Word count: 1225
Requested by sungflms I hope you like it!
—Y/N's POV
"Y/n, I'm so sorry sweetie." Yeri runs up to me to give me a hug. "What? Why are you sorry?" I ask. "Well I heard from people that Hendery is breaking up with you." She says. "What? No, we're still dating. We love each other, he won't break up with me." I tell her. "Well are you sure? I mean where was He last Friday?" She asks me. "With Xiaojun at his dorm." I tell her.
"That's not true, he was at the same party I went to. And he wasn't there to just party. You know he tried to flirt with me." I furrow. "Hendery would never do that!" I say. "But he did, I'm sorry but I wouldn't lie about something like that. Maybe you'll have to rethink your relationship with him." She tells me. "Maybe, I'll just wait until I get home." I was already overthinking. Did Hendery lie to me? Did he really flirt with one of my friends? "I have to go now, call me if you need anything." Yeri walks away. Can I still trust Hendery?
The door opened, Hendery got home. "Finally." I get up from the couch. "What's up? Did I do something?" He asks. "Did you do something? Omg Hendery I can't believe you!" I groan frustrated. "What why? Y/n talk to me, what did I do wrong?" He asks me again. "You weren't at Xiaojun's place last Friday. You were at some stupid party. Why did you lie?" I wait for an answer. "Y/n, I..." He sighs. "You're not denying it. So you must've also been flirting with Yeri right? My own friend! How could you!" I yell out. "What no! I never flirted with her, where did you get that from?"
"Does it matter? I just know, you dirty ugly cheater!" I hit his arm. "Ouch y/n you're really going crazy for nothing. I never flirted with anyone except for you!" He says. "So you're saying you haven't seen Yeri at that party?" I ask. "No I did but we just talked. Nothing more." He tells me. "You keep on lying to me. If you don't want me anymore just tell me instead of doing everything behind my back." He rolls his eyes. "Who told you everything huh? Because that person is lying to you."
He holds me by my arms tightly, too tightly. "You're hurting me." I softly say. "S-sorry." We both sit down. "Do you still love me?" I ask. "Yes." He says. "Then why did you lie?" I ask him calmly. "Because... I don't know why. I'm so stupid for that and I'm sorry." I shook my head. "I don't need your apologies. Maybe we should just take a break." I say. "Why?" This time I rolled my eyes. "Because we only fight lately and I keep hearing things from you that just break me."
"All I want to know is who told you everything?" I shook my head. "You don't have to know. I'm going to stay at some friends' place." I get up and go to our room to pack my bags. "Wait y/n, can we still be friends?" He asks me. "I can't say that now, maybe later." He nods and left the room so I could pack everything. I call Lucas. "Can I stay with you for a while?" I ask. "Sure. Did you break up?" I sigh before answering. "I guess that's what you can say yeah."
"Y/n hey, can I talk with you?" Hendery asks me. "Sure what is it?" We ended up being friends but little does he know I still love him. We needed a break not a break up but how do I tell him. "Um I don't know if Yeri already told you but we're dating and I thought you should know." He tells me. "Why'd she tell me that? After all those lies she told me I don't want to know about her anymore. And great for you 2 I guess. I hope she treats you better." I faked a smile.
Hendery's POV
"Wait lies? What do you mean?" He asks me. "Everything I ever got to hear from gossips about you during our relationship, it was all her. She lied about everything. I don't want to be friends with someone who tells me lies and breaks my relationship because she's jealous." Y/n tells me. "Yeri was not jealous. She just cares about me, that's why we're dating now. You don't gotta be friends with her anymore but then don't tell such things okay." She rolls her eyes and left. "Hey babe, why were you with her?" Yeri asks me.
"Y/n and I are friends so I can talk with her right." I say. "But she's the one who lost trust in you while you're such a loyal and good person. I don't get why you're still friends." She sighs. "Just don't talk with her okay, she probably just tries to steal you back from me." Yeri says and clinging onto my arm. "Okay. Don't worry." I faintly smile at her. "Great, let's go now shall we." She smiles and takes my hand in hers. We walk together to a cafe nearby.
Y/N's POV"Hey Hendery, is it okay if we do the project together?" I walk up to him as he was standing at his locker. "Babe hey, let's have lunch together." Yeri comes between us. "Excuse me, I was talking with him." I say friendly. "You shouldn't be talking with my boyfriend." She didn't even bother looking at me. "Can we go now?" She asks Hendery. "Y/n was asking me something." He says. "Remember what I said a few days ago?" She placed her hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at her. "But it's about school." He says. "But I'm your girlfriend. She just tries to steal you away."
"That's not true, y/n's just being friendly." He says. "You're always telling me I can't see or talk with my friends because they're toxic but I think it's the other way around. You're the toxic one." I felt awkward and wanted to walk away but Hendery stopped me. "Maybe it was a mistake to get with you. Maybe I just missed the feeling of being with someone and you were just the first one." He holds my hand, I look at it confused then back at him. "I still like y/n and I think we should break up." He tells Yeri.
"Hendery, don't. You're just lying to yourself." I try to say. "No I'm not, I still love you y/n. And I know you do too, Lucas told me." He looks me in the eyes. "You can't break up with me!" Yeri stomps her feet on the ground. "Yes I can and I just did. Y/n please will you take me back?" He asks me. "Yes Hendery." We hug tightly. "I missed you so much." He whispers in my ear. "I missed you too." I smile to myself. I feel so great with him. "This won't happen ever again. I promise, I love you and I can't let you just go like that." He smiles.
A/N: I hope this was good and something like the expectations.
first day of the week and I'm already so tired how is it possible?

NCT imagines & reactions
FanfictionNCT OT23 {requests: closed} Taeil Johnny Taeyong Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Shotaro Sungchan Chenle Jisung