|nct dream|

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nct dream how they plan your birthday + Shotaro + Sungchan

+takes weeks on finding a present
+calls your friends and family for help
+is fascinated by the many birthday decorations he can buy
+it's a big party with lots of food
+is so excited to see your reaction

+would want to do something with just the 2 of you
+impossible if you're a dream member
+you'll end up going out for a dinner with all of them
+got you something you always wanted
+walks you home later that night

+does his best to make you something
+fails and last minute buys you something
+takes you to a dog/cat cafe
+can't stop smiling
+sings happy birthday at least 10 times that day

+in the day celebrating with your friends and family
+in the evening he takes you out to a restaurant
+got you something small but meaningful
+makes sure you'll have the best time ever
+really wants it to be perfect

+organises a big party with all the guys, your family and your friends
+chooses everything himself from music and snacks to decorations
+the day starts early and he'll make sure you enjoy every minute
+maybe it's all a bit much but you deserve the best
+on top of everything he also got you an amazing present

+a small party but that's all you asked for
+he let's you decide everything
+all he does is see that everything's ready
+gets you an expensive present and tells you that you deserve it
+makes it a fun day for you

+goes to the beach/amusement park/movies with you
+whatever you want he'll do it
+got you something cute
+when you get back home everyone was there with cake and balloons
+he planned it long before your birthday

+organises a party
+has been working on it for like a month already
+was so busy he forgot to get you a present
+tells you that if you want something he'll get it as your present
+he really did his best and you know it

+almost forgot about it
+quickly organised something with the help of the guys
+it turned out pretty good
+gets you a yummy cake
+acts like he didn't forget so it can be an amazing day

A/N: it's tomorrow my birthday so that's why I wrote this, I also had pictures ready for each member but they didn't want to upload:(

Update:lmao I forgot Taro and Sungchan but I added them, have a great day/night

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