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"I'm home." Yuta says as he placed his bag down and his keys on the table. I smiled at seeing him. "I'm making dinner. Your favourite." I say. "Is there a special occasion to make my favourite?" He asks. "No, I just thought you'd like it." I tell him. The truth is I hope to win his love back with this. I feel like we're growing apart and I don't want that, there's still something in me that screams 'fight for him' so that's what I'm trying to do. "Well thank you." He smiles.

"Yuta." I hold his wrist before he goes to tha bathroom. "I love you." I tell him. "I love you too." No smile, no sparkle, did he mean it or was it just to not hurt my feelings? I'm sure he also noticed that we're falling out of love but he's scared to hurt me. That's Yuta, he always cared about how I feel. He goes to the bathroom for a shower as I continued cooking. I sigh to myself, I don't wanna lose him but neither can we stay together if we don't feel love. We're hiding our feelings.

I finished dinner the same time Yuta got out of the bathroom. "I just finished. Sit down." He sits at the table as he was focused on his phone screen. I hand him a plate full of food. He got a phone call and picked up. He doesn't bother anymore to excuse himself to call or just decline. In the beginning he hated it when seeing a phone at the table. I guess things changed. "Yuta." He ignored it and continued the call until he finished. "Can you please turn it off and not call?" I ask him. "I'm sorry."

"I'm trying to do my best you know." I say. "What do you mean?" He asks me. "You know what I mean. We're falling out of love." I say. Yuta looks down, not daring to look me in the eyes. "I'm sorry." He apologises. "I'm doing my best to win your love back but it seems like nothing's working." I say. "I'm not blaming you, it's also me but it just crushes me that we're hiding the truth from each other. We gotta be honest." I tell him. "Are you still here because you love me or just for me?"

"Y/n you can't ask something like that." He said. "Please answer me." He sighs and looks down. "I think we both know the answer to that." He tells me. "Don't cry y/n. You know I hate to see you like this." He says. "It's not because we fell out of love that I can't care about you anymore. I find it just as heartbreaking as you do." He holds my hand. "What do we do now?" I ask him. "What do you want to happen next?" He asks me the question. "I don't know. I guess it's better if we..."

"Break up?" I nod in response. "Shh, don't cry okay. You're still the best that has ever happened to me." He takes me in a hug as I was crying. "And we can still be friends if you want. I'd love to, you're an amazing and funny person." He chuckles softly. "I think I first want to be alone, you do have a place to stay right? Else I can go somewhere." I say. "Y/n it's your apartment, I can go to the guys and stay there. Don't worry about me okay. I want you to focus on yourself first and see a beautiful smile again."

4 months later

"Hey y/n." Yuta smiles as I walk into their dorm. "Hi, I got you guys something." I say and gave him the bag. "What for?" He asks. "Your latest comeback, you all did amazing!" I tell him. "Thanks. Oh come in." He let me inside. "How have you been when we were preparing our comeback?" He asks me. "A bit lonely. You know I like to be with you guys." I say. "That's true." He chuckles. "Y/n! Hey!" Jungwoo hugs me. "We're going to watch a movie, are you staying?" Mark asks me. "Sure." I say.

Jaehyun turned on the movie and Taeil brought us 2 bowls of popcorn. I sat between Yuta and Jungwoo. I'm happy me and Yuta can get along again, but sometimes I do miss us together. Jungwoo places his arm around my shoulder, he always does it so it was normal but I do feel a pair of eyes staring. A funny part in the movie made us both laugh loudly. "Yah, let go of her." Yuta suddenly says. "Why?" Jungwoo asks. "Because she's not your girlfriend. You can't just put your arms around her."

"Neither is she your girlfriend so stop being jealous and protective." My eyes widened at the situation happening. "You know I'm right." Jungwoo said. "I'm sorry." Yuta goes to his room and slams the door. "Y/n you should talk with him." Taeil says. "Yes. I think that's the best." Jaehyun said. I go to his room and knocked on the door. "Yuta can I come in?" I ask. I hear a soft hum. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell." He apologises. "What's wrong? I know something's up." I say and sit next to him.

"Whenever I see a guy near you I get jealous and forget that we broke up. I'm stupid, I know." He sighs. "I think I just miss being with you." He tells me. "I do too." He looks up. "Are you for real?" I nod. "Do you ever think about that we maybe just needed a break instead of breaking up?" He asks me. "I actually do yeah." I honestly say. "Then what are we waiting for? Y/n please be my girlfriend, again." He holds my hand tightly. "I love you." This time there was a sparkle in his eyes and a smile. "I love you too and yes I want to be your girlfriend, again."

A/N: can we get Cherry Bomb Yuta back? It fits so good with him and I miss this era

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