|nct dream|

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nct dream as different aesthetics + Shotaro + Sungchan

-art h*e
-art = life
-keeps flowers/plants in their room
-looks calm but they can be very active as well
-every friend group has one

Renjun-art h*e-art = life-keeps flowers/plants in their room-looks calm but they can be very active as well-every friend group has one

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Jeno-comfy/cozy (underrated)-would easily stay a day in-likes to be surrounded by friends-most comfortable and soft clothes-very relatable people

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-comfy/cozy (underrated)
-would easily stay a day in
-likes to be surrounded by friends
-most comfortable and soft clothes
-very relatable people

Jeno-comfy/cozy (underrated)-would easily stay a day in-likes to be surrounded by friends-most comfortable and soft clothes-very relatable people

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