Word count: 1013
He tells y/n he likes her
—Y/N's POV
"Hey y/n." I look up to face Hendery. "Yeah what's up?" I ask. "We're best friends right?" He asks me. "Yeah. Of course." I tell him. "You like someone?" He asks me. "I don't know. I don't think about it." I tell him. "Oh okay." He smiles. "Why did you ask?" I question. "Just, I wanted to know. You will tell me if you like someone right?" I nod in response. "Sure, you're my best friend, you deserve to know." I tell him.
I continued eating my food. "You're cute." Hendery says. I look at him. "Me?" I point at myself. "Yes you. You're cute when eating, your cheeks look puffy." He giggles. "Well yeah thanks I guess." I say and turn back to my food. I hear Hendery sigh. "What's wrong?" I ask him. "Nothing. Let's just continue eating." He says and we eat in silence. That was weird. I finished my food and placed my plate in the sink. I sit back at the table and watch Hendery finishing his food. "You like the view?" He asks. "Wha- omg stop, you keep on flirting."
"Are you really going to be on your phone all night? I thought you came over for me and not to sit here on your phone." Hendery takes my phone out of my hands. "Hey give that back!" I get up trying to reach for my phone. "Only if we finally do something together, doesn't matter what." He says. "Fine but just give me my phone back." I make grabby hands. He smiles and gives it back. "Really cute." He giggles. "You really keep on flirting and for what even?" I ask. "Oh just. Never mind." He awkwardly chuckles.
"Here play some guitar please. I know you can do that!" He gives me the guitar. "What no, Hendery." I shook my head. "Yes, I heard you play before. I know you can do it." He says. I sigh and start playing. "Ooh I know this song." He says excited and starts singing to it. It was a perfect setting for one of these romantic movies, where they kiss afterwards. But that ain't happening with us. Hendery made sure earlier that we're friend so we can't kiss. And I have to stop simping over this man. He's my friend and nothing more.
"Now happy?" I place the guitar back on its usual spot before I take my phone and sit down on the couch again. "Really? That phone again. It's like your life depends on it." He says. "It's my true lover." I say and jokily make kissy faces to my screen. "I wish I could get that same attention." He pouts. I think about what he said for a few minutes until I realised what he meant with it. "Okay stop it! For real. You keep on flirting while you said we're just friends!" I stand up, he did too and stand really close to me.
"You're the one who agreed that we're just friends, I just asked. And you really don't take a hint, I thought you were the smartest of your class?" I gasp. "How dare you call me stupid!" I throw a pillow at him. "I never said that!" He threw it back at me. "It's what you meant! I hate you so much." I groan and throw the pillow back. "Do you really hate me?" He asks as he just hit me with the pillow. I took another one and hit him continuously.
"I love your stupid ass! But you gotta friend zone us both making it all awkward!" I hit him with every word I say. "Ouch stop hitting me with that pillow when confessing your feelings." He hit me back with every word. "Wait you just confessed to me." He realised and dropped his pillow. I throw mine one last time in his face making him back up and end up on the couch. "You love me?" His eyes widened as he looks at me. "Yes I do you stupid ass." I hear him laugh. "Why are you laughing now?" I questioned.
"Because I love you too and you don't realise all night long yet you're the one calling me stupid." He gets up again and takes a few steps closer. "I love you y/n, I don't wanna be just friends with you." He tells me and leans in closer. I furrowed, what is he doing. I pushed him back. "What was that? What were you trying to do?" I ask him confused. "I tried to kiss you. I thought that was okay to do after we both confessed." He scratches the back of his head. "Omg. Hendery seriously?" He sighs and sits down again.
"I'm sorry. Maybe I am stupid yeah." I sit next to him. "So am I. How can I reject your kiss." He gives me a confused look. "First ask me out before kissing me. But at the same time I should've just let you kiss me." I say. "I'm sorry I didn't know you thought about it that way. But then I guess... y/n will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me. I nod and smile. "Yes of course." He smiles as well and leans in to kiss me. This time I let him and even kissed him back.
"I love you." He whispers. "I love you too." I whisper back to him. We lean in again for another kiss, it felt amazing! "Woah! Oh hell no, I'm not seeing this. Goodbye my pure soul." We break the kiss and look at YangYang. "Shut up!" Hendery throws a pillow at him. "Wait are you 2 dating?" Xiaojun asks surprised. "Yes we are." Hendery holds my hand. "Omg, Kun! You're cousin is dating Hendery!" We sigh. "What? No really? Y/n, why didn't you tell me?" He asks. "Kun, me and Hendery are dating. There you go, I told you." I smile. "Whatever, just be careful with whatever you do."
A/N: did I actually wish everyone a happy new year? I really don't remember doing that. I'm like 10 days late but happy new year

NCT imagines & reactions
FanfictionNCT OT23 {requests: closed} Taeil Johnny Taeyong Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Shotaro Sungchan Chenle Jisung