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Word count: 1014
Y/n received a note in class


I was following Mrs Choi's class. I wrote down the answers in my book and payed good attention until I see a paper fly in the corner of my eye. It hit my seat mate's head. She takes it and read what's on it. She then turns around and shook her head. I didn't mind to turn around. Not much later I feel another paper hit my back, I pick it up and unfold it. The note read: wasn't for you dumbass.

I frown and turn to see who it was. I see Haechan in the back sigh. He then points at the girl next to me. It was for her I guess. "This is from Haechan." I whisper. She read it and sighs. She glares at him before throwing it back at his head and turning around to focus again. Another paper flew across, this time way further. Right next to Mrs Choi's feet. She picks it up and reads it. "can we go out, from Haechan." She read out loud. "I assume this was not for me mr Lee?" He shook his head. "Don't do this again okay."

She threw it away and continued her class. I noticed students behind me whispering. I look around and noticed them passing a note. "Y/n, it's for you." The guy left from me whispers. I read the note. You look cute today, go out with me? Haechan. Did Haechan really ask me out? I like him too but this is so sudden. I write a response. I like to go out with you. I then passed the note back, I see all students passing it back to Haechan. He read the note and smiles widely. He then starts writing again.

Soon enough I received the note again. When are you free? My heart beats faster. I'm really going out with Haechan! But when do I have time? I'm not sure. I'll have to ask my parents ): I replied. I was ready to pass it back but the teacher noticed. "Y/n! Care to read out loud?" She asks. I gulp, I don't have the courage to do so. "You're not telling me, then you can leave to detention, now." I sigh and take my bag. "Who was it for?" She asks. "It's not important ma'am. They don't need to get in trouble." I say.

"Then leave my class now." She says. I was ready to walk out as suddenly Haechan stood up. "It was me! I should be going to detention." He says. "Ah Lee Donghyuck, you can go with y/n to detention." She said. Haechan took his bag and followed me out of class. "I'm sorry it's my fault." He apologises to me. "It's okay. Oh here is your note back." I smile giving it back. "Aww you even drew a sad face. Y/n that's so cute. But don't worry, I'll wait until you asked your parents."

"Okay, I will as soon as I get home." I tell him. "Can I maybe get your phone number, we can text." He asks me. "About that... My phone is broken, I'm getting a new one later." I tell him. "Ow well you have a pen?" He asks me. I quickly take a pen and gave it to him. "Here, can I write my number on your arm? So you can text me as soon as you got that new phone." He chuckles and writes his number down. We then arrived at detention.

"So what colour y/n? I'd chose that white one." Mom says. "I actually like this one better." I point at the red one. "Oh well, sure we can get that one if you like to." She says. We asked the employee and he helped us further with everything before we payed and left the store. "Thank you mom!" I smile and give her a hug. "No problem. It's my fault it broke after all." She laughs. "That's true. Let's go home now so I can try it!" I say excited. She drove us home. I unboxed the phone and started it up.

I was happy with it but then remembered Haechan. "Oh mom, dad." I walk into the kitchen. "What's wrong?" They ask me. "A guy asked me out today, can I go on a date with him?" I ask nervous for their reply. But they started smiling. "We thought you'll never ask us. Of course you can go out and date!" Dad tells me. "Oh really? Thanks. Do we have anything planned this weekend?" I ask. "No, go out and have fun." Mom smiles. "Okay thanks." I run back to my room, I pull my sleeve up to see that Haechan's number was smudged.

Oh no, what do I do now? I try to figure out what the numbers are. "Is that a 3 or an 8? Let's try 3 first." I texted the number. Hey Haechan it's me y/n! A few minutes later I received a response. Y/n! You got your phone, did you ask your parents? I smile at my screen. I'm free this weekend. Ah this is really happening, I'm planning a date with Lee Donghyuck! Great! Saturday at the mall, is that good? He asked. Totally! See you there. I bit my lip and then started jumping around.

"Are you okay?" My brother asks me. "More than okay, I have a date this weekend!" I tell him. "Oh with who?" Jungwoo asks. "Haechan, he's so amazing and I really like him." I say. "Wait Haechan as in Lee Donghyuck?" Jungwoo raised a brow. "Yes, do you know him?" I ask. "Yeah I do." I gasp, am I going out with my brother's friend. "But don't worry, he's a good guy and if you're happy then I am too. Have fun this weekend." He ruffles my hair before leaving me alone again. I had a little celebration dance with myself, my first date with the guy I really really like!

A/N: happy Jungwoo day! That he may have the best birthday ever and be happy and takes a good rest, he deserves it~

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