Word count: 1052
Becoming friends and more at college
—Y/N's POV
I was looking for a study coarse at a university not too far from home. It's nice here and I hope I can find something I like to do and want to continue doing in the future. I look at the different booths with different choices. "Good afternoon, welcome to our university." Someone says, she looks like she's a student here. "Hi." I smile shyly. I feel so small here. She starts explaining everything about the psychology study. It sounded really interesting. I decided to first take a look at the other booths before making my choice.
After a while I decided to go back. I got some brochures of 2 other study choices. I stood in front of the psychology booth. I grab a brochure but just at the same time someone else grabbed it, making our hands touch. "Oh I'm sorry, you can take it." A guy with an extremely cute face and an extremely deep voice said. He looks perfect! I realised I was staring, I quickly grab the brochure and a schedule chart before leaving quickly. I don't know who he is but he's fantastic.
I was sitting with many other students. It's the first day at college, I'm glad I chose psychology. "Now the students of psychology may follow their home room teacher. Mr Kang." I look at the man putting his hand in the air. I follow just like many others. "Hello." I turn to see a familiar guy. "Nice to see you again." He smiles. "It's you." I smile happily to see him. "I'm Sicheng, call me WinWin." He gives me his hand to shake. "I'm y/n nice to meet you again." We follow the other students behind.
"So you still chose psychology?" He chuckles. "Yeah, I'm happy I did." I say. "Can we be friends?" He asks me. "Yes, that'd be nice." I smile. "Do you live near?" He asks me. "I share a dorm with my friend, 10 minutes from the campus." I tell him. "Is she also a psychology major?" I shook my head. "Photographic design. Or something like that, something with a lot of cameras and computer editing. I really have no idea, I'm not so good with these things." I laugh. "That's why we don't use that." He says. "Correct."
"Yo Sicheng." I run up to him. "It's almost the end of the year and you still say Sicheng instead of WinWin." He groans annoyed. "But everyone says WinWin so it's not special anymore. I rather say Sicheng." I giggle. "Whatever, what's up shy baby?" He asks. "How many times do I have to say not to call me that?" I pout. "Then call me WinWin." I shook my head. "I refuse." I cross my arms. "Then I refuse to call you by any other name." He mocks. "Of course anyway, can we study together later? I need help with something." I ask him.
"Sure. Why'd you even ask, we always study together." He says with a chuckle. "That's right but I was just making sure. Maybe you got something else planned." He shook his head. "What should I be doing now? Nothing special so yeah I got time." He tells me. "Thanks. See you after classes at the library." I say before leaving. "Wait where are you going? Are you skipping class?" He asks. "I maybe might've had a private class yesterday after school." I awkwardly smile. "What, how?" He asks. "I asked for help with mr Kang but he pretty much taught me too much and I've seen this whole lecture already. I'm not seeing this again." He playfully rolls his eyes.
"Here you are. Did you mean with library, the total back of everything where no one comes?" Sicheng says as he sits next to me. "Sorry, I rather sit here. No one around and a peaceful place." I smile. "You're really being weird you know." He squints his eyes. "Me? What no." I say. "Y/n... I know something's off. Tell me." He says. "I don't want to study. I just needed an excuse." I tell him. "An excuse for what?"
"Sicheng. I like you a lot. I have for a while. Just every time you laugh or smile it makes me feel cheerful. And our moments together I can't just forget. You make butterflies fly around in my stomach, even more, the whole zoo!" I confess to WinWin. "Y/n. I'm so happy to hear that." He smiles. "I like you too. And your confession is so cute, you're just the sweetest and I've never had so much fun with someone. I have to ask you. Would you like to go on a date some time?" He asks me out.
"I'd love to!" I hug him. "Shhh!" Someone shushed us. "I thought no one came here." WinWin whispers. "That's what I thought too." We laugh but not too loud. "Since you don't really need help with something, shall we leave this place and go somewhere we actually can be loud?" I chuckle and nod in response. "Come." He takes his back and puts his hand out. I look at it confused. "Too why to hold my hand? Shy baby." He jokes. I playfully roll my eyes. I take his hand and we walk out of the library.
"Hey y/n... oh, oh am I seeing this right? Y/n and WinWin holding hands, new campus couple?" My friend says. "We're just dating it's not official yet." I tell her. "You want it to be official?" Sicheng asks me. "What?" My eyes widened as I turn to him. "You want this, us, to be real?" He asks. "M-maybe?" My friend pushed my shoulder, not too harsh. "Don't be shy just say yes. By the way she doesn't stop talking about you at the dorm." Sicheng makes an o-shape with his mouth. "So y/n, what do you say?" He asks again. "Yes Sicheng." We smile. "Now I give you 5 seconds the time to run because you exposed my simping ass." I tell my friend. "Gotta go, see you WinWin!" She waves as she ran away. "Hey don't leave me now. Come here!" He pulls me back and hugs me.
A/N: ✨grammar✨ and an ✨amazing dictionary✨ I don't know them... I feel like the words I used are so poor compared to my other imagines, anyway let me simp over Sicheng's deep voice

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FanfictionNCT OT23 {requests: closed} Taeil Johnny Taeyong Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Shotaro Sungchan Chenle Jisung