Word count: 1108
Requested by renjunsausage I hope you like it💕
"Okay so there's this guy." My best friend starts. "Ooh a guy." I played along. "I really really like him, like super much! But I don't know if he likes me back." I was excited for her. "Just try flirting, who doesn't like you anyway?" We both laugh. "But tell me who is it?" I ask curiously. "It's Huang Renjun. And before you say something yeah I know he sometimes shows of rude but I promise you he isn't like that." She explained to me.
My world collapsed. I like Renjun too. But she likes him way more than I do. What do I do now? I don't want to hurt her, I can't take Renjun away from her. "No I'm sure he'll like you too and you both fit together perfectly." I smile to hide the pain. "You really think so? Ah amazing!" She squeals happily. I gotta break all contact with Renjun, only like that I'll get over him and he can see how great f/n is. I quickly text him that we can't see each other anymore, even if it hurts to do so.
"Y/n, I got your text earlier. What is that all about?" Oh no, please not now. If f/n sees us she'll be upset. "I'm sorry but it's just better we don't see each other anymore." I tell him. "But I thought we had like this spark?" I shook my head. "No we didn't, now please leave." He sighs and walks away. "Since when do you know and talk with the Renjun?" My best friend asks. "Oh uh I just asked him about some homework that I didn't understand." I said.
"Ah okay, well maybe you can ask him if he has a girlfriend or if he maybe likes someone." She said. "Someone like you?" She giggles. "You read my mind!" I playfully roll my eyes. "I'll ask him if I see him again. Which is not much." I tell her. How long will it last? How long do I have to watch as my heart gets crushed. "I'm going home now. Do I see you tomorrow?" I asked her as I slowly make my way to the exit of our school. "Wait, can you give me a ride home?" I nod in response.
"Why so late?" Jaemin asks as I arrived home. "Oh lord, Jaemin you scared me!" I whisper yelled. "It's 4 in the night where have you been?" He asks me. "A party is that a problem? You went out as well." I say. "Yeah but I'm already home since 2, if mom and dad know-" I cut him off. "Please don't tell mom and dad, I brought f/n back home and I then went to the park for a little while." I explain. "Alone?" He questioned. "Yes, I had to clear my mind okay. Now please don't tell mom and dad and let me sleep."
I wanted to walk to my room but he stops me. "I won't tell them if you stop pushing away Renjun." My eyes widened. "How'd you know?" I ask. "He's one of my friends dummy. And he's heart broken because you pushed him away. He really likes you." Jaemin says. "No he doesn't and I don't like him." I say and finally walk to my room. Jaemin followed me. "What made you change all of a sudden, I thought you liked him." He says. "No I don't, f/n likes him not me okay. And do you mind if I go to bed now and sleep."
"Y/n hey." Renjun smiles at me but I decided to ignore it. I have been doing this for a while now but he doesn't give up. And neither does my friend give up on trying to get his attention. "Y/n wait, I need to talk to you. It's really important." Renjun follows me. "No, I don't want to talk." I say. "Then listen." We stop walking and I let him talk. "I really like you, I have for a while. And I know you like me too so why avoid and deny it all?"
"Because... f/n likes you, you should be with her not me. I don't want to hurt her." I finally told him. "But you're hurting now. You always do everything to make her happy but who keeps you happy? Maybe you should think about yourself for once. Yes she likes me but I don't, I want you." He holds my hand. "Please y/n accept me, let me in." He takes a step closer. "I know you want this." He was breaking the imaginary cage I built around my heart. I love him and I shouldn't have ever stopped my feelings for someone else's happiness.
"I'm sorry I pushed you away." I apologise. "Please forgive me." I ask. "Only if you want to go out with me." He smiles. "Fine. I'll go out with you." His smile only grew wider and so did mine. He suddenly leans in placing a peck on my lips, I smile and kiss him back. A loud gasp made us pull away from our kiss. "Why? You know I like him!" My best friend was mad at me. "I'm sorry, I really am." I apologise. "No y/n, don't apologise."
"Renjun what are you doing?" I questioned. "Look I like y/n and she likes me, she has all right to do this. She shouldn't step aside because of you. Don't you realise it? Even if she stepped aside and you confessed to me, I'd reject you and you'd be heartbroken. You should be happy for y/n because out of all those times she can be happy for once and as a friend you shouldn't be mad or jealous, you should support her like she has always done for you." He tells her.
"I- I never thought about it like that." She stutters. "Then maybe it's time to do so." Renjun tells her. "And I'm sure there are many more guys who'd like you and give you the love you deserve but it's just not me." She looks back up at me. "I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?" I opened my arms for a hug. "Of course I forgive you. And Renjun is right there's somewhere a guy that'll love you as much as you love them." I tell her as we hug. "Please be happy with Renjun and don't mind me, I should be happy for you both, I can move on." She tells me.
A/N: sorry that it took me so long but I hope you still enjoyed it!

NCT imagines & reactions
FanfictionNCT OT23 {requests: closed} Taeil Johnny Taeyong Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Shotaro Sungchan Chenle Jisung