Word count: 1001
-Y/N's POV
December 24th, and here I am all alone. It's Christmas eve and I got now where to be. My parents decided to go on a holiday without me since it's the first year I moved out of the house. I was just sitting in front of the fireplace in some sweats and a tea in my hands. Suddenly I got a text from Sungchan. I have a big fat crush on this boy and he doesn't know. We do be texting and flirting at times. I keep waiting for him to ask me out.
'Hey y/n, do you have plans today?' Is what he texted me. 'No, I'm all alone for Christmas.' I reply to him. 'Can I maybe come over? We can hang out together.' My heart did a little thing when he texted that, I got suddenly so excited for my Christmas evening. 'Sure thing, come at anytime you want.' Oooh Sungchan's coming over! I get up and start to clean my place a bit, it was one big mess. I cleaned the kitchen and did the dishes. Next thing I took all my dirty clothes and put it in the laundry basket.
I lit some candles for a better smell and turned on the Christmas lights of the tree. I didn't really care how I looked like, Sungchan has seen me on my best and worst already. He doesn't mind if I'm in sweats with a sweater. The doorbell rings, that must be him. I opened the door and smile as I see him standing. "Hi y/n!" He smiles but also shivers. "Come in, you look so cold. Is it snowing?" I ask. He nods in response. He sits in front of the fireplace. "Look I got you something."
He gave me a present. "But I don't have anything for you, this wasn't planned." I say. "Doesn't matter, just open it please." I open the lid of the box. There were many things inside. Matching Christmas pyjama pants and socks, hot chocolate mix, a DVD with a Christmas movie and as last cookie dough to bake cookies together. "Let's have a great evening together." He smiles sweetly at me. "Thank you Sungchan!" I hug him making both of us fall back on the ground. "I'm glad you're happy with the present. Let's change into the pj's and socks." He said.
He went to the bathroom as I went to my bedroom to change. We both walk out on the same time we look at each other and laugh. "You look fantastic!" He laughs. "You got a size too big!" I was drowning in these pants. "Now cookies!" He takes my hand as he drags me to my kitchen. I feel my cheeks heat up as he still hasn't let go of my hand. "Ah sorry." He awkwardly laughs and scratched the back of his neck. "It's okay." I tell him. We started with the cookies as there was Christmas music playing in the background.
"Wait Sungchan no. If you do it like that your cookie will be too thin." I laugh at him making him chuckle. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. Tell me how to do it then." I showed him the right way. "Can you explain it once more? Slowly." I nod and explained it once again. "Yah, if you don't pay attention you won't ever understand!" He starts blushing and looks away. "Okay, I'll do it right this time I promise." We continue with the cookies. Sungchan was loudly singing along. I'm sure he did it on purpose.
"If you can't sing, then don't sing." I tell him jokingly. He looks in shock at me and starts tickling my sides. "What did you say? Come on, I can't hear you." I laugh loudly as he tickles me. "You sing amazing!" I say in between the tickles and laughter. "Ah that's better." He stops tickling me. "You look like a tomato." He tells me. "Who's fault is that huh?" I place my hands on my hips. "Aww are you blushing because of me, I feel so honoured." He laughs loudly. "Will you ever stop joking around?" I questioned.
"Never!" He tells me. Great because I love his jokes. "Time for the cookies to bake." I say and place them in the oven. We continued singing and dancing to the music until the timer goes off. "Oh cookies!" I squealed excitedly and rush back to the kitchen. "I'll get the movie ready." Sungchan said and turns on the tv. I got the cookies on a plate and made us hot chocolate milk. I walk into the living room very carefully to not spill anything. I placed the food and drinks on the coffee table. "Come sit here under the blanket."
Sungchan pats the spot right next to him. The movie started and we drank our hot coco and ate the cookies. I suddenly feel Sungchan getting closer to me. I don't mind though, this might be a sign that he likes me too. He carefully placed his hand around my shoulder, I look at him. "Is this okay?" He asks and I nod. "It's perfect." I smile, he smiles back. I rest my head on his shoulder as we continued watching the movie. The movie came to an end. "That was fun." I say. "Fun? This all was just fun?"
I look questionable at Sungchan. "Yeah, didn't you enjoy it?" I ask him. "I did enjoy it but it wasn't just fun right? Didn't you feel a connection? Between us? Or am I getting the wrong signals?" He blurts out. "Y/n this was more than just a hangout to me. I saw this as a date. I love you!" He says as he cups my face and stares in my eyes. I start smiling like a little kid. "I love you too!" I tell him happily. "Really? Then do you want to be my girlfriend?" I nod in response.
A/N: maybe a little early for a Christmas chapter but I had to! I love this holiday and I'm already so excited!

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