Word count: 1012
April fools birthday
"Good morning." I hug Ten as I walk out of our bedroom. "Mhm." He simply hums. "What's with you?" I ask. "Just a bad mood day." He tells me. "Oh okay. I hope you'll be feeling better later." I say. "Why?" He asks. "Don't we have anything to celebrate?" I hinted. "What? No. It's just a normal day. I gotta go to work. Bye." Not even a kiss. He forgot about my birthday? It's today right? I didn't mistaken myself. I check the date again and it was indeed my birthday.
I thought he had a day off. Something's going on here. I call YangYang. "Hey what's up?" He asks. "I thought Ten had a day off?" I say. "What, today? No we have practice right now. I'm here at the company." He tells me. "What? Omg really. I thought I could have a day with him alone." I sigh. "Um y/n I gotta go now, bye." He said. "Wait no..." he had already ended the call. There goes my birthday. Does really no one care about today? I decided to make myself some breakfast and do nothing much during the day.
Ten POV"Hendery, more to the right. Other right." I tell him. "Why? The banner is up isn't it." He sighs. "It gotta be perfect! It's y/n's birthday." I tell him. "I got the balloons!" Lucas walks in. "Superman? Really? I asked for a normal happy birthday balloon." I groan in frustration. "Sorry, This was the last they had." Lucas says. "WinWin what about the cake?" I ask as he walks in. Lucas turns around swinging his arms with him. "No!" He accidentally punched the cake box to the ground. "Oh please tell me it's still good."
I opened the box and the cake was smashed. "It's a disaster. Y/n's birthday is just... it's over. She'll be sad and disappointed." I say. "Um Ten, I think that's already too late." YangYang tells me. "What do you mean?" I ask. "She sounded really sad on the phone." He tells me. "She called?" I ask surprised. "Yes. Y/n wanted to spend a day with you alone." He tells me. "Ten maybe you should just go home to y/n." Xiaojun tells me. "But her surprise party." I mumbled. "Just go home to y/n. Spend the day with her." Kun tells me.
I sadly take my bag. "Are you sure though?" They all nod. I go back home. I opened the apartment door and take off my shoes. "Babeee?" I run to the living room. "Babe. Y/n!" I look around the apartment. "I'm sorry I acted like this, it was a joke. I didn't forget about your birthday. Y/n... aren't you home?" I had looked everywhere. I go to the kitchen to grab myself some water. At that moment someone jumped out of the closet near our kitchen. "Yah!" I threw the water in my glass all over the person to realise it's y/n.
"Omg I'm so sorry." I apologise. "I hate the 1st of April." She groans and walks to our room. "No, babe don't say that! Babe, it's your birthday, happy birthday I love you!" I hug her. "No. My whole life people only joke on this day and when I try to pull a prank on someone I fail hardly." She took a towel to dry her hair. "No, you managed to scare me. You didn't fail." I tell her. "No stop it." Y/n turns around and walks into the bathroom slamming the door.
I waited for her in the living room. Y/n wanted to take a shower to relax so I let her do that. Once she walked out I give her a smile but she didn't smile back. "Get your shoes on." I tell her. "Why? No, I don't want a birthday dinner anymore." She shook her head. "No birthday dinner, just come with me to the company." I take her hand. "So you do have work? Great, I can just sit there on the side doing nothing." She sighs. "Just come with me already."
Y/N POVWe arrived at the practice room. Ten walks in holding onto my hand. I saw the room being decorated and the members popped some confetti which startled me a little but it was nice. "You did this?" I ask Ten hugging him. "Actually. When I was here earlier to organise everything it was one big mess. They told me to go home and be with you but when they heard you were really upset they did this." He tells me honestly. "Aww thank you guys." I smile at them.
"No y/n, we really just followed Ten's plan to do this so it's still somehow his work." Kun explains. "Look I got you a balloon!" Lucas hands me a superman balloon. "What? We couldn't return it okay." He looks at Ten. "And a new birthday cake that didn't end up on the floor!" Xiaojun says. The lights turned off so the candles were visible, everyone sang happy birthday. He carries the cake carefully to me. I made a wish and blew out the candles. "Thank you guys! And you too sweetheart." I hug Ten and give a big kiss on his cheek. "I believe this is for you from Ten."
WinWin hands me a small bag. "Oh the present, I totally forgot." Ten gasps. "You left it here and we found it. Y/n you should really open it!" Hendery tells me. I open the bag. A small photo book with pictures of me and Ten, many roses filled the bag as well. A velvet box was in between. I take it out and open it. A necklace with my birthdate engraved in it. "I know you lost your bracelet that you have since birth so I let it remake but as a necklace. I hope you like it." Ten says. "It's fantastic! Thank you sweetheart." I hug him tightly.
A/N: not at Johnny fooling us all with making us believe he's on a plane and then uploading that JCC vlog-This is a day late because my wifi didn't work yesterday so here it is a day later

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FanfictionNCT OT23 {requests: closed} Taeil Johnny Taeyong Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Shotaro Sungchan Chenle Jisung