, you know you like me. Because you never had a good example of showing love and affection you show it in a way of jokes and pranks."
"Shut up, you're just making it all up. You're the one who secretly likes me, not otherwise." I say. "You forgot I could read minds and true feelings?" He says with a small smile. "You what?" I gasp loudly. "You didn't know? Y/n I'm half wizard, half fairy. Come on I thought you knew." He sighs and pouts. "No I didn't. Omg so you were reading mind all this time?" I ask shocked. "Not on purpose, I can't help it. I don't have control over it." He tells me.
"Omg I just hate you even more now!" I turn around and continued cleaning the classroom. "Y/n are you just going to ignore me now?" He ask. "Yeah, got an issue with that? Leave me alone." I say. "No. I know you like me." He says. I sarcastically chuckle. "Great. Now you can make fun of that too. Go on, I'm waiting, laugh now you have the chance." I tell him. Sungchan shook his head. "Why'd I laugh? I might always joke around with you but that doesn't mean I'll laugh with someone's feelings." He says.
"Whatever, let's get this cleaned so we can leave." I say. "Fine. What you want. But that doesn't make me like you less." Did I hear that right? Nah, he's probably joking again. I don't reply and finish my task. I walk to the professor and get back my wand. I quickly get to my room. "Hey what's up?" My friend asks me. "Nothing." I tell her. "Oh okay, are you coming to have dinner?" I shook my head. "I'm not hungry." I say. "Okay, then I'll see you later!" She waves and left our room.
I turn around on my bed and close my eyes. I try to sleep but I couldn't seem to fall asleep. What if Sungchan meant what he said earlier and he truly likes me back. Ugh I'm so stupid! Someone knocked on the door. "Who's there?" I ask, the door slowly opens and Sungchan peeks his head inside. "You're not allowed here, what if someone sees?" He shrugs. "Doesn't matter right now." He says and comes inside. "Why are you even here?" I ask. "I didn't see you at dinner. I wanted to talk." He says. "About what Sungchan?" He sits at the edge of my bed.
"I like you, please don't ignore that. I really do." He tells me. "You like me too right?" I slowly and hesitantly nod. "Then what's the problem?" He asks. "Like you said earlier, I never had the right example of love. I don't know how to act. I always avoided situations like these." I tell him. "You just gotta be yourself and have fun together." He tells me. "Will you be my girlfriend? At least give it a try?" He asks me with a smile. "I can try yeah." His smile just got bigger. "You won't regret it! I promise." He hugs me.
A/N: I still have to finish Sungchan's relay cam and Hendery's is already up... how does everyone keep up??

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