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Word count: 1005
He noticed y/n's pain


It was the middle of the night as I got to the river and sat down on the bench, waiting for Sungchan. Not much later he arrived and sat next to me. "Hey weirdo." He says. "Hey." I smile. "So why did you wanna meet?" I ask him. "Oh uh just, I was bored." He answers. "Really? At 1 in the morning?" I ask him. "It's not like you'd be sleeping now. Don't tell me that's not true." I just sigh, knowing it's true. "By the way you look like a mess."

"Tell me something I don't know." I laugh. "No but like more than usual." He says. "Again, tell me something I don't know." I laugh more. Sungchan was not as talkative as usual. "Is something wrong?" I ask him concerned. "No why?" He asks. "You're quiet." I say. "It's nothing much. Just... y/n tell me your secret." He says. "What secret? That I like someone, who told you omg no what secret?" I awkwardly chuckle. He shrugs it off. "No the other. How do you do it." He asks me. "Do what? You gotta be more specific Sungchan."

"How do you keep smiling and laughing like that all the time when you're not doing okay." I look away from him. "I don't do that, I'm doing great." I say. "Don't lie to me, I know you're not okay. Stop pretending it." He says. "I'm not pretending Sungchan, I don't know where you got the idea from." I say. "Shut it, I've heard you cry in the bathroom before. I've seen your scars, I see how you pretend to be happy and it's crazy how everyone believes it." I look at my hands, my smile had faded.

"It breaks me to see you like that you know. I can't handle it, knowing you're not doing fine and just smiling all the time. You know every morning I'm scared I get a call from your parents to say that you're gone, that you committed suicide. I don't want to lose my best friend." I turn to him with my eyes filled with tears. He looks at me and gives me a soft smile. "I care about you y/n, a lot actually. I also really like you and I wanted to ask you out for so long but I didn't know how."

I blinked making a few tears roll down. "I'm sorry I exposed you like this. I'm just worried." He cups my face and wipes my tears with his thumbs. "I'm sorry for making you worried, you shouldn't be thinking so much about me in a way of concern. I'm so sorry Sungchan." I cried more. "Please don't cry, I'll cry with you." He says holding back the tears. "Sorry." I mumble. "Stop saying sorry." He tells me. "Sorry." He looks up at the air to somehow prevent me of seeing his tears that rolled down.

"You did it again." He chuckles through the big tears. "I know I'm so-" He shushed me. "Don't." He shook his head. "O-okay." I nod and stopped talking. "Y/n do you actually like me too? It's okay if you don't, all I wanted is to just tell you that." He says. "No no, I do like you Sungchan. I really do." I smiled. "Is that a real smile?" He questions and I nod in response. "I'm glad to see that." He hugs me. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks holding my hands. "What you want me to say? I think you know the answer."

"So that's a yes?" He raised a brow in curiosity. "Of course it's a yes don't act dumb." I playfully hit his arm. "Ouch that hurt." He clutched his heart and acts dramatically. "By the way, I wanna help you and be there for you. Not as a friend but as a boyfriend from now on." He smiles at me. "Thank you but you're my boyfriend not a psychiatrist." I say. "I know, that's why we're gonna do a lot of fun couple things so I can make you smile more, a real smile."

"Sounds amazing. My boyfriend for a few minutes and already the best boyfriend ever." I chuckle. "Don't overreact, I'm just like other guys." He says. "Then I hope you don't drop me in a month for a whore." I mumbled. "Okay I'm not that type of guy. I'm the loyal one who loves his girlfriend and only his girlfriend." He smiles sweetly. I noticed him leaning forward, I panicked and backed away. "Too soon? I'm sorry." I furrow. "No I just didn't know what you were gonna do." I tell him. "Should I ask first. So stupid of me. Y/n can I kiss you?"

I slowly nod. I looked at his soft lips as he leans closer. He had his eyes closed and as soon as our lips came in contact I closed my eyes as well. It was perfect, I felt a spark. It was soft and I felt loved for the first time in so long. I can't even remember the last time I actually felt loved. We pull away from the kiss. "W-was that o-ok-ay?" He stutters. "More than okay." I smile. We hold hands and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"I don't want to go home." I say. "Why? You don't gotta answer that. Come with me, we don't have to sleep in the same bed if you're not comfortable yet but just come to my house. My parents will be fine with it." He says. "Are you sure?" He nods. "Okay." We get up and start walking when still holding hands. "Don't you need to let your parents know?" He asks me. "Dad's out and mom's already asleep and we live like 2 streets away from each other. It's really okay." I tell him and we continued the walk to his place.

A/N: I'm just saying goodnight to everyone~

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