Word count: 1008
When some myths happen to be reality
—Shotaro POV
I was humming a song that I barely know. It's stuck in my head. "What are you humming?" Sungchan asks me. "I don't know." I tell him. "It's just stuck in my head." I tell him. "How does it go? Maybe I know it." I was about to hum the song again until someone walks by, the girl was singing that exact song. "It's that song." I say. "Excuse me, what were you singing?" Sungchan asks the girl shamelessly. "Indigo by Niki." She tells us with the sweetest voice.
"Now you know." Sungchan smiles at me. "Thank you." He says to the girl. "Oh um can you maybe help me, I need to be on the 2nd floor for a meeting." She asks us. "Shotaro can show you the way." My eyes widened at Sungchan. "Me?" He gives me a nod. "Yeah me. Please follow." I go with the girl to the elevator. "So you're new here?" I ask. "Yes, today they'll give me my schedule and tell me with what group I'll work." She explains. "So you're a new manager?" The girl laughs. "No no, I'm a new staff member."
"Oh sorry my bad. Well I already wish you luck and a lot of fun with your new job." She smiles. "Thank you." We arrived at the 2nd floor. "Who do you need to see?" I ask. "Mr Kim." I walk her to his office. "Here it is." She smiles. "Thank you. Maybe we'll see each other around some time." She says before we said bye. The girl knocked on the door and walked into the office as I entered the elevator again. I felt my hands getting cold and sweaty. What is this? I'm not even nervous.
Once I got back to Sungchan he watched me with a big smile. "Have you ever heard about a myth that says that when you're stuck with a song in your head it's because your soulmate is singing it?" I furrow. "Never heard of that but sounds like nonsense." I say. "Nonsense? Excuse me? I literally just witnessed it, you were humming a song you barely know and then she was singing that exact same song!" I shook my head not believing a word. "Anyway we gotta go to practice before we're too late." I say and get up.
The nervous feeling disappeared, luckily. We went to the practice room. Some staff were there together with our manager. I got another song stuck in my head, 90's love. It wasn't new to me until I heard someone softly singing it. I turn to look and in between the staff I saw the girl from earlier. "Sungchan." I call his name. "Is there also a myth that you can feel the other's feelings, like nervous or happiness?" I ask. "I don't know about that. All I know is about a myth when they're in danger you feel the pain or when they miss you." He explains.
"But Not when they get nervous?" I ask. "No, I never heard of such things. Unless..." he trails off. "Unless what? Just tell me!" He laughs. "Love at first sight. That's why you got nervous around her. Aww Shotaro is in love." He coos. "No I'm not." I deny. "Yes you are. Go to her and talk." He tells me. "About what? I don't even know her name." I say. "There's the first thing you can talk about. Now go up to her." He pushes me towards the girl who was sitting alone.
"Hey." I smile, feeling nervous again. "Hi, guess I work for you guys now." She giggles. "I'm sorry but I didn't get your name earlier. I'm Shotaro by the way." I bit my lip, she must think I'm weird. "I'm y/n." She tells me. "That's... a very beautiful name." I whispered not thinking she could hear me. "Thanks." I got embarrassed and wanted to walk away but my feet didn't move. "Hi, I'm Sungchan." He came to safe me, thanks god. "We were wondering if you could grab a coffee with us on our break later." He asks her.
"Sure, we could get some coffee at the cafeteria." She said. "What about Starbucks?" I just stood there awkwardly listening. "Is also good, I'll take you there as soon as you're on your break." She tells us. "Sungchan, Shotaro, practice is starting." Someone calls for us. We smile at y/n before getting on our places. "You're gonna leave me alone with her aren't you?" I ask. "You know me too good." He chuckles. "It's not funny, what am I gonna do? I'm so awkward around her." I say. "Just chill, you can do it." He tells me.
Me and y/n were going to Starbucks. "What sad that Sungchan couldn't come, I thought he really wanted to go." She says. "Yeah, he just forgot he had plans with Jaehyun." I laughed it off. We finally arrived at Starbucks. "What would you like to have?" I ask her. "(Your favourite drink)" I nod and get our orders. Once we got the drinks we sit down somewhere. "Do you believe in myths?" I ask her. "Some, why? Do you?" She asks. "I'm not sure. Sungchan told me about some and I didn't but..." she finished my sentence.
"It happens more and you start to believe in it?" I nod. "I noticed it too Shotaro." She tells me. "You did?" I ask surprised. "Yes. I guess we might be destiny." She says with a chuckle. "Maybe we are." I smile. "Maybe we should go out some time, not in between our breaks." I nod, agreeing to what she said. "We definitely should." I smile. "Oh we gotta go back now before we're too late." I sigh. "Shotaro, before we go... can I..." she placed a peck on my cheek. I feel my face heat up. "You're cute." She giggles and walks out. I quickly get up and follow her.
A/N: finally I got a mail that my albums are on their way so that means imma get them this week! I'm so happy and excited~ I'm hoping for a Jeno and Mark pc

NCT imagines & reactions
FanfictionNCT OT23 {requests: closed} Taeil Johnny Taeyong Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Shotaro Sungchan Chenle Jisung