Word count: 1003
Father-daughter au
Requested, hope you like it💕
It was an early morning when my bedroom door opens, mom and dad walking in with a cupcake. "Happy birthday, to you~" dad sang in a very extra way. "We couldn't find any candles except for this one." Mom shows a candle on batteries, I laugh and blow it out, mom just turning off the light. "Thank you!" I hug them. "We're going to have the best day ever! My baby doesn't turn 18 every year." Dad cheers. "Taeyong honey, she's no baby. You see that she doesn't like it anymore." Mom tells him.
"But she's my little girl!" He whines. "No she's 18!" Mom sighs. "Can you do this in another room? It's still early." I groan. "Oh 18 and suddenly the mornings are too early? She's growing too fast." I playfully roll my eyes at dad's behaviour. I put the cupcake on my bedside table and sleep for a few more minutes, that was until I heard loud music from downstairs. Dad's singing along like a crazy man. I guess that was all the sleep for today. I get up to get ready.
Sitting in front of my mirror doing my makeup I saw the reflection of the cupcake, I take it and take a few bites. It's so delicious! I finished my makeup and walk downstairs all ready for the day. "There's the birthday girl! Here, put this on." He placed a paper crown on my head. "He saw a video about that crown and worked hours to get it perfect." Mom giggles. "Get together we'll take a picture." I got sandwiched between mom and dad as the timer goes off for the photo. "Cheese!" I smile. "Okay now sit down and have breakfast."
"Oh but dad..." I started. "No buts, eat up you'll need a lot of energy because I planned a whole day with you to celebrate!" He smiles. "But I actually..." He cuts me off once again. "No no, I don't want to hear it. Now eat because in 20 minutes we'll leave the house." He says checking his watch. "Dad! Listen for once please." Everyone got quiet. "I had plans with friends, I'm going out to with f/n and 2/f/n." I say. His smile faded. "Oh are you sure?" He asks. "Yes. But thanks anyway, bye!"
Taeyong POVY/n had left the house. "Can you believe it? She just left. I had a whole planning." I disappointedly sigh. "She's 18, she wants to celebrate with friends. You also wanted to celebrate your 18th with friends instead of your family right." I shrug. "But she's my girl, before you know she'll leave the house, get a boyfriend and marry and after that have kids. I wanted this to be a special day." I pout. "Aww Yongie don't be so upset, we'll probably get to celebrate more birthdays with her." She hugs me.
"But remember when she was born? A little girl. Always smiling and having fun, as a kid going on adventures at the playground. I want that back." I say. "Don't start crying, you're so emotional." My wife says. "But don't you miss these times?" I ask. "Of course I do, but you'll have to let go." She tells me. "Not yet, I can't do that. It's like yesterday she was a baby and now grown up. Let's go upstairs." I get up. "To do what?" She asks. "Go through the boxes worth old pictures and memories, y/n might be out but I'm going to celebrate her birthday anyway."
The front door opens. "You're back early." Y/n walks closer and hugs both me and her mother. "I'm sorry, I know you wanted to celebrate together and I just left you. I'm really sorry dad. Is it still too late to do something?" She asks. I look surprised at my wife who was smiling at me. "What time is it? 6pm, we have still so much to do! Let's go." I say happily taking my car keys. "Where are we going?" Y/n asks. "We're getting McDonalds get a nice spot and eat it all while watching the sunset."
"Dad that's so cute!" She smiles. "That's not everything, we'll go get dessert at a nice restaurant and afterwards we'll go home and watch a movie and finish it off with a small dance party, maybe I can still call your uncles to come." I see her smile widened. "You're the best dad ever!" I feel myself getting emotional again. "And you're the best daughter someone can wish. But why did you come back home?" I asked her.
"I was feeling guilty for leaving you. It didn't feel right to be out with my friends all day. A birthday is something to celebrate with family." Y/n explains. "Bubs you're truly the most precious thing I have. Don't tell mom that." We both laugh. "Don't worry. By the way, I got something for you." Y/n says. "For me? But it's your birthday, not mine." I say confused. "Actually it's also a celebration for you and for mom because you're 18 years a parent now. Here." She gave me a necklace with a heart shaped lock. "Open it." She tells me. I did and saw a family picture from when she was born. "Are you crying?"
"N-no... you are." I sniffled. "Dad don't, you'll make me cry." I softly chuckle. "I also got mom one, and 1 for myself." She tells me. "It's really beautiful. And I also got you your present. It's somewhere here." I was feeling inside my pockets. "Damn I must've forgotten it at home." I groan. "It's okay." I shook my head. "No it's not. I got you grandma's ring. I really wanted to give it to you." I sigh. "It's okay, you can give it when we get back home. Thank you anyway!" She hugs me. "No problem my little girl!"
A/N: I hope everyone's having a good day or night, wherever you are!

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FanfictionNCT OT23 {requests: closed} Taeil Johnny Taeyong Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Shotaro Sungchan Chenle Jisung