
968 10 4

Word count: 1095
Fairy au


I went for a walk in the forest with my best friend. We were walking for a while now and we decided to sit down and take a break. A fallen three made the perfect bench for us. I take my water bottle and drink from it. "What time is it?" I asked. She took her phone and looked at the time. "Almost 4pm." She tells me. "You got a curfew maybe?" I roll my eyes and shook my head. "No not really. As long as I'm on time for dinner." I say.

"Oh I still got some candy, here." She shared with me. I was eating the sour candy as I suddenly saw something strange. It was a boy with wings that almost lit up. I blinked a few times, is it real or is it just the sugar rush? "F/n do you see that too?" I ask pointing at the boy. "See what? I only see trees. Are you okay, hallucinating?" She asks. "M-maybe... I really shouldn't eat so much sugar in one day." Remembering I ate tons of candy earlier.

The boy looked my way and gasps, he noticed us and runs away back into the forest. Wait so I saw him and he saw me... maybe he is real. But why didn't f/n see it? "Let's go back shall we." We get up and made our way back to the car. I still couldn't forget about the fairy like boy. Am I really going crazy? I sit in the passenger seat and sigh as I look out of the window. I saw the boy between the bushes looking at me in confusion. I waved to see his reaction. His eyes widened and he disappeared behind the bushes and trees once again.

I was too curious about the boy. I couldn't sleep of it. I have to go back. As soon as everyone was asleep I take on my shoes and sneak out of the house. I go back to the forest to expect nothing much but just some trees and some night animals. But instead of that I found way more. I saw a bright light and I followed it. I ended up behind a bush as I was watching many fairies together living their lives. So did I also found the boy from earlier.

It was all so beautiful and magical. Never thought I to be seeing fairies in real life at midnight! Suddenly I feel something tug at my shirt, I look next to me and see a kid with wings. Probably also a fairy. "Come dance, it's a party!" She takes my hand and pulls me out of the bushes. I was nervous what will happen if they see me? She starts dancing and I followed her movements. It was like a real party but with fairies in the forest. "AAAH HUMAN! Daisy get away from that!" A woman screams, the music stopped and everyone looks at me.

Soldiers came with bow and arrows pointed at me. "Daisy come here. Now!" The woman, which I assume is the mother yells. "But she's my friend." My heart melted she's so sweet and cute. "It's a human, remember what you learned? Humans are dangerous." The mom says. "But she's not." The little girl defends. "Just go get the monster already!" The soldiers were about to catch me until the boy from earlier jumps in front. "Wait! She's special. She can see us, other humans can't. It must mean something. Please don't lock her up." He begs.

"He's right our majesty." The soldier tells the woman. "Majesty." I mumbled realising she's the queen. "Then why can she see us huh? It doesn't make her less dangerous." She says. "Maybe... do you remember the lost fairy? Maybe it's her." The boy says. "It's a myth that's not real." She shook her head. "Mommy maybe it is real." The kid says, still holding my hand. "I don't get it. Am I a fairy?" I asked confused. "There's a big chance, else you wouldn't be able to see us." He tells me. "I'm Shotaro by the way." I smile at him.

"Y/n. But you really gotta explain something about all of this." I tell him. "I will. Don't worry." He smiles cutely. "So what do you say our majesty?" Another soldier asks. "Get her out of the forest. There's no such thing as a lost fairy. She doesn't even have wings." The majesty says brutally. "You know good enough where these wings are! Just accept the reality!" Shotaro says. Everyone gasps at him because he talked like that to their queen. "Bring her to the palace, I'll be there soon. Oh and take him too." The queen commands.

"So?" I spoke up as everyone in the palace was quiet. "Shh, she's getting your wings." Shotaro giggles. "What why? No!" I shook my head. "But you're a fairy like me and everyone else here." He says. "Does that mean I can't go back to my family? Or see my friends again? Because then I rather be like this." I tell him. "But what about this all, everyone here?" He asks. "I can maybe visit? But I can't live here and spend my life like this." I say. "So you don't want to be one of us? Then I request you to leave now and never come back again."

"But majesty, she's one of us. Why can't she come back?" Shotaro asks. "No let it be, I'll go. Goodbye." I wave and made my way out. "No! I'm going with you! Remove my wings, take away my powers I don't care I just need to be with her!" My eyes widened. Why'd he want to do that... for me? "Y/n we belong together. How I know? Because we were so close before you got lost, we were meant to be! I can't let you go!" He shook his head.

"Let me come with you, please." He looks at me with pleading eyes then at the queen. "I believe you. But are you sure?" I ask. "100%!" He exclaims. "Let's get you ready then." The queen says. "Thank you so much your majesty!" He bows. "Yeah yeah, but you know the rules." He nods in response. "There's no way back, yeah I know. Just hurry." He smiles excitedly. "We can be together again and no one who can part us anymore." He holds my hand and kisses it. "I'll be good for you."

A/N: I finally got this finished! I hope it's a little okay, have a nice day everyone!

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