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Jungwoo🐶 Word count: 1088 Y/n runs to Jungwoo for help !¡Angst, drugs, death!¡ —
I knock on his door multiple times. I wipe my tears as I hear the door unlock. "Y/n." Jungwoo says my name. "Why are your eyes so red and puffy, did you cry?" He asks engulfing me into a hug. "I need your help." I sob into his arms. "What happened?" He asks as he closed the door and walks me to the couch. "I hate myself." I cry. "Why? No don't say that, you shouldn't hate yourself." He tells me. "But I- I had some horrible thoughts."
"What do you mean?" He asks concerned. "I almost got myself smoking." I mumbled. "Smoking is not that bad... I mean it's not good for your health but it's not a crime or anything." He tells me. "Not just cigarettes..." I look down at my hands in embarrassment. I hate myself for this so much. "Do you mean dru- omg y/n come here." He squeezes me into a hug. "How come?" He asks me. "I have no idea... I just thought about it. I'm so sorry." I mumble. "Don't be sorry." He tells me.
"But why? It's so bad, I can't do this." I say. disappointed in myself. "But you didn't do it so that's good right." He smiles. "How can you still smile? I didn't do it but the thought just kills me already. Can you imagine if I did it and became an addict? I can't ever forgive myself!" Jungwoo wipes my tears with his sleeves. "Don't cry and don't be mad at yourself. You've been through a lot the past year. Sometimes your thoughts wander off and you come up to these thoughts. But remember, it's just a thought." He looks me in the eyes.
"I'm scared that I might still do that." I sniffled. "I know you y/n, you won't do that. That's not like you." He tells me holding my face softly in his hands. "That's the point it's nothing like me, then why did I thought about it? What if I end up like my dad?" He shook his head. "No y/n, no you won't end up like him. You're different, way better than that man." He tells me. "I'll make sure you won't, I'm here for you." He kisses my head. I stare at him, did he just kiss my head?
"I'm sorry." He blushes and looks away. "But know that if anything anything happens I'm here to help you. If you fall, I won't fall with you. No, I'll catch you and help you up. Giving you the good mood again to continue." He smiles at me. "Thank you Woo." I hug him. "No problem. Are you staying for dinner?" He asks me. "Sure, if it doesn't bother you." I say. "You could never bother me. Oh wait, my soup!" He gets up and runs to the kitchen. "Oh no! How can this happen? I'm so stupid."
"No you're not." I tell him. "I over cooked the soup. Who does that? I'm sure the worst chef ever can even make better soup." He sighs. "Don't be like that." I tell him. "Why?" He asks with a small pout. "Because it's just soup. There's still other food that you can cook." I tell him. Jungwoo giggles. I place y hands in my hips and look at him. "What's so funny?" I ask. "A second ago you were still so depressed and look at you now scolding me like a mom." I playfully roll my eyes.
"If I didn't act like your mom at times, you'd be just as lost as I am." I tell him. "Most likely yeah. Thanks. But that's why it's now my turn to help you and keep you out of the deep." He takes me closer for a hug. "You're really a hugger, aren't you?" I questioned. "And a kisser but that'd be weird. Like earlier, which I'm still sorry for." He tells me. "It was cute." I tell him. "Really?" I nod. "Definitely how you got flustered afterwards. It's like confident Jungwoo disappeared for a second." I chuckle.
"Hey, I'm still confident." He tells me. "Oh yeah?" I ask. "Yes." He nods. "Show me." I say without thinking much. Jungwoo smiles and leans closer to kiss me on the lips. "See, confident." Jungwoo grins. "But enough to do that again?" I raised a brow. "Hell yeah." He kisses me again and chuckles after. "Y/n I really like you, more than friends." He confesses. "I like you too Jungwoo." My arms wrap around his neck as he holds my waist. "What do you say? Be my girlfriend?" He asks. "What if I say no?" I joked. "You don't dare to. You got only one option tho and that's a yes."
"Okay then I think I'll take that option." We both laugh. "Stay tonight. I don't want you to feel sad again if you're alone in your apartment." He says. I wanted to reply but suddenly my phone rings. I take it out of my pocket. "Who is it?" Jungwoo asks. "Unknown caller." I shrug and pick up. "Hello?" I say questionable. "Good evening, do I speak with y/l/n y/n?" A woman asks me. "Yes that's me." I say. Jungwoo gave me confused looks. "I call from the hospital, it's about your father."
I drop my phone. "Y/n what is it?" Jungwoo asks. I didn't answer, I had all different scenarios running through my head. Jungwoo picks up my phone. "Yeah hello, I'm sorry who is this?" He was calling with the woman. "I'm her boyfriend, I'm afraid y/n isn't able to get back to the phone. Can I give her a message?" He asks her. "Oh okay, yes thank you very much. I will, have a good evening." He ends the call and put my phone on the counter.
"Y/n I'm so sorry." He hugs me. "What happened? He is... isn't he?" I ask still in shock. "Hey I'm here for you, you know that." He kisses my forehead. "it's his own fault." I say angrily. "He got himself to it. I hate him so much!" I start crying again. "But deep down you still love him. You still gotta go to the hospital." He tells me as he rubs my back. "Come with me please." I ask him. "Of course, I won't leave your side." He kisses me once more.
~ A/N: this was a heavy chapter oops but I still got a message for all of you...
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I'm sure some can use it, honestly when I saw this I also needed it. Take care! 💚🌱